Beispiel #1
        public float[] FindOptimalNumberOfMods(float leftFiller, float rightFiller)
            float numberOfMods   = 0;
            float optimalModSize = 0;
            float remainingWallLength;

            remainingWallLength  = calculateWorkableSpace();
            remainingWallLength -= (leftFiller + rightFiller);

            if (remainingWallLength > Constants.SOFT_MAX_WINDOW_SIZE)
                numberOfMods   = 1;
                optimalModSize = remainingWallLength;

                while (optimalModSize > Constants.SOFT_MAX_WINDOW_SIZE)
                    optimalModSize = remainingWallLength / numberOfMods;

            optimalModSize = GlobalFunctions.RoundDownToNearestEighthInch(optimalModSize);

            float extraFiller = remainingWallLength - (optimalModSize * numberOfMods);

            float fillerOne = 2f;
            float fillerTwo = 2f;

            GlobalFunctions.splitFillerToOutside(ref fillerOne, ref fillerTwo, extraFiller);

            return(new float[] { numberOfMods, optimalModSize, extraFiller });
Beispiel #2
        public float[] FindOptimalLengthOfWindowModsGivenSpace(float sentSpace, float MIN_MOD_WIDTH, float MAX_MOD_WIDTH)
            int   windowCounter   = 0;
            float finalWindowSize = 0;
            float spaceRemaining  = sentSpace;

            while (spaceRemaining >= MIN_MOD_WIDTH)
                if (spaceRemaining >= MAX_MOD_WIDTH)
                    spaceRemaining -= MAX_MOD_WIDTH;
                else if (spaceRemaining < MAX_MOD_WIDTH && spaceRemaining > MIN_MOD_WIDTH)
                    spaceRemaining = 0;
                else if (spaceRemaining == MIN_MOD_WIDTH)
                    spaceRemaining = 0;

            if (spaceRemaining > 0 && windowCounter > 0)
                //Should never get here? will always hit one of the spaceRemaining=0 above
                finalWindowSize = sentSpace / windowCounter;
                spaceRemaining  = 0;
            else if (spaceRemaining > 0 && windowCounter == 0)
                //Should never get here? will always hit one of the spaceRemaining=0 above
                //add spaceRemaining to filler
                //fillFiller(space, wall, start);
                //spaceRemaining = 0;
                finalWindowSize = sentSpace / windowCounter;

            float roundedWindowSize = GlobalFunctions.RoundDownToNearestEighthInch(finalWindowSize);

            //Set space remaining equal to amount lost via rounding
            //spaceRemaining += finalWindowSize - roundedWindowSize;
            spaceRemaining = sentSpace - (roundedWindowSize * windowCounter);

            //Need to return space * windowcounter, since we lost that amount PER WINDOW
            float[] anArray = { roundedWindowSize, windowCounter, spaceRemaining };
Beispiel #3
        public float[] FindMaximumNumberOfMods(float leftFiller, float rightFiller)
            float numberOfMods   = 0;
            float optimalModSize = 0;
            float remainingWallLength;

            remainingWallLength  = calculateWorkableSpace();
            remainingWallLength -= (leftFiller + rightFiller);

            numberOfMods   = (float)((int)(remainingWallLength / Constants.SOFT_MIN_MOD_SIZE));
            optimalModSize = remainingWallLength / numberOfMods;

            optimalModSize = GlobalFunctions.RoundDownToNearestEighthInch(optimalModSize);

            float extraFiller = remainingWallLength - (optimalModSize * numberOfMods);

            float fillerOne = 2f;
            float fillerTwo = 2f;

            GlobalFunctions.splitFillerToOutside(ref fillerOne, ref fillerTwo, extraFiller);

            return(new float[] { numberOfMods, optimalModSize, extraFiller });
Beispiel #4
        protected void btnFinalButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)//
            //Check roof type
            //Get room projection and width from session and set our roofs projection and width to those
            float roofProjection  = Convert.ToSingle(Session["sunroomProjection"]);
            float roofProjection1 = Convert.ToSingle(Session["sunroomProjection"]);
            float roofProjection2 = Convert.ToSingle(Session["sunroomProjection"]);
            float roofWidth       = Convert.ToSingle(Session["sunroomWidth"]);

