Beispiel #1
		/// <summary>
		/// This method is called by the ReversalEntriesText virtual handler when text may have changed in the
		/// property, in order to update the actual list of reversal entries appropriately.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="tssVal">The new string.</param>
		/// <param name="ws">The ws.</param>
		public void CommitReversalEntriesText(ITsString tssVal, int ws)
			LexSenseReversalEntriesTextHandler vh = BaseVirtualHandler.GetInstalledHandler(m_cache,
				"LexSense", LexSenseReversalEntriesTextHandler.StandardFieldName) as LexSenseReversalEntriesTextHandler;
			Debug.Assert(vh != null, "The 'LexSenseReversalEntriesTextHandler' virtual handler has to be created at application startup now.");

			ITsString tssOld = vh.GetValue(m_hvo, ws);
			// The old and new values could be in another order, and this test won't catch that case.
			// That condition won't be fatal, however, so don't fret about it.
			if (tssOld.Equals(tssVal))
				return; // no change has occurred

			string val = tssVal.Text;
			if (val == null)
				val = ""; // This will effectively cause any extant entries for the given 'ws' to be removed in the end.

			StringCollection formsColl = new StringCollection();
			foreach (string form in val.Split(';'))
				// These strings will be null, if there are two semi-colons together.
				// Or, it may be just whitespace, if it is '; ;'.
				if (form == null || form.Trim().Length == 0)
			int[] senseEntries = ReversalEntriesRC.HvoArray;
			int originalSenseEntriesCount = senseEntries.Length;
			int indexId;
			DbOps.ReadOneIntFromCommand(m_cache, "SELECT id FROM ReversalIndex WHERE WritingSystem=?", ws, out indexId);
			ReversalIndex revIndex;
			if (indexId == 0)
				// Create the missing reversal index instead of crashing.  See LT-10186.
				ILgWritingSystem lgws = LgWritingSystem.CreateFromDBObject(m_cache, ws);
				IReversalIndex newIdx = m_cache.LangProject.LexDbOA.ReversalIndexesOC.Add(new ReversalIndex());
				newIdx.WritingSystemRA = lgws;
				// Copy any and all alternatives from lgws.Name to newIdx.Name
				foreach (ILgWritingSystem lgwsLoop in m_cache.LanguageEncodings)
					string lgsNameAlt = lgws.Name.GetAlternative(lgwsLoop.Hvo);
					if (lgsNameAlt != null && lgsNameAlt.Length > 0)
						newIdx.Name.SetAlternative(lgsNameAlt, lgws.Hvo);
				revIndex = (ReversalIndex)newIdx;
				revIndex = (ReversalIndex)CmObject.CreateFromDBObject(m_cache, indexId, false);

			// We need the list of ReversalIndexEntries that this sense references, but which belong
			// to another reversal index. Those hvos, plus any entry hvos from the given 'ws' that are reused,
			// get put into 'survivingEntries'.
			Set<int> survivingEntries = new Set<int>(originalSenseEntriesCount + formsColl.Count);
			// 'entriesNeedingPropChangeBackRef' will hold the hvos of all ReversalIndexEntry objects that need to have
			// their 'ReferringSenses' virtual property (re)computed.
			// Any reversal index entry that gains or loses a reference will need this (re)computing.
			List<int> entriesNeedingPropChangeBackRef = new List<int>(originalSenseEntriesCount + formsColl.Count);
			foreach (int entryHvo in senseEntries)
				// Use 'cheapo' FDO object maker, since it is supposed to all be in the cache already.
				ReversalIndexEntry rie = (ReversalIndexEntry)CmObject.CreateFromDBObject(m_cache, entryHvo, false);
				int wsIndex = 0;
				int hvoIndex = m_cache.GetOwnerOfObjectOfClass(rie.Hvo, ReversalIndex.kclsidReversalIndex);
				if (hvoIndex != 0)
					wsIndex = m_cache.GetIntProperty(hvoIndex, (int)ReversalIndex.ReversalIndexTags.kflidWritingSystem);
				if (wsIndex == ws)
					string form = rie.LongName;
					if (formsColl.Contains(form))
						// Recycling an entry.
						formsColl.Remove(form); // Don't need to mess with it later on.
						// It is being removed from the extant reference property,
						// so needs to recompute its back ref virtual handler.
					// These are all in some other ws, so they certainly must survive (cf. LT-3391).
					// Any entries that are reused will get added to this array later on.

