private void BuildTileset(XElement xTileset)
            // Build the initial database of tiles and the image components that make them
            // There are two ways that our collection of tiles can be created from images
            // 1) From one image broken down into parts (many tiles in one image)
            // 2) From a collection of images (one tile per image)

            var atlas = new AtlasBuilder(m_Importer, m_UseSpriteAtlas, (int)m_AtlasWidth, (int)m_AtlasHeight, m_TilesetScript);

            if (xTileset.Element("image") != null)
                BuildTilesetFromImage(xTileset, atlas);
                BuildTilesetFromCollection(xTileset, atlas);

            // We're done collecting all the tile data. Build our atlas.
            // (Note that we call build even if we are not using texture atlases)