Beispiel #1
        public void AddMatch(MethodExpEntry symbol)
#if DEBUG        
            if (m_fLog)
                Console.WriteLine("Adding match:{0}", //TypeEntry.GetDecoratedParams(symbol),
            // If we're ambiguous, then start tracking it for error info          
            // Don't create the string builder until we hit our first ambiguous overload
            if (m_count == 1)
                m_sbOverloads = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
                // Add the first entry
                // @dogfood - should be able to match 0 non-varargs
            m_symbol = symbol;
            if (m_count > 1)
                // Keep appending the overload entries
                m_sbOverloads.AppendFormat("\t({0}):", m_count);
Beispiel #2
        public override string ToString()
            int            count = 0;
            MethodExpEntry h     = m_head;

            while (h != null)
                h = h.m_next;
            return("MethodHeaderEntry (" + count + " overloads)");
Beispiel #3
        // Ctor for imported properties
        public PropertyExpEntry(
            ISemanticResolver s,
            System.Reflection.PropertyInfo info
            m_info = info;

            m_strName = m_info.Name;

            // Class that we're defined in?
            System.Type tClrClass = info.DeclaringType;
            m_tClassDefined = s.ResolveCLRTypeToBlueType(tClrClass);

            // Symbol type
            this.m_type = s.ResolveCLRTypeToBlueType(info.PropertyType);

            // Spoof accessors
            if (info.CanRead) // Has Get
                System.Reflection.MethodInfo mGet = info.GetGetMethod();
                m_symbolGet = new MethodExpEntry(s, mGet);

            if (info.CanWrite) // Has Set
                System.Reflection.MethodInfo mSet = info.GetSetMethod();
                m_symbolSet = new MethodExpEntry(s, mSet);

            // Get modifiers
            System.Reflection.MethodInfo [] m = info.GetAccessors();

            m_mods = new Modifiers(m[0]);

