Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// 更新-事务支持 - 若为交易视图表则会根据最后修改时间自动计算表名。
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entity"></param>
        /// <param name="broker"></param>
        public static void Update(EntityBase entity, DataAccessBroker broker)
            List <ColumnInfo> listUpdateColumnInfo = new List <ColumnInfo>();

            foreach (ColumnInfo columnInfo in entity.OringTableSchema.ValueColumnInfo)
                if (columnInfo.ColumnName == "CREATE_TIME" || columnInfo.ColumnName == "CREATED_BY" || columnInfo.ColumnName == "EFFECTIVE_DATE" || columnInfo.ColumnName == "EXPIRATION_DATE")
                ColumnInfo updateColumnInfo = new ColumnInfo(columnInfo.ColumnName, columnInfo.ColumnCaption, columnInfo.IsPrimaryKey, columnInfo.DataType);


            string sqlString = "";

            sqlString = "UPDATE " + entity.OringTableSchema.TableName + " SET " + ParseSQL(listUpdateColumnInfo, broker.ParameterPrefix, ",") + " WHERE " + ParseSQL(entity.OringTableSchema.KeyColumnInfo, broker.ParameterPrefix, " AND ");
            DataAccessParameterCollection dpc = new DataAccessParameterCollection();
            object tpValue;

            foreach (ColumnInfo field in entity.OringTableSchema.AllColumnInfo)
                if (field.ColumnName == "CREATE_TIME" || field.ColumnName == "CREATED_BY" || field.ColumnName == "EFFECTIVE_DATE" || field.ColumnName == "EXPIRATION_DATE")
                //dpc.AddWithValue(field.ColumnName, entity.GetData(field.ColumnName));
                tpValue = entity.GetData(field.ColumnName);
                if (tpValue == null)
                    if (field.DataType == typeof(bool))
                        tpValue = false;
                    else if (field.DataType == typeof(string))
                        tpValue = "";
                    else if (field.DataType == typeof(int))
                        tpValue = 0;
                    else if (field.DataType == typeof(decimal))
                        tpValue = 0;
                    else if (field.DataType == typeof(DateTime))
                        tpValue = DateTime.MaxValue;
                        tpValue = "";
                dpc.AddWithValue(field, tpValue);
            broker.ExecuteSQL(sqlString, dpc);
Beispiel #2
        public static void UpdateAndSave(EntityBase entity, DataAccessBroker broker)
            string sqlString = "";

            if (entity.OringTableSchema.TableName == TransactionProductView || entity.OringTableSchema.TableName == TransactionView)
                sqlString = "UPDATE " + GetTableName(entity) + " SET " + ParseSQL(entity.OringTableSchema.ValueColumnInfo, ",") + " WHERE " + ParseSQL(entity.OringTableSchema.KeyColumnInfo, " AND ");
                sqlString = "UPDATE " + entity.OringTableSchema.TableName + " SET " + ParseSQL(entity.OringTableSchema.ValueColumnInfo, ",") + " WHERE " + ParseSQL(entity.OringTableSchema.KeyColumnInfo, " AND ");

            DataAccessParameterCollection dpc = new DataAccessParameterCollection();

            foreach (ColumnInfo field in entity.OringTableSchema.AllColumnInfo)
                dpc.AddWithValue(field.ColumnName, entity.GetData(field.ColumnName));

            int i = 0;

            i = broker.ExecuteSQL(sqlString, dpc);
            if (i == 0)
Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        /// 删除-事务支持-根据所有非空字段AND条件删除
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entity"></param>
        /// <param name="broker"></param>
        public static void DeleteEntity(EntityBase entity, DataAccessBroker broker)
            WhereBuilder wb = new WhereBuilder("DELETE FROM " + entity.OringTableSchema.TableName);

            broker.ExecuteSQL(wb.SQLString, wb.Parameters);
Beispiel #4
        public static void InsertArea(int maxAreaID,AreaEntity areaEntity, DataAccessBroker broker)
            StringBuilder sbSql = new StringBuilder();
            sbSql.Append("Insert into " + AreaTable.Current.TableName + " (" + AreaTable.C_Area_ID + "," + AreaTable.C_Area_Name + "," + AreaTable.C_Area_Name2 + "," + AreaTable.C_Area_Level + "," + AreaTable.C_Area_PID + ")");
            sbSql.Append(" Values(" + maxAreaID + ",'" + areaEntity.AreaName + "','" + areaEntity.AreaName2 + "'," + areaEntity.AreaLevel + "," + areaEntity.AreaPid + ")");