            //We also get slope of room, and soffit length
            float roofSlope    = Convert.ToSingle(Session["roofSlope"]);
            float soffitLength = Convert.ToSingle(Session["soffitLength"]);

            Session.Add("roofLedgerSetback", hidLedgerSetback.Value);
            Session.Add("roofFrontSetback", hidFrontSetback.Value);
            Session.Add("roofSidesSetback", hidSidesSetback.Value);
            Session.Add("roofJointSetback", hidJointSetback.Value);

            #region Gable System
            //if gable, we need two studio roof systems and additional logic
            if (Session["newProjectRoofType"] == "Dealer Gable" || Session["newProjectRoofType"] == "Sunspace Gable")
                #region Old Symmetrical Gable Code
                ////If they've entered manual dimensions, we don't need to calculate overhang
                //if (hidProjection.Value != "")
                //    //However, if its smaller than the room, we need to throw an error
                //    if (Convert.ToSingle(hidProjection.Value) >= roofProjection)
                //    {
                //        //Since its valid, just set our sizes to the specified
                //        roofProjection = Convert.ToSingle(hidProjection.Value);
                //        roofWidth = Convert.ToSingle(hidWidth.Value);
                //    }
                //    roofProjection += (Convert.ToSingle(hidOverhang.Value) * 2);
                //    roofWidth += (Convert.ToSingle(hidOverhang.Value) * 2);

                ////Convert the room projection into actual roof projection
                //roofProjection = (float)Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(2*roofProjection, 2));
                //roofProjection /= 2; //divide by 2 for each part of a gable

                ////Convert to nearest eighth inch
                //roofProjection *= 8;
                //int intRoofProjection = Convert.ToInt32(roofProjection);
                //roofProjection = intRoofProjection / 8f;
                //roofProjection *= 2; //remultiply to get whole projection

                //Now that we have roof rojection and width, add it to session.
                //Session.Add("roofProjection", (roofProjection));
                //Session.Add("roofWidth", roofWidth);

                List <Wall> listOfWalls = (List <Wall>)Session["listOfWalls"];

                //Loop through walls to find gable post
                for (int i = 0; i < listOfWalls.Count; i++)
                    float     foundBoxHeaderReceiver = 0f;
                    BoxHeader aBoxHeader             = null;

                    for (int j = 0; j < listOfWalls[i].LinearItems.Count; j++)
                        if (listOfWalls[i].LinearItems[j].ItemType == "BoxHeader")
                            aBoxHeader = (BoxHeader)listOfWalls[i].LinearItems[j];
                            if (aBoxHeader.IsReceiver == true)
                                foundBoxHeaderReceiver = aBoxHeader.FixedLocation;

                    //If start != end, it's part of a sloped front wall on Dealer Gables
                    if (listOfWalls[i].StartHeight < listOfWalls[i].EndHeight)
                        //roofProjection1 = Convert.ToSingle(hidOverhang.Value) + listOfWalls[i].Length + 2.125f;
                        //roofProjection2 = Convert.ToSingle(hidOverhang.Value) + listOfWalls[i+1].Length + 2.125f;

                    //If it found a boxheader receiever, then it is the gable-frontwall of a sunspace gable
                    if (foundBoxHeaderReceiver > 0f)
                        //a^2 + b^2 = c^2, +overhang value, gives projection of a roof panel

                        roofProjection1 = GlobalFunctions.RoundDownToNearestEighthInch(Convert.ToSingle(hidOverhang.Value) + (float)Math.Sqrt((float)Math.Pow((foundBoxHeaderReceiver + (aBoxHeader.Length / 2)), 2) + (float)Math.Pow(listOfWalls[i].GablePeak - listOfWalls[i].StartHeight, 2)));
                        roofProjection2 = GlobalFunctions.RoundDownToNearestEighthInch(Convert.ToSingle(hidOverhang.Value) + (float)Math.Sqrt((float)Math.Pow((listOfWalls[i].Length - (aBoxHeader.Length / 2) - foundBoxHeaderReceiver), 2) + (float)Math.Pow(listOfWalls[i].GablePeak - listOfWalls[i].StartHeight, 2)));

                Session.Add("roofProjection1", (roofProjection1));
                Session.Add("roofProjection2", (roofProjection2));
                Session.Add("roofWidth", roofWidth);