			// Start Undoable section of code.
			m_cache.BeginUndoTask(Strings.ksUndoMakeRevEntries, Strings.ksRedoMakeRevEntries);
			ISilDataAccess sda = m_cache.MainCacheAccessor;
			IActionHandler acth = sda.GetActionHandler();
				// add undo actions to reload the virtual handler and send prop changes to update displays
				if (acth != null)
					List<PropChangedInfo> pciList = new List<PropChangedInfo>();
					pciList.Add(new PropChangedInfo(m_hvo, vh.Tag, ws, 0, 0));
					acth.AddAction(new PropChangedUndoAction(m_cache, true, PropChangeType.kpctNotifyAll, pciList));
					acth.AddAction(new ReloadVirtualHandlerUndoAction(m_cache, true, vh, m_hvo, vh.Tag, ws));

				int cOldEntries = revIndex.EntriesOC.Count;
				foreach (string currentForm in formsColl)
					int idRevEntry = revIndex.FindOrCreateReversalEntry(currentForm);

				// Notify everyone, and his brother, about the changes done here.
				// PropChanged (1 of 3) Main: Replace main sense property with current set of entries.
				sda.Replace(m_hvo, (int)LexSense.LexSenseTags.kflidReversalEntries, 0, originalSenseEntriesCount,
					survivingEntries.ToArray(), survivingEntries.Count);
				sda.PropChanged(null, (int)PropChangeType.kpctNotifyAll, m_hvo,
					(int)LexSense.LexSenseTags.kflidReversalEntries, 0, survivingEntries.Count, originalSenseEntriesCount);

				// remove entries from the index that are no longer valid
				foreach (int rieHvo in senseEntries)
					if (!survivingEntries.Contains(rieHvo))
						// the entry is no longer a reversal entry for this sense
						ReversalIndexEntry rie = new ReversalIndexEntry(m_cache, rieHvo);
						if (rie.SenseIds.Count == 0)
							// the entry is longer a reversal entry for any sense

				// PropChanged (2 of 3) Affected Entries: (Re)compute
				// on the virtual property of select reversal index entries.
				ReversalIndexEntry.ResetReferringSenses(m_cache, entriesNeedingPropChangeBackRef);

				// PropChanged (3 of 3) Index Entries: Simulate a complete replacement of the entries collection,
				// BUT only if new entries were added in this method.
				int cNewEntries = revIndex.EntriesOC.Count;
				if (cNewEntries > cOldEntries)
					sda.PropChanged(null, (int)PropChangeType.kpctNotifyAll, indexId,
						0, cNewEntries, cOldEntries);

				// add redo actions to reload the virtual handler and send prop changes to update displays
				if (acth != null)
					acth.AddAction(new ReloadVirtualHandlerUndoAction(m_cache, false, vh, m_hvo, vh.Tag, ws));
					List<PropChangedInfo> pciList = new List<PropChangedInfo>();
					pciList.Add(new PropChangedInfo(m_hvo, vh.Tag, ws, 0, 0));
					acth.AddAction(new PropChangedUndoAction(m_cache, false, PropChangeType.kpctNotifyAll, pciList));
				if (acth != null && Marshal.IsComObject(acth))
			// End undoable section of code.
Beispiel #2
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="SCTextEnum"/> class.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="settings">The import settings</param>
		/// <param name="domain">The source domain</param>
		/// <param name="startRef">first reference to retrieve</param>
		/// <param name="endRef">last reference to retrieve</param>
		/// <param name="encConverters">The encoding converters repository</param>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		public SCTextEnum(IScrImportSet settings, ImportDomain domain,
			BCVRef startRef, BCVRef endRef, IEncConverters encConverters)
			m_settings = settings;
			m_domain = domain;
			m_startRef = new BCVRef(startRef);
			m_endRef = new BCVRef(endRef);
			m_mappingSet = m_settings.GetMappingSetForDomain(domain);

			// Gets the set of encoding converters
			m_encConverters = encConverters;

			// make a list of all of the begin and end markers for inline markers
			// Also build the map of encoding converters
			m_InlineBeginAndEndMarkers = new List<string>();
			foreach (ImportMappingInfo mapping in m_settings.GetMappingListForDomain(domain))
				if (mapping.IsInline || m_settings.ImportTypeEnum == TypeOfImport.Paratext5)
					if (mapping.IsInline)

			m_InlineBeginAndEndMarkers.Sort(new StrLengthComparer(false));

			// Build a list of all of the characters that inline markers start with
			Set<char> tempCharList = new Set<char>();
			foreach (string marker in m_InlineBeginAndEndMarkers)
				tempCharList.Add(marker[0]); // Set ignores duplicates.