Beispiel #5
 public static void DeleteAll <T>()
     where T : EntityBase, new ()
     using (DataAccessBroker broker = DataAccessFactory.Instance(InstanceName))
         T t = new T();
         broker.ExecuteSQL("delete from " + t.OringTableSchema.TableName);
Beispiel #6
        /// <summary>
        /// 删除-事务支持-根据主键删除
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entity"></param>
        /// <param name="broker"></param>
        public static void Delete(EntityBase entity, DataAccessBroker broker)
            string sqlString = "DELETE FROM " + entity.OringTableSchema.TableName + " WHERE " + ParseSQL(entity.OringTableSchema.KeyColumnInfo, broker.ParameterPrefix, " AND ");
            DataAccessParameterCollection dpc = new DataAccessParameterCollection();

            foreach (ColumnInfo field in entity.OringTableSchema.KeyColumnInfo)
                dpc.AddWithValue(field, entity.GetData(field.ColumnName));
            broker.ExecuteSQL(sqlString, dpc);
Beispiel #7
        public static void UpdateProductCaseSetting(string productID, DataAccessBroker broker)
            StringBuilder sbSql = new StringBuilder();
            sbSql.Append(" update "+ProductTable.Current.TableName+" set "+ProductTable.C_Case_Package+" = ");
            sbSql.Append(" (select cc." + CasecalculationTable.C_Case_Package + " from " + CasecalculationTable.Current.TableName + " cc ");
            sbSql.Append(" inner join " + ProductTable.Current.TableName + " p on cc." + CasecalculationTable.C_CaseCalculation_ID + "=p." + ProductTable.C_CaseCalculation_ID );
            sbSql.Append(" and p." + ProductTable.C_Product_ID + "='" + productID + "') ");
            sbSql.Append(" where " + ProductTable.C_Product_ID + "='" + productID + "' ");

Beispiel #8
        /// <summary>
        /// 新增-事务支持
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entity"></param>
        /// <param name="broker"></param>
        public static void Insert(EntityBase entity, DataAccessBroker broker)
            string sqlString = "INSERT INTO " + entity.OringTableSchema.TableName + " ( " + ParseInsertSQL(entity.OringTableSchema.AllColumnInfo, "") + " ) VALUES( " + ParseInsertSQL(entity.OringTableSchema.AllColumnInfo, ParameterPrefix) + ")";
            DataAccessParameterCollection dpc = new DataAccessParameterCollection();

            foreach (ColumnInfo field in entity.OringTableSchema.AllColumnInfo)
                dpc.AddWithValue(field.ColumnName, entity.GetData(field.ColumnName));
            broker.ExecuteSQL(sqlString, dpc);
Beispiel #9
 /// <summary>
 /// 删除用户
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="userId"></param>
 /// <param name="broker"></param>
 public static void DeleteUser(string userId, DataAccessBroker broker)
     DateTime time = DateTime.Now;
     string now = time.Year.ToString() + "-" + time.Month.ToString() + "-" + time.Day.ToString() + " " + time.Hour.ToString() + "-" + time.Minute.ToString() + "-" + time.Second.ToString();
     //string sql = "update {0} set {1}={2}, {3}=to_date('{4}','YYYY-MM-DD HH24-MI-SS') where {5}='{6}'";
     string sql = "update {0} set {1}={2}, {3}=getdate() where {5}='{6}'";
     sql = string.Format(sql, SecUserTable.C_TableName,
         SecUserTable.C_IS_DELETE, YesNoType.Yes.GetHashCode(),
         SecUserTable.C_LAST_MODIFIED_TIME, now,
         SecUserTable.C_USER_ID, Utils.ToSQLStr(userId));
Beispiel #10
        /// <summary>
        /// 新增-事务支持-若为交易视图表则会根据最后修改时间自动计算表名。
        /// 此方法不把时间为NULL的替换为最大时间
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entity"></param>
        /// <param name="broker"></param>
        public static void InsertEX(EntityBase entity, DataAccessBroker broker)
            string sqlString = "";

            sqlString = "INSERT INTO " + entity.OringTableSchema.TableName + " ( " + ParseInsertSQL(entity.OringTableSchema.NoIdentityColumnInfo, "") + " ) VALUES( " + ParseInsertSQL(entity.OringTableSchema.NoIdentityColumnInfo, broker.ParameterPrefix) + ")";
            DataAccessParameterCollection dpc = new DataAccessParameterCollection();
            object tpValue;

            foreach (ColumnInfo field in entity.OringTableSchema.AllColumnInfo)
                if (field.IsIdentity)

