Beispiel #1
        public static bool DeleteInventory(Session session, int id)
            //Dim inventory As SPG.InventoryDataTable = Adapter.GetInventoryByID(id)
            //Dim rowsAffected As Integer = 0
            //Dim inventorySession As Session = session

            int       item       = 0;
            int       quantity   = 0;
            int       locationID = 0;
            Inventory production = session.GetObjectByKey <Inventory>(id);

            //If inventory.Count = 1 Then
            if (production == null)
            else if (production.Shipment != null)
                MessageBox.Show("The selected record can't be deleted, it was already shipped.");

            //Dim inventoryRecord As SPG.InventoryRow = CType(Inventory.Rows(0), SPG.InventoryRow)
            InventoryBOMsBLL inventoryBOM = new InventoryBOMsBLL();

            item       = production.InventoryItemID.ItemID;
            quantity   = production.InventoryQuantity;
            locationID = production.ProductionLocation.Oid;
            InventoryBOMsBLL.DeleteInventoryBOMByInventoryID(session, id);
            DeleteInventoryConsumption(production, session);
            DeleteProductionProjectDetails(session, production);
            //rowsAffected = Adapter.Delete(id, inventoryRecord.ts)

                //If rowsAffected = 1 Then
                //If production.IsDeleted Then
                ItemsBLL items = new ItemsBLL();
                items.UpdateStock(session, item, quantity * -1, true, locationID);
                //End If

                //Return true if precisely one row was deleted, otherwise return false.
                //Return rowsAffected = 1

                //Return production.IsDeleted
            catch (Exception ex)
Beispiel #2
        public Inventory UpdateInventory(Session session, int inventoryID, DateTime inventoryDate, int item, int quantity, float?pallets, string po, string lot, int?shift, int?pallet, DateTime?expirationDate, int locationID, string note)
            //Dim inventory As SPG.InventoryDataTable = Adapter.GetInventoryByID(inventoryID)

            //If inventory.Count = 0 Then
            Change    change     = new Change();
            Inventory production = session.GetObjectByKey <Inventory>(inventoryID);

            if (production == null)
                //It is a new Production Record
                change = new Change()
                    PropertyName = Inventory.Fields.InventoryID.PropertyName,
                    PrevValue    = "<NULL>",
                    NewValue     = inventoryID.ToString()
                return(InsertInventory(session, inventoryID, inventoryDate, item, quantity, pallets, po, lot, shift, pallet, expirationDate, locationID, note));

            //Dim inventoryRecord As SPG.InventoryRow = inventory(0)
            int  originalQuantity = 0;
            int  newQuantity      = 0;
            bool itemChanged      = false;

            //Dim originalRecord As Object() = inventoryRecord.ItemArray

            //inventoryRecord.InventoryDate = CDate(Format(inventoryDate, "D"))
            int originalItem = production.InventoryItemID.ItemID;

            if (originalItem != item)
                itemChanged = true;
                itemChanged = false;
            //inventoryRecord.InventoryItemID = item
            originalQuantity = production.InventoryQuantity;
            newQuantity      = production.InventoryQuantity - quantity;
            //inventoryRecord.InventoryQuantity = quantity
            //inventoryRecord.InventoryPallets = pallets.Value
            //inventoryRecord.PO = po
            //inventoryRecord.Lot = lot
            //If shift.HasValue AndAlso shift.Value > 0 Then
            //    inventoryRecord.Shift = shift.Value
            //    inventoryRecord.SetShiftNull()
            //End If
            //If pallet.HasValue AndAlso pallet.Value > 0 Then
            //    inventoryRecord.Pallet = pallet.Value
            //    inventoryRecord.SetPalletNull()
            //End If
            //If expirationDate.HasValue Then
            //    inventoryRecord.ExpirationDate = expirationDate.Value
            //    inventoryRecord.SetExpirationDateNull()
            //End If

            change = new Change()
                PropertyName = Inventory.Fields.InventoryID.PropertyName,
                PrevValue    = production.InventoryID.ToString(),
                NewValue     = production.InventoryID.ToString()
            SetInventoryFields(session, inventoryDate, item, quantity, pallets, po, lot, shift, pallet, expirationDate, locationID, note, production);

            //If Not IsNothing(originalRecord) Then
            //    Me.UpdateAuditTrail(inventoryRecord, originalRecord)
            //End If

            catch (Exception ex)


            //Dim rowsAffected As Integer = Adapter.Update(inventoryRecord)

            //If rowsAffected = 1 Then
            ItemsBLL items = new ItemsBLL();

            //Dim inventoryBOM As InventoryBOMsBLL = New InventoryBOMsBLL
            if (itemChanged == true)
                items.UpdateStock(session, originalItem, inventoryID, originalQuantity * -1, true, locationID);
                InventoryBOMsBLL.DeleteInventoryBOMByInventoryID(session, inventoryID);
                InventoryBOMsBLL.AddInventoryBOMByItemID(session, item, production);
                items.UpdateStock(session, item, quantity, true, locationID);
                if (newQuantity != 0)                 //there was a change in the quantity
                    items.UpdateStock(session, item, inventoryID, newQuantity * -1, true, locationID);
            //End If

            //Return rowsAffected = 1
Beispiel #3
        public Inventory InsertInventory(Session session, int inventoryID, DateTime?inventoryDate, int?item, int?quantity, float?pallets, string po, string lot, int?shift, int?pallet, DateTime?expirationDate, int locationID, string note)
            //Dim inventory As SPG.InventoryDataTable = New SPG.InventoryDataTable
            //Dim inventoryRecord As SPG.InventoryRow = inventory.NewInventoryRow()

