Beispiel #1
 // Resolve this array initializer list.
 // Provide with the type that we expect each element in the list to be
 public void Resolve(ISemanticResolver s, TypeEntry tExpected)
     // Each node must either be an expression or a nested array initializer list
     //foreach(Node n in List)
     for(int i = 0; i < m_list.Length; i++)
         Node n = m_list[i]; 
         if (n is Exp)
             Exp e = (Exp) n;
             Exp.ResolveExpAsRight(ref e, s);
             m_list[i] = e;
             s.EnsureAssignable(e, tExpected.CLRType);
         else if (n is ArrayInitializer)
             Debug.Assert(tExpected.IsArray); // @todo -legit
             ArrayInitializer a = (ArrayInitializer) n;
             TypeEntry tNested = tExpected.AsArrayType.ElemType;
             a.Resolve(s, tNested);
             // Error
             Debug.Assert(false); // @todo - legit
Beispiel #2
    // Semantic checking
    // Stubs can be resolved in any order.
    public override void ResolveTypesAsBlueStub(
        ISemanticResolver s,
        string stNamespace,
        Scope scopeParent
        // Get our name. Nested classes are separated with a '+'
        // Namespaces are separated with a '.'
        string stFullName = (stNamespace == "") ? 
            (m_strName) :
            (stNamespace + "." + m_strName);

        // Are we a nested class? 
        if (scopeParent.Node is ClassDecl)
            Debug.Assert(stNamespace != "");
            stFullName = stNamespace + "+" + m_strName;

        // Create a stub sym entry to add to current scope
        m_symbol = new TypeEntry(stFullName, this, m_genre, scopeParent);
        // Stub on nested types
        // Our context is the same as the scope on our symbol
        Scope context = m_symbol.MemberScope;
        Debug.Assert(context != null);
        foreach(TypeDeclBase t in this.m_alNestedTypes)
            t.ResolveTypesAsBlueStub(s, stFullName, context);
Beispiel #3
 // Expose constructor that takes an already resolved type
 // Very useful when we build/modify parts of the AST during resolution
 public ResolvedTypeSig(TypeEntry t)
     Debug.Assert(!t.IsRef, "Don't expect ref types");
     Debug.Assert(t != null);
     m_type = t;
Beispiel #4
 // Semantic resolution
 public override void ResolveType(ISemanticResolver s)
     if (m_type != null)
     Exp.ResolveExpAsRight(ref m_oeValue, s);
     Debug.Assert(m_oeValue is TypeExp);                
     m_type = ((TypeExp) m_oeValue).Symbol;
Beispiel #5
    //TypeEntry       m_symbol;

#region Resolution
    // Helper function
    // Given a symbol for a delegate, get the params for it
    static public System.Type [] GetParams(TypeEntry t)
        // We can do this by looking up the invoke function
        MethodHeaderEntry header = t.LookupMethodHeader("Invoke");
        MethodExpEntry m = header.GetFirstMethod();
        Debug.Assert(header.GetNextMethod(m) == null, "Delegate should only have 1 Invoke() method");
        // Get parameters off this method
        System.Type [] al = m.ParamTypes(false);
        return al;
Beispiel #6
 // User defined events
 public EventExpEntry(TypeEntry tClass, AST.EventDecl e)
     Debug.Assert(tClass != null);
     Debug.Assert(e != null);
     this.m_strName          = e.Name.Text;
     this.m_type             = e.EventType.BlueType;
     this.m_tClassDefined    = tClass;
     this.m_node             = e;
     this.m_mods             = e.Mods;
Beispiel #7
 // Just check. This is useful because sometimes we want to fail if something
 // is a derived type (ex, CatchHandlers shouldn't be derived type of a previous handler)
 public bool IsDerivedType(TypeEntry tBase, TypeEntry tDerived)
     // Note that System.Array is a derived type for all arrays, so special case that
     if (tBase.CLRType == typeof(System.Array))
         if (tDerived.IsArray)
             return true;
     // @todo - For now, figure out how to safely convert System.Array to an array
     if (tDerived.CLRType == typeof(System.Array))
         if (tBase.CLRType == typeof(System.Array))
             return true;
     // Note that arrays may be different instances
     // but non arrays have only one TypeEntry per type
     // So peel off the arrays and get to the base type
     while (tBase.IsArray)
         if (!tDerived.IsArray)
             return false;
         tBase = tBase.AsArrayType.ElemType;
         tDerived = tDerived.AsArrayType.ElemType;        
     // Compare innermost types
     if (tDerived.IsArray)
         return false;
     // Now walk up tDerived's chain looking for tBase
     TypeEntry t = tDerived;
         if (tBase == t)
             return true;
         t = t.Super;
     } while(t != null);
     // Ok. So tBase is not a base class of tDerived. Check if tBase is an interface
     // that tDerive implements
     if (tBase.IsInterface)
         if (IsBaseInterface(tBase, tDerived))
             return true;
     return false;        
Beispiel #8
// Resolve the member given a symbol for the class we're defined in, a resolver, 
// and a provider
    public abstract void ResolveMember(
        TypeEntry symDefiningClass, 
        ISemanticResolver s, 
        ICLRtypeProvider provider
Beispiel #9
 // User-declared
 public MethodExpEntry(
     string stName,              // name of the method
     AST.MethodDecl nodeClass,       // node of ast defining us (can be null)
     TypeEntry tDefiningClass,   // class we're defined in
     TypeEntry tReturnType      // return type            
     : this(stName, nodeClass, tDefiningClass, tReturnType, false)
Beispiel #10
        // User-declared
        public MethodExpEntry(
            string stName,              // name of the method
            AST.MethodDecl nodeClass,       // node of ast defining us (can be null)
            TypeEntry tDefiningClass,   // class we're defined in
            TypeEntry tReturnType,      // return type
            bool fIsSpecialName
            Debug.Assert(tDefiningClass != null);