                //dpc.AddWithValue(field.ColumnName, entity.GetData(field.ColumnName));
                tpValue = entity.GetData(field.ColumnName);
                if (tpValue == null)
                    if (field.DataType == typeof(bool))
                        tpValue = false;
                    else if (field.DataType == typeof(string))
                        tpValue = "";
                    else if (field.DataType == typeof(int))
                        tpValue = 0;
                    else if (field.DataType == typeof(decimal))
                        tpValue = 0;
                    else if (field.DataType == typeof(DateTime))
                        //tpValue = DateTime.MaxValue;
                        tpValue = "";
                if (field.DataType == typeof(DateTime) && tpValue != null && tpValue.ToString() == DateTime.MaxValue.ToString())
                    tpValue = null;
                dpc.AddWithValue(field, tpValue);
            broker.ExecuteSQL(sqlString, dpc);
Beispiel #11
        /// <summary>
        /// 更新-事务支持 - 若为交易视图表则会根据最后修改时间自动计算表名。
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entity"></param>
        /// <param name="broker"></param>
        public static void UpdateEX(EntityBase entity, DataAccessBroker broker)
            string sqlString = "";

            sqlString = "UPDATE " + entity.OringTableSchema.TableName + " SET " + ParseSQL(entity.OringTableSchema.ValueColumnInfo, broker.ParameterPrefix, ",") + " WHERE " + ParseSQL(entity.OringTableSchema.KeyColumnInfo, broker.ParameterPrefix, " AND ");
            DataAccessParameterCollection dpc = new DataAccessParameterCollection();
            object tpValue;

            foreach (ColumnInfo field in entity.OringTableSchema.AllColumnInfo)
                //dpc.AddWithValue(field.ColumnName, entity.GetData(field.ColumnName));
                tpValue = entity.GetData(field.ColumnName);
                if (tpValue == null)
                    if (field.DataType == typeof(bool))
                        tpValue = false;
                    else if (field.DataType == typeof(string))
                        tpValue = "";
                    else if (field.DataType == typeof(int))
                        tpValue = 0;
                    else if (field.DataType == typeof(decimal))
                        tpValue = 0;
                    else if (field.DataType == typeof(DateTime))
                        //tpValue = DateTime.MaxValue;
                        tpValue = "";
                if (field.DataType == typeof(DateTime) && tpValue != null && tpValue.ToString() == DateTime.MaxValue.ToString())
                    tpValue = null;
                dpc.AddWithValue(field, tpValue);
            broker.ExecuteSQL(sqlString, dpc);
Beispiel #12
        /// <summary>
        /// 新增-事务支持-若为交易视图表则会根据最后修改时间自动计算表名。
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entity"></param>
        /// <param name="broker"></param>
        public static void Insert(EntityBase entity, DataAccessBroker broker)
            ParameterPrefix = broker.ParameterPrefix.ToString();
            string sqlString = "";

            if (entity.OringTableSchema.TableName == TransactionProductView || entity.OringTableSchema.TableName == TransactionView)
                sqlString = "INSERT INTO " + GetTableName(entity) + " ( " + ParseInsertSQL(entity.OringTableSchema.AllColumnInfo, "") + " ) VALUES( " + ParseInsertSQL(entity.OringTableSchema.AllColumnInfo, ParameterPrefix) + ")";
                sqlString = "INSERT INTO " + entity.OringTableSchema.TableName + " ( " + ParseInsertSQL(entity.OringTableSchema.AllColumnInfo, "") + " ) VALUES( " + ParseInsertSQL(entity.OringTableSchema.AllColumnInfo, ParameterPrefix) + ")";
            DataAccessParameterCollection dpc = new DataAccessParameterCollection();

            foreach (ColumnInfo field in entity.OringTableSchema.AllColumnInfo)
                dpc.AddWithValue(field.ColumnName, entity.GetData(field.ColumnName));
            broker.ExecuteSQL(sqlString, dpc);
Beispiel #13
        /// <summary>
        /// 更新-事务支持
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entity"></param>
        /// <param name="broker"></param>
        public static void Update(EntityBase entity, DataAccessBroker broker)
            string sqlString = "UPDATE " + entity.OringTableSchema.TableName + " SET ";