			m_InlineMarkerStartChars = tempCharList.ToArray();
			// Get the import file source that will provide the files to import.
			m_importSource = settings.GetImportFiles(domain);
			m_importSourceEnum = m_importSource.GetEnumerator();
Beispiel #3
		public void ToArrayTests2()
			object[] starting = new object[3] { 1, 2, 3 };
			Set<object> set = new Set<object>(starting);
			Assert.AreEqual(3, set.Count, "Set should have three items in it.");

			int[] ending = set.ToArray<int>();
			Assert.AreEqual(3, ending.Length, "Set should have three items in it.");

			int i = 0;
			foreach (int startInt in starting)
				Assert.AreEqual(startInt, ending[i++], "Set should have same three items in it.");
Beispiel #4
		/// <summary>
		/// Check whether deleting these objects will be undoable.  In any case, pops up a message
		/// asking the user whether to proceed. The type of message depends somewhat on the situation.
		/// </summary>
		/// <returns>true, if okay to continue with delete</returns>
		private bool CheckMultiDeleteConditionsAndReport(Set<int> idsToDelete, out bool fUndo)
			int cOrphans = 0;
			if (m_expectedListItemsClassId == LexEntry.kclsidLexEntry ||
				m_expectedListItemsClassId == LexSense.kclsidLexSense)
				cOrphans = CmObject.CountOrphanedObjects(m_cache);
			fUndo = cOrphans == 0;
			if (fUndo)
				int iNextGroup = 0;
				DbOps.MakePartialIdList(ref iNextGroup, idsToDelete.ToArray());
				fUndo = iNextGroup == idsToDelete.Count;
			string sMsg = XMLViewsStrings.ksConfirmDeleteMultiMsg;
			string sTitle = XMLViewsStrings.ksConfirmDeleteMulti;
			if (!fUndo)
				sMsg = XMLViewsStrings.ksCannotUndoTooManyDeleted;
			return MessageBox.Show(this, sMsg, sTitle, MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Warning)
					== DialogResult.OK;
Beispiel #5
		protected void InsertSliceRange(int insertPosition, Set<Slice> slices)
			List<Slice> indexableSlices = new List<Slice>(slices.ToArray());
			for (int i = indexableSlices.Count - 1; i >= 0; --i)
				InstallSlice(indexableSlices[i], insertPosition);
        public void FindSingleVertexGroup()
            Set<int> s = new Set<int>();

            for (int i=0; i<vertexCount; i++)
                if (flag[i] != 0)
                    bool found = false;
                    foreach (int j in adjVV[i])
                        if (flag[j] == flag[i])
                            found = true;
                    if (!found)

            int[] arr = s.ToArray();
            this.singleVertexGroup = arr;
Beispiel #7
			private int GetBestAlt(int hvo, int tag, int wsPreferred, int wsDefault, int[] wsList)
				Set<int> wsSet = new Set<int>();
				if (wsPreferred != 0)
				// We're not dealing with a real cache, so can't call something like this:
				//ws = LangProject.InterpretWsLabel(m_caches.MainCache,
				//    LangProject.GetMagicWsNameFromId(ws),
				//    m_caches.MainCache.DefaultAnalWs,
				//    hvo, spec.StringFlid, null);
				int wsActual = 0;
				foreach (int ws1 in wsSet.ToArray())
					ITsString tssTest = m_caches.DataAccess.get_MultiStringAlt(hvo, tag, ws1);
					if (tssTest != null && tssTest.Length != 0)
						wsActual = ws1;
				// Enhance JohnT: to be really picky here we should do like the real InterpretWsLabel
				// and fall back to default UI language, then English.
				// But we probably aren't even copying those alternatives to the sandbox cache.
				if (wsActual == 0)
					wsActual = wsDefault;
				return wsActual;
Beispiel #8
		/// <summary>
		/// This will remove the given hvosToRemove (if they exist in our sort items) and any items that refer to invalid objects.
		/// Reload the view if there were any changes, and adjust the CurrentIndex
		/// </summary>
		protected internal void RemoveUnwantedSortItems(List<int> hvosToRemove)
			if (m_sortedObjects == null)
				return;	// nothing to remove.
			bool fUpdatingListOrig = m_fUpdatingList;
			m_fUpdatingList = true;
				int currentIndex = CurrentIndex;
				int cOrigSortObjects = m_sortedObjects.Count;
				// Note: We start with a Set, since it can't have duplicates.
				// First remove the given hvos from our sort items.
				Set<int> unwantedIndices = new Set<int>(IndicesOfSortItems(hvosToRemove));
				// then remove any remaining items that point to invalid objects.
				// Put the now unique indices into a list,
				// so we can make sure they are processed in reverse order.
				List<int> sortedIndices = new List<int>(unwantedIndices.ToArray());
				foreach (int indexOfSortItem in sortedIndices)
					if (indexOfSortItem >= 0)
						if (indexOfSortItem < currentIndex || SortedObjects.Count <= currentIndex)
				if (m_sortedObjects.Count == 0)
					currentIndex = -1;
				else if (currentIndex >= m_sortedObjects.Count)
					currentIndex = m_sortedObjects.Count - 1;
				CurrentIndex = currentIndex;
				if (m_sortedObjects.Count != cOrigSortObjects)
						SortedObjects, ListChangedEventArgs.ListChangedActions.Normal);
				m_fUpdatingList = fUpdatingListOrig;