             * m_mods = new Modifiers();
             * if (m[0].IsStatic) m_mods.SetStatic();
             * if (m[0].IsAbstract) m_mods.SetAbstract();
             * if (m[0].IsVirtual) m_mods.SetVirtual();
Beispiel #4
 // Missing an method inherited from an interface
 public static SymbolErrorException MissingInterfaceMethod(        
     FileRange location,
     MethodExpEntry mInterface,
     TypeEntry tClass        
     string stClass = tClass.FullName;
     string stMethod = mInterface.PrettyDecoratedName;
     string stInterface = mInterface.SymbolClass.FullName;
     return new SymbolErrorException(
         "The type '"+stClass+"' does not implement method '"+
         stMethod + "' from interface '" + stInterface + "'");
Beispiel #5
 public void AddMethodNode(MethodExpEntry entry)
     Debug.Assert(entry.m_next == null);
     entry.m_next = m_head;
     m_head       = entry;
Beispiel #6
 public void SetRemoveMethod(MethodExpEntry m)
     Debug.Assert(m_methodRemove == null);
     m_methodRemove = m;
Beispiel #7
 // When doing 'base.X(.....)', X must not be static.
 // If it was, we should have done 'T.X(.....)'
 public static SymbolErrorException BaseAccessCantBeStatic(FileRange location, MethodExpEntry m)
     return new SymbolErrorException(
         "Can't access static member '"+m.PrettyDecoratedName+"' via a 'base' accessor.");
Beispiel #8
 // Can't override a non-virtual method.
 public static SymbolErrorException CantOverrideNonVirtual(        
     MethodExpEntry m,
     MethodExpEntry mSuper)
     return new SymbolErrorException(
         "'" + m.PrettyDecoratedName + "' can't override the non-virtual method '" + 
         mSuper.PrettyDecoratedName + "'."
Beispiel #9
 // Ctor for imported properties
 public PropertyExpEntry(        
     ISemanticResolver s,
     System.Reflection.PropertyInfo info
     m_info = info;
     m_strName = m_info.Name;
     // Class that we're defined in?
     System.Type tClrClass = info.DeclaringType;
     m_tClassDefined = s.ResolveCLRTypeToBlueType(tClrClass);
     // Symbol type
     this.m_type = s.ResolveCLRTypeToBlueType(info.PropertyType);
     // Spoof accessors
     if (info.CanRead) // Has Get
         System.Reflection.MethodInfo mGet = info.GetGetMethod();
         m_symbolGet = new MethodExpEntry(s, mGet);
     if (info.CanWrite) // Has Set
         System.Reflection.MethodInfo mSet = info.GetSetMethod();
         m_symbolSet = new MethodExpEntry(s, mSet);
     // Get modifiers
     System.Reflection.MethodInfo [] m = info.GetAccessors();
     m_mods = new Modifiers(m[0]);
     m_mods = new Modifiers();
     if (m[0].IsStatic) m_mods.SetStatic(); 
     if (m[0].IsAbstract) m_mods.SetAbstract(); 
     if (m[0].IsVirtual) m_mods.SetVirtual();
Beispiel #10
 public void SetRemoveMethod(MethodExpEntry m)
     Debug.Assert(m_methodRemove == null);
     m_methodRemove = m;
Beispiel #11
 public void SetAddMethod(MethodExpEntry m)
     Debug.Assert(m_methodAdd == null);
     m_methodAdd = m;
Beispiel #12
 public MethodPtrExp(
     MethodExpEntry symbol
     Debug.Assert(symbol != null);
     m_symbol = symbol;
Beispiel #13
    // Resolve
    protected override Exp ResolveExpAsRight(ISemanticResolver s)
        // Resolve the type we're allocating        
        // One major exception for creating a new delegate, of the form:
        // new T(E.i)
        //if (m_tType.CLRType.BaseType == typeof(System.MulticastDelegate))
        if (DelegateDecl.IsDelegate(m_tType.CLRType))
            //Debug.Assert(false, "@todo - Impl Delegates in New");
            if (Params.Length != 1)
                // When this is resolved, we actually have 2 params (not just one).
                // Make sure we've already resolved this. 
                return this;           
            Exp.ResolveExpAsRight(ref m_arParams[0], s);
            DotObjExp e = m_arParams[0] as DotObjExp;
            Debug.Assert(e != null);
            Exp expInstance = null;
            TypeEntry tLeft = null;
            if (e.LeftExp is TypeExp)
                // Static
                expInstance = new NullExp(Location);
                tLeft = ((TypeExp) e.LeftExp).Symbol;
            } else {
                // Instance
                expInstance = e.LeftExp;
                tLeft = s.ResolveCLRTypeToBlueType(e.LeftExp.CLRType);
            // Use the parameter list off the delegate type to discern for overloads.            
            System.Type [] alDelegateParams = DelegateDecl.GetParams(m_tType.BlueType);
            // Lookup what function we're passing to the delegate.
            bool fIsOut;
            MethodExpEntry m = tLeft.LookupMethod(s, e.Id, alDelegateParams, out fIsOut);
            Debug.Assert(!fIsOut, "@todo - can't have a delegate reference a vararg function");
            // Change parameters
            m_arParams = new Exp [] {
                new MethodPtrExp(m)
        // Resolve all parameters                
        System.Type [] alParamTypes = new Type[Params.Length];
        for(int i = 0; i < this.m_arParams.Length; i++)
            Exp.ResolveExpAsRight(ref m_arParams[i], s);
            alParamTypes[i] = m_arParams[i].CLRType;
            //Debug.Assert(alParamTypes[i] != null);            