                //A studio roof will only have one list entry, while a gable will have two
                List <RoofModule> gableModules = buildGableRoofModule(roofProjection1, roofProjection2, roofWidth);

                bool isFireProtected = false;
                bool isThermadeck    = false;
                bool hasGutters      = false;
                bool gutterPro       = false;

                if (hidPanelType.Value.Contains("FP") && hidSystem.Value == "Traditional")
                    isFireProtected = true;

                if (hidSystem.Value == "Thermadeck")
                    if (chkBarrier.Checked == true)
                        isFireProtected = true;
                    isThermadeck = true;

                if (hidGutterPresence.Value == "Yes")
                    hasGutters = true;

                if (hidGutterPro.Value == "Yes")
                    gutterPro = true;

                string gutterColour = hidGutterColour.Value;
                if (hasGutters == false)
                    gutterColour = "NA";

                if (hidExtraDownspouts.Value == "")
                    hidExtraDownspouts.Value = "0";

                //changeme hardcoded supports to 0
                Roof aRoof = new Roof("Dealer Gable", hidInteriorRoofSkin.Value, hidExteriorRoofSkin.Value, Convert.ToSingle(hidThickness.Value), isFireProtected, isThermadeck, hasGutters, gutterPro, gutterColour, hidStripeColour.Value, hidAcrylicColour.Value, 0, Convert.ToInt32(hidExtraDownspouts.Value), roofProjection, roofWidth, gableModules);
                Session.Add("completedRoof", aRoof);


            #region Studio System
            //studio system
                //Subtract soffit length as that will be the true start point of the roof
                roofProjection -= Convert.ToSingle(Session["soffitLength"]);

                //If they've entered manual dimensions, we don't need to calculate overhang
                if (hidProjection.Value != "")
                    //However, if its smaller than the room, we need to throw an error
                    if (Convert.ToSingle(hidProjection.Value) >= roofProjection)
                        //Since its valid, just set our sizes to the specified
                        roofProjection = Convert.ToSingle(hidProjection.Value);
                        roofWidth      = Convert.ToSingle(hidWidth.Value);
                    roofProjection += (Convert.ToSingle(hidOverhang.Value));
                    roofWidth      += (Convert.ToSingle(hidOverhang.Value) * 2);

                //Convert the room projection into actual roof projection
                float actualSlope = (Convert.ToSingle(Session["roofSlope"])) / 12;
                float roofRise    = actualSlope * roofProjection;

                roofProjection = (float)Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(roofRise, 2) + Math.Pow(roofProjection, 2));

                //Convert to nearest eighth inch
                roofProjection *= 8;
                int intRoofProjection = Convert.ToInt32(roofProjection);
                roofProjection = intRoofProjection / 8f;

                //Now that we have roof rojection and width, add it to session.
                Session.Add("roofProjection", roofProjection);
                Session.Add("roofWidth", roofWidth);

                //A studio roof will only have one list entry, while a gable will have two
                List <RoofModule> aModuleList = new List <RoofModule>();
                aModuleList.Add(buildStudioRoofModule(roofProjection, roofWidth));

                bool isFireProtected = false;
                bool isThermadeck    = false;
                bool hasGutters      = false;
                bool gutterPro       = false;

                if (hidPanelType.Value.Contains("FP") && hidSystem.Value == "Traditional")
                    isFireProtected = true;

                if (hidSystem.Value == "Thermadeck")
                    if (chkBarrier.Checked == true)
                        isFireProtected = true;
                    isThermadeck = true;

                if (hidGutterPresence.Value == "Yes")
                    hasGutters = true;

                if (hidGutterPro.Value == "Yes")
                    gutterPro = true;

                string gutterColour = hidGutterColour.Value;
                if (hasGutters == false)
                    gutterColour = "NA";

                if (hidExtraDownspouts.Value == "")
                    hidExtraDownspouts.Value = "0";

                //changeme hardcoded supports to 0
                Roof aRoof = new Roof("Studio", hidInteriorRoofSkin.Value, hidExteriorRoofSkin.Value, Convert.ToSingle(hidThickness.Value), isFireProtected, isThermadeck, hasGutters, gutterPro, gutterColour, hidStripeColour.Value, hidAcrylicColour.Value, 0, Convert.ToInt32(hidExtraDownspouts.Value), roofProjection, roofWidth, aModuleList);
                Session.Add("completedRoof", aRoof);

