Beispiel #1
 public TaxCollectorInformations(int uniqueId, ushort firtNameId, ushort lastNameId, AdditionalTaxCollectorInformations additionalInfos, short worldX, short worldY, ushort subAreaId, sbyte state, Types.EntityLook look, TaxCollectorComplementaryInformations[] complements)
     this.uniqueId        = uniqueId;
     this.firtNameId      = firtNameId;
     this.lastNameId      = lastNameId;
     this.additionalInfos = additionalInfos;
     this.worldX          = worldX;
     this.worldY          = worldY;
     this.subAreaId       = subAreaId;
     this.state           = state;
     this.look            = look;
     this.complements     = complements;
Beispiel #2
        public virtual void Deserialize(ICustomDataInput reader)
            uniqueId   = reader.ReadInt();
            firtNameId = reader.ReadVarUhShort();
            if (firtNameId < 0)
                throw new Exception("Forbidden value on firtNameId = " + firtNameId + ", it doesn't respect the following condition : firtNameId < 0");
            lastNameId = reader.ReadVarUhShort();
            if (lastNameId < 0)
                throw new Exception("Forbidden value on lastNameId = " + lastNameId + ", it doesn't respect the following condition : lastNameId < 0");
            additionalInfos = new AdditionalTaxCollectorInformations();
            worldX = reader.ReadShort();
            if (worldX < -255 || worldX > 255)
                throw new Exception("Forbidden value on worldX = " + worldX + ", it doesn't respect the following condition : worldX < -255 || worldX > 255");
            worldY = reader.ReadShort();
            if (worldY < -255 || worldY > 255)
                throw new Exception("Forbidden value on worldY = " + worldY + ", it doesn't respect the following condition : worldY < -255 || worldY > 255");
            subAreaId = reader.ReadVarUhShort();
            if (subAreaId < 0)
                throw new Exception("Forbidden value on subAreaId = " + subAreaId + ", it doesn't respect the following condition : subAreaId < 0");
            state = reader.ReadSByte();
            if (state < 0)
                throw new Exception("Forbidden value on state = " + state + ", it doesn't respect the following condition : state < 0");
            look = new Types.EntityLook();
            var limit = reader.ReadUShort();

            complements = new TaxCollectorComplementaryInformations[limit];
            for (int i = 0; i < limit; i++)
                complements[i] = Types.ProtocolTypeManager.GetInstance <TaxCollectorComplementaryInformations>(reader.ReadShort());