        // Now we're back to normal...
        // Figure out what constructor we're calling    
        if (m_tType.BlueType.IsStruct && (alParamTypes.Length == 0))
            // Structs have no default constructor
        } else {    
            // Else resolve the ctor
            bool fIsVarArg;
            m_symCtor = m_tType.BlueType.LookupMethod(
                new Identifier(m_tType.BlueType.Name, this.Location), 
                out fIsVarArg);
        //(m_tType.TypeRec, s);    
        return this;
Beispiel #14
    // Semantic resolution
    protected override Exp ResolveExpAsRight(ISemanticResolver s)
        // Only resolve once.     
        if (m_symbol != null)
            return this;
        // First, resolve our parameters (because of overloading)
        // We need to know the URT types for our parameters
        // in order to resolve between overloaded operators
        Type [] alParamTypes = new Type[m_arParams.Length];
        for(int i = 0; i < m_arParams.Length; i++)        
            Exp e = m_arParams[i];
            ResolveExpAsRight(ref e, s);
            Debug.Assert(e == m_arParams[i]);
            Type tParam = e.CLRType;
            //if ((tParam !=null) && tParam.IsByRef)
            //    tParam = tParam.GetElementType();
            alParamTypes[i] = tParam;
            //Debug.Assert(alParamTypes[i] != null);
        TypeEntry tCur = s.GetCurrentClass();    
        TypeEntry tLeft = null; // Type to lookup in   
        // Is this a 'base' access?
        // Convert to the real type and set a non-virtual flag
        if (m_objExp is SimpleObjExp)
            SimpleObjExp e = m_objExp as SimpleObjExp;
            if (e.Name.Text == "base")
                // Set the scope that we lookup in.
                tLeft = tCur.Super;
                // Still need to resolve the expression.
                m_objExp = new SimpleObjExp("this");               
                m_fIsNotPolymorphic = true;
#if true
        // See if we have a delegate here
        Exp eDelegate = null;
        if (m_objExp == null)
            Exp e = new SimpleObjExp(m_idName);
            Exp.ResolveExpAsRight(ref e, s);
            if (!(e is SimpleObjExp))                
                eDelegate = e;
        } else {
            // If it's an interface, then we know we can't have a delegate field on it, 
            // so short-circuit now. 
            Exp.ResolveExpAsRight(ref m_objExp, s);
            if (!m_objExp.CLRType.IsInterface)
                Exp e = new DotObjExp(m_objExp, m_idName);
                Exp.ResolveExpAsRight(ref e, s);
                if (!(e is DotObjExp))                
                    eDelegate = e;        

        if (eDelegate != null)
            if (!DelegateDecl.IsDelegate(eDelegate.CLRType))
                //Debug.Assert(false, "@todo - " + m_strName + " is not a delegate or function"); // @todo - legit
                // Just fall through for now, method resolution will decide if this is a valid function
            } else 
                Exp e = new MethodCallExp(
                    new Identifier("Invoke"), 
                Exp.ResolveExpAsRight(ref e, s);
                return e;        
        // No delegate, carry on with a normal function call
        // If there's no objexp, then the function is a method
        // of the current class. 
        // make it either a 'this' or a static call
        if (m_objExp == null)
            // Lookup
            bool fIsVarArgDummy;
            MethodExpEntry sym = tCur.LookupMethod(s, m_idName, alParamTypes, out fIsVarArgDummy);
            if (sym.IsStatic)
                m_objExp = new TypeExp(tCur);
            } else {
                m_objExp = new SimpleObjExp("this");
        // Need to Lookup m_strName in m_objExp's scope (inherited scope)
        Exp.ResolveExpAsRight(ref m_objExp, s);
        // Get type of of left side object
        // This call can either be a field on a variable
        // or a static method on a class
        bool fIsStaticMember = false;
        // If we don't yet know what TypeEntry this methodcall is on, then figure
        // it out based off the expression
        if (tLeft == null)
            if (m_objExp is TypeExp)
                fIsStaticMember = true;
                tLeft = ((TypeExp) m_objExp).Symbol;
            } else {
                fIsStaticMember = false;
                tLeft = s.ResolveCLRTypeToBlueType(m_objExp.CLRType);
        // Here's the big lookup. This will jump through all sorts of hoops to match
        // parameters, search base classes, do implied conversions, varargs, 
        // deal with abstract, etc.
        bool fIsVarArg;
        m_symbol = tLeft.LookupMethod(s, m_idName, alParamTypes, out fIsVarArg);
        Debug.Assert(m_symbol != null);
        if (m_fIsNotPolymorphic)
            // of the form 'base.X(....)'
            if (m_symbol.IsStatic)
                ThrowError(SymbolError.BaseAccessCantBeStatic(this.Location, m_symbol)); // @todo - PrintError?
        } else {
            // normal method call
            if (fIsStaticMember && !m_symbol.IsStatic)
                ThrowError(SymbolError.ExpectInstanceMember(this.Location)); // @todo - PrintError?
            else if (!fIsStaticMember && m_symbol.IsStatic)                
                ThrowError(SymbolError.ExpectStaticMember(this.Location)); // @todo - PrintError?
            Debug.Assert(fIsStaticMember == m_symbol.IsStatic, "@todo - user error. Mismatch between static & instance members on line.");
        // If we have a vararg, then transform it 
        if (fIsVarArg)
        // Create the array
            int cDecl = m_symbol.ParamCount;
            int cCall = this.ParamExps.Length;
            ArrayTypeSig tSig = new ArrayTypeSig(m_symbol.ParamCLRType(cDecl - 1), s);
            Node [] list = new Node[cCall - cDecl + 1];
            for(int i = 0; i < list.Length; i++)
                list[i] = this.ParamExps[i + cDecl - 1];
            Exp eArray = new NewArrayObjExp(
                new ArrayInitializer(
            Exp.ResolveExpAsRight(ref eArray, s);
        // Change the parameters to use the array    
            ArgExp [] arParams = new ArgExp[cDecl];
            for(int i = 0; i < cDecl - 1; i++)
                arParams[i] = m_arParams[i];
            arParams[cDecl - 1] = new ArgExp(EArgFlow.cIn, eArray);
            m_arParams = arParams;                            
        } // end vararg transformation
        return this;
Beispiel #15
    // Use this when we already have a static method to call
    // and we already have the symbols
    public MethodCallExp(
        Exp eInstance, // null if static       
        MethodExpEntry  symMethod,
        ArgExp [] arParams,
        ISemanticResolver s
        this.m_idName = new Identifier(symMethod.Name);
        m_arParams = arParams;
        m_symbol = symMethod;
        // Spoof Left
        if (eInstance == null)
            //m_objExp = new SimpleObjExp(symMethod.SymbolClass.Name);
            m_objExp = new TypeExp(symMethod.SymbolClass);
            m_objExp = eInstance;
        Exp.ResolveExpAsRight(ref m_objExp, s);