            DataAccessParameterCollection dpc = new DataAccessParameterCollection();

            foreach (ColumnInfo field in entity.OringTableSchema.AllColumnInfo)
                if (field.IsPrimaryKey)
                    dpc.AddWithValue(field.ColumnName, entity.GetData(field.ColumnName));
                else if (entity.GetData(field.ColumnName) != null)
                    dpc.AddWithValue(field.ColumnName, entity.GetData(field.ColumnName));
                    sqlString += field.ColumnName + "=" + ParameterPrefix + field.ColumnName + ", ";
            sqlString  = sqlString.Substring(0, sqlString.Length - 2);
            sqlString += " WHERE " + ParseSQL(entity.OringTableSchema.KeyColumnInfo, " AND ");
            broker.ExecuteSQL(sqlString, dpc);
Beispiel #14
        /// <summary>
        /// 更新-事务支持 - 若为交易视图表则会根据最后修改时间自动计算表名。
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entity"></param>
        /// <param name="broker"></param>
        public static void Update(EntityBase entity, DataAccessBroker broker)
            string sqlString = "";

            ParameterPrefix = broker.ParameterPrefix.ToString();
            if (entity.OringTableSchema.TableName == TransactionProductView || entity.OringTableSchema.TableName == TransactionView)
                sqlString = "UPDATE " + GetTableName(entity) + " SET " + ParseSQL(entity.OringTableSchema.ValueColumnInfo, ",") + " WHERE " + ParseSQL(entity.OringTableSchema.KeyColumnInfo, " AND ");
                sqlString = "UPDATE " + entity.OringTableSchema.TableName + " SET " + ParseSQL(entity.OringTableSchema.ValueColumnInfo, ",") + " WHERE " + ParseSQL(entity.OringTableSchema.KeyColumnInfo, " AND ");

            DataAccessParameterCollection dpc = new DataAccessParameterCollection();

            foreach (ColumnInfo field in entity.OringTableSchema.AllColumnInfo)
                dpc.AddWithValue(field.ColumnName, entity.GetData(field.ColumnName));
            WriteSocketToFile(DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss:fff"));
            broker.ExecuteSQL(sqlString, dpc);
Beispiel #15
        public  bool SaveUpLoadFile(UploadfileEntity upLoadFileEntity, DataAccessBroker objBroker)

            string fileID = string.Empty;
            string actionNO = string.Empty;
            string target = string.Empty;
            string categoryID = string.Empty;
            string fileName = string.Empty;
            string fileType = string.Empty;
            string filePath = string.Empty;
            string uploadUserID = string.Empty;

            Suzsoft.Smart.EntityCore.DataAccessParameterCollection dpc = new Suzsoft.Smart.EntityCore.DataAccessParameterCollection();
            dpc.AddWithValue("@fileID", upLoadFileEntity.FileId);
            dpc.AddWithValue("@actionNO", upLoadFileEntity.ActionNo);
            dpc.AddWithValue("@target", upLoadFileEntity.Target);
            dpc.AddWithValue("@categoryID", upLoadFileEntity.CategoryId);
            dpc.AddWithValue("@fileName", upLoadFileEntity.Filename);
            dpc.AddWithValue("@fileType", upLoadFileEntity.Filetype);
            dpc.AddWithValue("@filePath", upLoadFileEntity.Filepath);
            dpc.AddWithValue("@uploadUserID", upLoadFileEntity.UploadUserId);

            string strSql = @" INSERT INTO UploadFile 
                   ( File_ID,Action_NO,Target,Category_ID,FileName,FileType,FilePath,Upload_User_ID,Upload_Date ) 
                    Values (@fileID ,@actionNO,@target,@categoryID,@fileName,@fileType,@filePath,
                    @uploadUserID,'" + upLoadFileEntity.UploadDate + "' ) ";

                objBroker.ExecuteSQL(strSql, dpc);
                return true;
                return false;