            this.m_strName = stName;
            this.m_classDefined = tDefiningClass;
            this.m_decl = nodeClass;
            this.m_type = tReturnType;
            this.m_fIsSpecialName = fIsSpecialName;
Beispiel #11
 public FieldExpEntry(
     string stName,                  // name of this field
     TypeEntry tType,                // type of this field
     TypeEntry tDefiningClassType,   // type of class we're defined in
     AST.FieldDecl nodeDecl          // AST node that we're defined at
     m_strName = stName;
     m_type = tType;
     m_nodeDecl = nodeDecl;
     m_tClassDefined = tDefiningClassType;
     Debug.Assert(m_type != null);
     Debug.Assert(m_nodeDecl != null); // @todo - allow this for imports?
     Debug.Assert(m_tClassDefined != null);
Beispiel #12
    // Construction is the same as for Fields,
#region Construction
        public LiteralFieldExpEntry(
            string stName,                  // name of this field
            TypeEntry tType,                // type of this field
            TypeEntry tDefiningClassType,   // type of class we're defined in
            AST.FieldDecl nodeDecl          // AST node that we're defined at
        : base(stName, tType, tDefiningClassType, nodeDecl)
Beispiel #13
 // Ctor for user-declared properties
 // We'll rip our data from the node
 public PropertyExpEntry (            
     TypeEntry tDefiningClassType,
     AST.PropertyDecl nodeDecl,
     AST.MethodDecl nodeGet,
     AST.MethodDecl nodeSet
     Debug.Assert(nodeDecl != null);
     m_strName = nodeDecl.Name.Text;
     m_tClassDefined = tDefiningClassType;
     m_node = nodeDecl;
     m_type = nodeDecl.BlueType;
     m_symbolGet = (nodeGet == null) ? null : nodeGet.Symbol;
     m_symbolSet = (nodeSet == null) ? null : nodeSet.Symbol;
     m_mods = nodeDecl.Mods;            
Beispiel #14
    // Now that all the types have been stubbed and established their context,
    // we can recursively run through and resolve all of our base types.
    void FixBaseTypes(
        ISemanticResolver s,  
        ICLRtypeProvider provider
        TypeEntry tSuper = null;
        ArrayList alInterfaces = new ArrayList();
        // Decide who our super class is and which interfaces we're inheriting
        foreach(TypeSig sig in this.m_arSuper)
            TypeEntry t = sig.BlueType;
            // Make sure this base type is resolved. Do this recursively
            ClassDecl c = t.Node;
            if (c != null)
                c.ResolveTypesAsCLR(s, provider);
            if (t.IsClass)
                Debug.Assert(this.IsClass, "Only a class can have a super-class");
                if (tSuper != null)
                tSuper = t;
            } else {
                // Both structs & interfaces can only derive from interfaces (not classes)
                if (!t.IsInterface)
                    ThrowError(SymbolError.MustDeriveFromInterface(this, t));
        TypeEntry [] tInterfaces = new TypeEntry[alInterfaces.Count];
        for(int i = 0; i < alInterfaces.Count; i++)
            tInterfaces[i] = (TypeEntry) alInterfaces[i];
        // If no super class is specified, then we use as follows:
        // 'Interface' has no super class,
        // 'Class'     has 'System.Object'
        // 'Struct'    has 'System.ValueType'        
        if (!IsInterface && (tSuper == null))
            if (IsClass)
                tSuper = s.ResolveCLRTypeToBlueType(typeof(object));
            if (IsStruct)
                tSuper = s.ResolveCLRTypeToBlueType(typeof(System.ValueType));                
        Debug.Assert(IsInterface ^ (tSuper != null));

        // Just to sanity check, make sure the symbol stub is still there
        #if DEBUG               
        TypeEntry sym = (TypeEntry) s.GetCurrentContext().LookupSymbolInThisScopeOnly(m_strName);        
        Debug.Assert(sym == m_symbol);

        m_symbol.InitLinks(tSuper, tInterfaces);
        // Make sure all of our base types are resolved        
        foreach(TypeEntry t in this.Symbol.BaseInterfaces)
        if (Symbol.Super != null)                   
        // Final call. Set super scope
Beispiel #15
    // Helper to check if tDerived implements the interface tBaseInterface.
    protected bool IsBaseInterface(TypeEntry tBaseInterface, TypeEntry tDerived)
        if (tBaseInterface == tDerived)
            return true;
        // Check superclasses
        if (tDerived.Super != null)
            if (IsBaseInterface(tBaseInterface, tDerived.Super))
                return true;