        // Resolve args, just in case
        foreach(ArgExp eArg in arParams)
            Exp e = eArg;
            Exp.ResolveExpAsRight(ref e, s);
            Debug.Assert(e == eArg);
        //ResolveAsExpEntry(m_symbol, s);
Beispiel #16
 // The methdo must be public because it is implementing an interface.
 public static SymbolErrorException IMethodMustBePublic(        
     FileRange location,
     MethodExpEntry mInterface,
     TypeEntry tClass
     string stClass = tClass.FullName;
     string stMethod = mInterface.PrettyDecoratedName;
     string stInterface = mInterface.SymbolClass.FullName;
     return new SymbolErrorException(
         "The method '" + stMethod + "' must be public to implement interface '" + stInterface + "'");
Beispiel #17
 // No suitable method to override.
 public static SymbolErrorException NoMethodToOverride(        
     MethodExpEntry m
     return new SymbolErrorException(
         "There is no possible method in '" + m.SymbolClass.Super.FullName + 
         "' for the method '" + m.PrettyDecoratedName + "' to override."
Beispiel #18
 public void AddMethodNode(MethodExpEntry entry)
     Debug.Assert(entry.m_next == null);
     entry.m_next = m_head;
     m_head = entry;            
Beispiel #19
 // Can't change visibility when overriding
 public static SymbolErrorException VisibilityMismatch(        
     MethodExpEntry m
     return new SymbolErrorException(
         "'" +m.PrettyDecoratedName + "' changes visibility when overriding.");
Beispiel #20
 public MethodExpEntry GetNextMethod(MethodExpEntry entry)
     Debug.Assert(entry != null);
     return entry.m_next;
Beispiel #21
 public void SetAddMethod(MethodExpEntry m)
     Debug.Assert(m_methodAdd == null);
     m_methodAdd = m;
Beispiel #22
 public MethodEnumerator(MethodExpEntry mStart)
     m_methodCurrent = null;
     m_method = mStart;
Beispiel #23
 public void SetCurrentMethod(MethodExpEntry m)
     m_curMethod = m;
Beispiel #24
    // Must resolve all our parameters and the specific ctor that 
    // we chain to.
    public override void ResolveStatement(ISemanticResolver s)
        Debug.Assert(m_nodeCtor != null);

        for(int i = 0; i < Params.Length; i++)
            Exp.ResolveExpAsRight(ref Params[i], s);

