internal SqlBinary Binary(SqlNodeType nodeType, SqlExpression left, SqlExpression right, MethodInfo method, Type clrType)
            ProviderType sqlType = null;

            if (nodeType.IsPredicateBinaryOperator())
                if (clrType == null)
                    clrType = typeof(bool);
                sqlType = typeProvider.From(clrType);
                ProviderType resultType = this.typeProvider.PredictTypeForBinary(nodeType, left.SqlType, right.SqlType);
                if (resultType == right.SqlType)
                    if (clrType == null)
                        clrType = right.ClrType;
                    sqlType = right.SqlType;
                else if (resultType == left.SqlType)
                    if (clrType == null)
                        clrType = left.ClrType;
                    sqlType = left.SqlType;
                    sqlType = resultType;
                    if (clrType == null)
                        clrType = resultType.GetClosestRuntimeType();
            return(new SqlBinary(nodeType, clrType, sqlType, left, right, method));
        internal SqlUnary Unary(SqlNodeType nodeType, SqlExpression expression, MethodInfo method, Expression sourceExpression)
            Type         clrType = null;
            ProviderType sqlType = null;

            if (nodeType == SqlNodeType.Count)
                clrType = typeof(int);
                sqlType = typeProvider.From(typeof(int));
            else if (nodeType == SqlNodeType.LongCount)
                clrType = typeof(long);
                sqlType = typeProvider.From(typeof(long));
            else if (nodeType == SqlNodeType.ClrLength)
                clrType = typeof(int);
                sqlType = typeProvider.From(typeof(int));
                if (nodeType.IsPredicateUnaryOperator())
                    // DevDiv 201730 - Do not ignore nullability of bool type
                    clrType = expression.ClrType.Equals(typeof(bool?)) ? typeof(bool?) : typeof(bool);
                    clrType = expression.ClrType;
                sqlType = typeProvider.PredictTypeForUnary(nodeType, expression.SqlType);

            return(new SqlUnary(nodeType, clrType, sqlType, expression, method, sourceExpression));
 internal SqlFunctionCall FunctionCall(Type clrType, ProviderType sqlType, string name, IEnumerable <SqlExpression> args, Expression source)
     return(new SqlFunctionCall(clrType, sqlType, name, args, source));
 internal SqlUnary UnaryConvert(Type targetClrType, ProviderType targetSqlType, SqlExpression expression, Expression sourceExpression)
     System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(!targetSqlType.IsRuntimeOnlyType, "Attempted coversion to a runtime type: from = " + expression.SqlType.ToQueryString() + "; to = " + targetSqlType.ToQueryString() + "; source = " + sourceExpression.ToString());
     return(new SqlUnary(SqlNodeType.Convert, targetClrType, targetSqlType, expression, null, sourceExpression));
 internal abstract void InitializeParameter(ProviderType type, System.Data.Common.DbParameter parameter, object value);
 internal SqlExpression ConvertTo(Type clrType, ProviderType sqlType, SqlExpression expr)
     return(UnaryConvert(clrType, sqlType, expr, expr.SourceExpression));
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns a type that can be used to hold values for both the current
 /// type and the specified type without data loss.
 /// </summary>
 internal abstract ProviderType GetBestType(ProviderType typeA, ProviderType typeB);
 /// <summary>
 /// Get a type that can hold the same information but belongs to a different type family.
 /// For example, to represent a SQL NChar as an integer type, we need to use the type int.
 /// (SQL smallint would not be able to contain characters with unicode >32768)
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="type">Type of the target type family</param>
 /// <returns>Smallest type of target type family that can hold equivalent information</returns>
 internal abstract ProviderType ChangeTypeFamilyTo(ProviderType type, ProviderType typeWithFamily);
 /// <summary>
 /// For LOB data types that have large type equivalents, this function returns the equivalent large
 /// data type.  If the type is not an LOB or cannot be converted, the function returns the current type.
 /// For example SqlServer defines the 'Image' LOB type, whose large type equivalent is VarBinary(MAX).
 /// </summary>
 internal abstract ProviderType GetBestLargeType(ProviderType type);
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns the most precise type in the family of the type given.
 /// A family is a group types that serve similar functions. For example,
 /// in SQL SmallInt and Int are part of one family.
 /// </summary>
 internal abstract ProviderType MostPreciseTypeInFamily(ProviderType type);
 internal abstract ProviderType PredictTypeForBinary(SqlNodeType binaryOp, ProviderType leftType, ProviderType rightType);
 internal abstract ProviderType PredictTypeForUnary(SqlNodeType unaryOp, ProviderType operandType);
Beispiel #13
 /// <summary>
 /// Compare implicit type coercion precedence.
 /// -1 means there is an implicit conversion from this->type.
 /// 0 means there is a two way implicit conversion from this->type
 /// 1 means there is an implicit conversion from type->this.
 /// </summary>
 internal abstract int ComparePrecedenceTo(ProviderType type);