            //inventoryRecord.InventoryID = inventoryID

            Inventory production = new Inventory(session)
                InventoryID     = inventoryID,
                InventoryItemID = session.GetObjectByKey <Items>(item.Value)

            //inventoryRecord.InventoryDate = CDate(Format(inventoryDate, "D"))
            //inventoryRecord.InventoryItemID = item.Value
            //inventoryRecord.InventoryQuantity = quantity.Value
            //inventoryRecord.InventoryPallets = pallets.Value
            //inventoryRecord.PO = po
            //inventoryRecord.Lot = lot
            //If shift.HasValue AndAlso shift.Value > 0 Then
            //    inventoryRecord.Shift = shift.Value
            //    inventoryRecord.SetShiftNull()
            //End If
            if (pallet.HasValue == false || pallet.Value <= 0)
                //    inventoryRecord.Pallet = pallet.Value
                pallet = GetNewPalletNumber(session, Convert.ToDateTime(inventoryDate), item.Value, shift.Value);
            //If expirationDate.HasValue() Then
            //    inventoryRecord.ExpirationDate = expirationDate.Value
            //    inventoryRecord.SetExpirationDateNull()
            //End If
            SetInventoryFields(session, inventoryDate.Value, item.Value, quantity.Value, pallets, po, lot, shift, pallet, expirationDate, locationID, note, production);
            production.strEnteredBy = Properties.Settings.Default.UserName;
            production.dtmEnteredOn = DateTime.Now;

            catch (Exception ex)

            //Dim rowsAffected As Integer = Adapter.Update(inventory)

            //If rowsAffected = 1 Then
            ItemsBLL items = new ItemsBLL();

            items.UpdateStock(session, item.Value, quantity.Value, true, locationID);
            InventoryBOMsBLL inventoryBOM = new InventoryBOMsBLL();

            InventoryBOMsBLL.AddInventoryBOMByItemID(session, item.Value, production);
            //End If

            //Return rowsAffected = 1

Beispiel #4
        public void UpdateStock(Session session, int itemID, int?inventoryID, float quantity, bool updateBOM, int locationID, string lot = "", int?LPNNumber = null, DateTime?ExpirationDate = null, bool IsNewInventory = true)
            double scrapfactor = 0;

            //To do update the stock for the item and bom's associated with it
            if (updateBOM == true)
                if (inventoryID.HasValue)
                    //Dim inventoryBOMs As InventoryBOMsBLL = New InventoryBOMsBLL
                    //Dim inventoryItemBOM As SPG.InventoryBOMsDataTable = inventoryBOMs.GetInventoryBOMsBYInventoryID(inventoryID.Value)
                    XPCollection <InventoryBOMs> inventoryItemBOM = InventoryBOMsBLL.GetInventoryBOMsByInventoryID(session, inventoryID.Value);
                    //If inventoryItemBOM.Rows.Count <> 0 Then
                    if (inventoryItemBOM.Count != 0)
                        //Dim itemsBOM As SPG.InventoryBOMsRow
                        InventoryBOMs itemsBOM = null;
                        for (int i = 0; i < inventoryItemBOM.Count; i++)
                            //itemsBOM = CType(inventoryItemBOM.Rows(i), SPG.InventoryBOMsRow)
                            itemsBOM = inventoryItemBOM[i];
                            if (itemsBOM.IsDeleted == false)
                                //updates the raw material
                                if (itemsBOM.ScrapFactor > 0)
                                    scrapfactor = itemsBOM.InventoryBOMQuantity * itemsBOM.ScrapFactor;
                                    scrapfactor = 0;
                                UpdateStock(session, itemsBOM.InventoryBOMRawMatID.ItemID, (Convert.ToSingle(quantity * (itemsBOM.InventoryBOMQuantity + scrapfactor)) * -1), false, locationID);
                        updateBOM = false;

            if (updateBOM == true)
                //The item has a bom attached to it
                BOMBLL boms = new BOMBLL();
                //Dim itemsBOMs As SPG.BOMDataTable = boms.GetBOMBYFGItemID(itemID)
                XPCollection <BOMs> itemsBOMs = BOMBLL.GetBOMByFGItemID(session, itemID);

                //If itemsBOMs.Rows.Count <> 0 Then
                if (itemsBOMs.Count != 0)
                    //Dim itemsBOM As SPG.BOMRow
                    BOMs itemsBOM = null;
                    //For i As Integer = 0 To itemsBOMs.Rows.Count - 1
                    for (int i = 0; i < itemsBOMs.Count; i++)
                        //itemsBOM = CType(itemsBOMs.Rows(i), SPG.BOMRow)
                        itemsBOM = itemsBOMs[i];
                        //updates the raw material
                        if (itemsBOM.BOMRawMatID.ItemID != itemID)
                            if (itemsBOM.ScrapFactor > 0)
                                scrapfactor = itemsBOM.BOMQuantity * (itemsBOM.ScrapFactor / 100);
                                scrapfactor = 0;
                            UpdateStock(session, itemsBOM.BOMRawMatID.ItemID, (Convert.ToSingle(quantity * (itemsBOM.BOMQuantity + scrapfactor)) * -1), false, locationID);

            LocationInventoryBLL.UpdateStock(session, itemID, locationID, quantity, lot, LPNNumber, ExpirationDate, IsNewInventory);

            //Dim item As SPG.ItemsRow = CType(GetItemBYId(itemID).Rows(0), SPG.ItemsRow)
            //item.s ngQuantityOnHand += quantity