    // Lookup what ctor we chain to.
        TypeEntry tClass = m_nodeCtor.Symbol.SymbolClass;
        if (TargetType == ETarget.cBase)
            tClass = tClass.Super;
        System.Type [] alParamTypes = new Type[Params.Length];
        for(int i = 0; i < Params.Length; i++)
            alParamTypes[i] = Params[i].CLRType;

        bool fVarArg;
        m_symTarget = tClass.LookupMethod(
            new Identifier(tClass.Name, this.Location), 
            out fVarArg);
        Debug.Assert(m_symTarget != null); 
        Debug.Assert(m_symTarget.SymbolClass == tClass); // @todo -legit? Make sure we actually get a method from tClass?
Beispiel #25
 public MethodExpEntry GetNextMethod(MethodExpEntry entry)
     Debug.Assert(entry != null);
Beispiel #26
    // Semantic checking
    public override void ResolveMember(
        TypeEntry symDefiningClass, 
        ISemanticResolver s,
        ICLRtypeProvider provider
        //TypeEntry tRetType = null;
        if (!IsCtor)
            //tRetType = m_tRetType.TypeRec;
            ClassDecl nodeClass = symDefiningClass.Node;
            if (Mods.IsStatic)
                // Checks on static ctors
                if (this.Params.Length != 0)

                // Rename to avoid a naming collision w/ a default ctor.
                // Since no one will call a static ctor (and codegen ignores ctor names),
                // we can pick anything here.
                //this.m_strName = "$static_ctor";
                this.m_idName = new Identifier("$static_ctor", m_idName.Location);

                // Is there a static field initializer to chain to?
                if (nodeClass.StaticInitMethod != null)
                    Statement stmt = new ExpStatement(
                        new MethodCallExp(
                        new Identifier(nodeClass.StaticInitMethod.Name, nodeClass.StaticInitMethod.Location),
                        new ArgExp[0]
                    // If there are Static, ReadOnly fields, then they must be assigned directly
                    // in a constructor, not in a function called by the constructor.
                    Statement stmt = nodeClass.StaticInitMethod.Body;
            } // static ctor
                if (nodeClass.InstanceInitMethod != null)
                    // Chain to an instance-field initializer if we don't chain to
                    // a this() ctor.
                    CtorChainStatement chain = (this.Body.Statements[0]) as CtorChainStatement;
                    Debug.Assert(chain != null);
                    if (chain.TargetType == CtorChainStatement.ETarget.cBase)
                        Statement stmt = new MethodCallStatement(
                            new MethodCallExp(
                                new Identifier(nodeClass.InstanceInitMethod.Name, nodeClass.InstanceInitMethod.Location),
                                new ArgExp[0]
                        // PEVerify barfs if we try to do an instance method call in the ctor,
                        // so just inject the raw method body. It's just a bunch of assigns anyway,
                        // so we're ok.
                        Statement stmt = nodeClass.InstanceInitMethod.Body;
            } // instance ctor
        // Add new sym entry to our parent class's scope
        MethodExpEntry m = new MethodExpEntry(
            IsCtor ? null : m_tRetType.BlueType
        m.m_scope = new Scope(
            "method: " + symDefiningClass.m_strName + "." + Name, 
        m_symbol = m;
        Scope prev = s.SetCurrentContext(m.m_scope);
        // resolve params (because we'll need them for overloading)
        // Add param 0 for 'this' (if not static)
        // For structs, "this" is a reference, for classes, it's a value.
        if (!Mods.IsStatic)
            ParamVarExpEntry e = new ParamVarExpEntry();
            e.m_strName = "this";
            TypeEntry t = m_symbol.SymbolClass;
            if (t.IsStruct)
                t = new RefTypeEntry(t, s);
            e.m_type = t; // 'this' is the type of the containg class   
            e.CodeGenSlot = 0;
        // do rest of the params
        foreach(ParamVarDecl param in m_arParams)

Beispiel #27
 public MethodEnumerator(MethodExpEntry mStart)
     m_methodCurrent = null;
     m_method        = mStart;
Beispiel #28
        public void AddVarargMatch(MethodExpEntry symbol)
#if DEBUG        
            if (m_fLog)
                Console.WriteLine("Adding vararg match:{0}", TypeEntry.GetDecoratedParams(symbol));        
            m_symbolVarArg = symbol;