Beispiel #5
        public void FillSpaceWithWindows(string windowType, string windowColour, string framingColour, int numberOfVents, float kneewallHeight, string kneewallType, string transomType,
                                         bool sunshade, string valance, string fabric, string openness, string chain, string screenType, double railing)
            float currentLocation = 0f;

            //Loop through linear items using currentLocation to keep track
            for (int i = 0; i <= LinearItems.Count; i++)//
                    //If an item starts at this location, we aren't in a workable area
                    if (LinearItems[i].FixedLocation == currentLocation)
                        //We set the location equal to the length of the linear item, which is the end of it
                        currentLocation += LinearItems[i].Length;
                    //Item must start after current
                    else if (LinearItems[i].FixedLocation > currentLocation)
                        //The space is equal to where the next item starts - current location
                        float space = LinearItems[i].FixedLocation - currentLocation;
                        float numOfWindowsInThisSpace = 1; //If the space is too large for one window mod, we need this many
                        float eachSpace = space;           //If the space is too large for one window mod, we'll have a # of mods of this size

                        float MAX_MOD_WIDTH = 0;
                        float MIN_MOD_WIDTH = 0;

                        switch (windowType)
                        case "Fixed Vinyl":
                            MIN_MOD_WIDTH = Constants.VINYL_TRAP_MIN_WIDTH_WARRANTY;     //We use the trap version because they can have both
                            MAX_MOD_WIDTH = Constants.VINYL_TRAP_MAX_WIDTH_WARRANTY;

                        case "Fixed Glass 2\"":
                            MIN_MOD_WIDTH = Constants.VINYL_TRAP_MIN_WIDTH_WARRANTY;     //We use the trap version because they can have both
                            MAX_MOD_WIDTH = Constants.VINYL_TRAP_MAX_WIDTH_WARRANTY;

                        case "Fixed Glass 3\"":
                            MIN_MOD_WIDTH = Constants.VINYL_TRAP_MIN_WIDTH_WARRANTY;     //We use the trap version because they can have both
                            MAX_MOD_WIDTH = Constants.VINYL_TRAP_MAX_WIDTH_WARRANTY;

                        case "Vertical 4 Track":
                            MIN_MOD_WIDTH = Constants.V4T_4V_MIN_WIDTH_WARRANTY;     //We use the trap version because they can have both
                            MAX_MOD_WIDTH = Constants.V4T_4V_MAX_WIDTH_WARRANTY;

                        case "Horizontal 2 Track":
                        case "Horizontal Roller":
                            MIN_MOD_WIDTH = Constants.HORIZONTAL_ROLLER_MIN_WIDTH_WARRANTY;     //We use the trap version because they can have both
                            MAX_MOD_WIDTH = Constants.HORIZONTAL_ROLLER_MAX_WIDTH_WARRANTY;

                        case "Single Slider":
                            MIN_MOD_WIDTH = Constants.SINGLE_SLIDER_MIN_WIDTH_WARRANTY;     //We use the trap version because they can have both
                            MAX_MOD_WIDTH = Constants.SINGLE_SLIDER_MAX_WIDTH_WARRANTY;

                        case "Double Slider":
                            MIN_MOD_WIDTH = Constants.DOUBLE_SLIDER_MIN_WIDTH_WARRANTY;     //We use the trap version because they can have both
                            MAX_MOD_WIDTH = Constants.DOUBLE_SLIDER_MAX_WIDTH_WARRANTY;

                        case "Open Wall":
                            MIN_MOD_WIDTH = Constants.V4T_4V_MIN_WIDTH_WARRANTY;     //We use the trap version because they can have both
                            MAX_MOD_WIDTH = Constants.V4T_4V_MAX_WIDTH_WARRANTY;

                        case "Solid Wall":
                            MIN_MOD_WIDTH = Constants.V4T_4V_MIN_WIDTH_WARRANTY;     //We use the trap version because they can have both
                            MAX_MOD_WIDTH = Constants.V4T_4V_MAX_WIDTH_WARRANTY;

                        case "Screen":
                            MIN_MOD_WIDTH = Constants.SCREEN_MIN_WIDTH_WARRANTY;     //We use the trap version because they can have both
                            MAX_MOD_WIDTH = Constants.SCREEN_MAX_WIDTH_WARRANTY;