        // Check base interfaces
        foreach(TypeEntry ti in tDerived.BaseInterfaces)
            if (IsBaseInterface(tBaseInterface, ti))
                return true;
        return false;
Beispiel #16
 // @todo - this is close, but wrong. See the C# specs on "Interface Mapping" for details.
 // Make sure that this class implements all methods on the interfaces it inherits.
 // Since an interface may inherit interfaces, we have to call recursively on the 
 // interface tree to make sure we get them all.
 // Since properties are converted to methods, this will catch those too.
 void EnsureMethodsImplemented(ISemanticResolver s, TypeEntry tInterface)
     // Enforce that the type we're searching has indeed been fully populated.
     // Can't let anything slip through the cracks by adding a method after
     // we do this check...
     string stMethod;
     TypeEntry t = this.Symbol;
     // For each method in this interface, look it up in the class to 
     // make sure it's implemented
     foreach(SymEntry sym in tInterface.MemberScope)
         if (!(sym is MethodExpEntry))
         MethodExpEntry mInterface = sym as MethodExpEntry;
         #if DEBUG
         stMethod = mInterface.PrettyDecoratedName; // helpful for debugging
         MethodExpEntry m = t.LookupInterfaceMethod(mInterface, false);
         if (m == null)
             // @todo - you're an idiot. Lookup in the C# spec and do it right.
             // @todo - This comment below is garbage. 
             // There's one crazy little case where an error is too conservative:
             // IA               IA.f()
             // CA : IA          CA.f()
             // CA2 : CA, IA2
             // CA2 does not define f(), but it inherits CA.f(). Normally this is 
             // not ok, but since CA implements IA, it is.
             // So if we're missing, check for it in our super class
             // @todo - do we have to make sure that CA inherits from IA?
             m = t.LookupInterfaceMethod(mInterface, true);
             if (m == null)
                 ThrowError(SymbolError.MissingInterfaceMethod(this.Location, mInterface, t));
         } else {
             if (!m.Node.Mods.IsPublic)                                                     
                 ThrowError(SymbolError.IMethodMustBePublic(this.Location, mInterface, t));
             // If there's no 'virtual' / 'abstract' on an interface method, 
             // then it's implicitily virtual & sealed.
             if (!m.Node.Mods.IsVirtual && !m.Node.Mods.IsAbstract)
     // Ensure that we implement all the methods that the interface inherits
     foreach(TypeEntry tBase in tInterface.BaseInterfaces)
         EnsureMethodsImplemented(s, tBase);
Beispiel #17
    public void AddClrResolvedType(TypeEntry sym)
        Debug.Assert(sym != null);
        Debug.Assert(sym.CLRType != null);

        // Make sure the blue & CLR types actually match.
        Debug.Assert(sym.FullName == sym.CLRType.FullName);

        System.Type tEnum = sym.CLRType;
        int iEnum1 = tEnum.GetHashCode();
        int iEnum2 = ((object) tEnum).GetHashCode();
        int iInt1 = typeof(int).GetHashCode();
        int iInt2 = ((object) typeof(int)).GetHashCode();
        bool fFlag1 = Object.Equals(tEnum, typeof(int));
        bool fFlag2 = Object.Equals(typeof(int), tEnum);
        bool f3 = (tEnum == typeof(int));
        bool f4 = (typeof(int) == tEnum);
            m_hashClrType.Add(sym.CLRType, sym);
        catch (System.Exception e)
            object o = m_hashClrType[sym.CLRType];
            Debug.Assert(false, "Exception:"+ e.Message);
Beispiel #18
 // Resolve the events
 public override void ResolveMember(
     TypeEntry symDefiningClass, 
     ISemanticResolver s,
     ICLRtypeProvider provider        
     m_symbol = new EventExpEntry(symDefiningClass, this);
     // If an event has no handlers
     if (m_addMethod == null && m_addMethod == null)
         FixDefaultHandlers(symDefiningClass, s, provider);        
     Debug.Assert(m_addMethod != null && m_removeMethod != null);
     Debug.Assert(m_addMethod.Symbol == null); // shouldn't have resolved handlers yet
     Debug.Assert(m_removeMethod.Symbol == null); 
     // The handlers should be treated just like normal methods..
     ClassDecl c = symDefiningClass.Node;
Beispiel #19
 public void SetCurrentClass(TypeEntry type)
     m_curClass = type;
Beispiel #20
 public DeclareLocalStmtExp(TypeEntry t)    
     LocalVarExpEntry l = new LocalVarExpEntry();
     l.m_strName = ".temp_local_" + m_count;
     l.m_type = t;
     m_exp = new LocalExp(l);
Beispiel #21
 public TypeExp(TypeEntry symbol)
     m_symbol = symbol;