Beispiel #1
 internal void AssertModificationFunctionMappingInvariants(StorageEntityTypeModificationFunctionMapping modificationFunctionMapping)
     Debug.Assert(null != modificationFunctionMapping, "modification function mapping must not be null");
     Debug.Assert(modificationFunctionMapping.EntityType.Equals(this.Set.ElementType) ||
                  Helper.IsSubtypeOf(modificationFunctionMapping.EntityType, this.Set.ElementType),
                  "attempting to add a modification function mapping with the wrong entity type");
     foreach (StorageEntityTypeModificationFunctionMapping existingMapping in m_modificationFunctionMappings)
                      "modification function mapping already exists for this type");
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Requires:
        /// - Function mapping refers to a sub-type of this entity set's element type
        /// - Function mappings for types are not redundantly specified
        /// Adds a new function mapping for this class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="modificationFunctionMapping">Function mapping to add. May not be null.</param>
        internal void AddModificationFunctionMapping(StorageEntityTypeModificationFunctionMapping modificationFunctionMapping)


            // check if any association sets are indirectly mapped within this function mapping
            // through association navigation bindings
            if (null != modificationFunctionMapping.DeleteFunctionMapping)
            if (null != modificationFunctionMapping.InsertFunctionMapping)
            if (null != modificationFunctionMapping.UpdateFunctionMapping)
        /// <summary>
        /// Finds interesting members for modification functions mapped to stored procedures and adds them to the <paramref name="interestingMembers"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="functionMappings">Modification function mapping. Must not be null.</param>
        /// <param name="interestingMembersKind">Update scenario the members will be used in (in general - partial update vs. full update).</param>
        /// <param name="interestingMembers"></param>
        private static void FindInterestingFunctionMappingMembers(StorageEntityTypeModificationFunctionMapping functionMappings, InterestingMembersKind interestingMembersKind, ref List <EdmMember> interestingMembers)
            Debug.Assert(functionMappings != null && functionMappings.UpdateFunctionMapping != null, "Expected function mapping fragment with non-null update function mapping");
            Debug.Assert(interestingMembers != null, "interestingMembers != null");

            // for partial update scenarios (e.g. EntityDataSourceControl) all members are interesting otherwise the data may be corrupt.
            // See bugs #272992 and #124460 in DevDiv database for more details. For full update scenarios and the obsolete
            // MetadataWorkspace.GetRequiredOriginalValueMembers() metod we return only members with Version set to "Original".
            if (interestingMembersKind == InterestingMembersKind.PartialUpdate)
                // (5) Members included in Update ModificationFunction
                interestingMembers.AddRange(functionMappings.UpdateFunctionMapping.ParameterBindings.Select(p => p.MemberPath.Members.Last()));
                //(4) Members in update ModificationFunction with Version="Original" are "interesting"
                // This also works when you have complex-types (4.1)

                    interestingMembersKind == InterestingMembersKind.FullUpdate || interestingMembersKind == InterestingMembersKind.RequiredOriginalValueMembers,
                    "Unexpected kind of interesting members - if you changed the InterestingMembersKind enum type update this code accordingly");

                foreach (var parameterBinding in functionMappings.UpdateFunctionMapping.ParameterBindings.Where(p => !p.IsCurrent))
                    //Last is the root element (with respect to the Entity)
                    //For example,  Entity1={
                    //                  S1,
                    //                  C1{S2,
                    //                     C2{ S3, S4 }
                    //                     },
                    //                  S5}
                    // if S4 matches (i.e. C1.C2.S4), then it returns C1
                    //because internally the list is [S4][C2][C1]
 internal void AssertModificationFunctionMappingInvariants(StorageEntityTypeModificationFunctionMapping modificationFunctionMapping) {
     Debug.Assert(null != modificationFunctionMapping, "modification function mapping must not be null");
     Debug.Assert(modificationFunctionMapping.EntityType.Equals(this.Set.ElementType) ||
         Helper.IsSubtypeOf(modificationFunctionMapping.EntityType, this.Set.ElementType),
         "attempting to add a modification function mapping with the wrong entity type");
     foreach (StorageEntityTypeModificationFunctionMapping existingMapping in m_modificationFunctionMappings) {
             "modification function mapping already exists for this type");
        /// <summary>
        /// Requires:
        /// - Function mapping refers to a sub-type of this entity set's element type
        /// - Function mappings for types are not redundantly specified
        /// Adds a new function mapping for this class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="modificationFunctionMapping">Function mapping to add. May not be null.</param>
        internal void AddModificationFunctionMapping(StorageEntityTypeModificationFunctionMapping modificationFunctionMapping) {


            // check if any association sets are indirectly mapped within this function mapping
            // through association navigation bindings
            if (null != modificationFunctionMapping.DeleteFunctionMapping)
            if (null != modificationFunctionMapping.InsertFunctionMapping)
            if (null != modificationFunctionMapping.UpdateFunctionMapping)
        /// <summary>
        /// Finds interesting members for modification functions mapped to stored procedures and adds them to the <paramref name="interestingMembers"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="functionMappings">Modification function mapping. Must not be null.</param>
        /// <param name="interestingMembersKind">Update scenario the members will be used in (in general - partial update vs. full update).</param>
        /// <param name="interestingMembers"></param>
        private static void FindInterestingFunctionMappingMembers(StorageEntityTypeModificationFunctionMapping functionMappings, InterestingMembersKind interestingMembersKind, ref List<EdmMember> interestingMembers)
            Debug.Assert(functionMappings != null && functionMappings.UpdateFunctionMapping != null, "Expected function mapping fragment with non-null update function mapping");
            Debug.Assert(interestingMembers != null, "interestingMembers != null");

            // for partial update scenarios (e.g. EntityDataSourceControl) all members are interesting otherwise the data may be corrupt. 
            // See bugs #272992 and #124460 in DevDiv database for more details. For full update scenarios and the obsolete 
            // MetadataWorkspace.GetRequiredOriginalValueMembers() metod we return only members with Version set to "Original".
            if (interestingMembersKind == InterestingMembersKind.PartialUpdate)
                // (5) Members included in Update ModificationFunction
                interestingMembers.AddRange(functionMappings.UpdateFunctionMapping.ParameterBindings.Select(p => p.MemberPath.Members.Last()));
                //(4) Members in update ModificationFunction with Version="Original" are "interesting"
                // This also works when you have complex-types (4.1)

                    interestingMembersKind == InterestingMembersKind.FullUpdate || interestingMembersKind == InterestingMembersKind.RequiredOriginalValueMembers,
                    "Unexpected kind of interesting members - if you changed the InterestingMembersKind enum type update this code accordingly");

                foreach (var parameterBinding in functionMappings.UpdateFunctionMapping.ParameterBindings.Where(p => !p.IsCurrent))
                    //Last is the root element (with respect to the Entity)
                    //For example,  Entity1={
                    //                  S1, 
                    //                  C1{S2, 
                    //                     C2{ S3, S4 } 
                    //                     }, 
                    //                  S5}
                    // if S4 matches (i.e. C1.C2.S4), then it returns C1
                    //because internally the list is [S4][C2][C1]