                        //Find optimal lengths of window mods given space
                        float[] windowSpecifics = FindOptimalLengthOfWindowModsGivenSpace(space, MIN_MOD_WIDTH, MAX_MOD_WIDTH);

                        float height;

                        //Loop mod creation for each window counted in this space
                        for (int windowCounter = 0; windowCounter < windowSpecifics[1]; windowCounter++)
                            //We have a space, so create a window mod to fill it
                            Mod aMod = new Mod();
                            aMod.FixedLocation = currentLocation;
                            aMod.StartHeight   = GetHeightAtLocation(currentLocation);
                            aMod.EndHeight     = GetHeightAtLocation(currentLocation + windowSpecifics[0]);
                            aMod.ItemType      = "Mod";
                            aMod.Length        = windowSpecifics[0];
                            if (windowCounter == 0)
                                aMod.Length += windowSpecifics[2];
                            aMod.ModType          = "Window";
                            aMod.Sunshade         = sunshade;
                            aMod.SunshadeValance  = valance;
                            aMod.SunshadeFabric   = fabric;
                            aMod.SunshadeOpenness = openness;
                            aMod.SunshadeChain    = chain;

                            height = Math.Max(aMod.StartHeight, aMod.EndHeight);

                            //Check for kneewall info
                            if (kneewallHeight > 0)
                                //Have one
                                Kneewall aKneewall = new Kneewall();
                                aKneewall.FEndHeight = aKneewall.FStartHeight = kneewallHeight;
                                aKneewall.EndHeight  = aKneewall.StartHeight = kneewallHeight - 2.125f;
                                height -= kneewallHeight; //Remove this from usable height, as the kneewall takes it up
                                aKneewall.KneewallType = kneewallType;
                                aKneewall.ItemType     = "Kneewall";
                                aKneewall.FLength      = aMod.Length - 2;

                            float highestPunch = 0f;
                            //Kneewall will have been added now, or not, either way we add the window
                            //find highest punch
                            for (int j = 0; j < LinearItems.Count; j++)
                                if (LinearItems[j].ItemType == "Mod")
                                    Mod tempMod = (Mod)LinearItems[j];

                                    if (tempMod.ModType == "Door")
                                        //check 0 because door will always be first item in door mod
                                        if (((Door)tempMod.ModularItems[0]).Punch > highestPunch)
                                            highestPunch = ((Door)tempMod.ModularItems[0]).Punch;

                            //If punch is 0 at this point there are no doors, in such a case, we will set the punch to be a set distance below the min height of the wall
                            //That way we arbitrarily set a location for the transom to start and maintain consistency.
                            if (highestPunch == 0)
                                highestPunch = GlobalFunctions.RoundDownToNearestEighthInch(Math.Min(StartHeight, EndHeight) - 4.125F - Constants.KNEEWALL_PUNCH); //changeme based on type
                            //Now we know where the ending height is, so we subtract kneewall to get the height of the window
                            //Punch takes up space too, so subtract it as well
                            float windowHeight = highestPunch - kneewallHeight - Constants.KNEEWALL_PUNCH;
                            //Create the window
                            Window aWindow = new Window();
                            aWindow.FEndHeight  = aWindow.FStartHeight = windowHeight; //CHANGEME hardcoded 2.125
                            aWindow.RightHeight = aWindow.LeftHeight = windowHeight - 2.125f;
                            aWindow.FLength     = aMod.Length - 2;
                            aWindow.Width       = aWindow.FLength - 2.125f; //CHANGEME hardcoded
                            aWindow.Colour      = windowColour;
                            aWindow.FrameColour = framingColour;
                            aWindow.ItemType    = "Window";
                            aWindow.NumVents    = numberOfVents;
                            aWindow.ScreenType  = screenType; //fixt
                            aWindow.WindowStyle = windowType;

                            //Check for spreader bar boolean
                            if (windowType == "Vertical 4 Track" && aWindow.FLength > Constants.V4T_SPREADER_BAR_NEEDED)
                                aWindow.SpreaderBar = (aWindow.FLength / 2) - (Constants.SPREADER_BAR_SIZE / 2); //Find center of window, then place center of spreader bar at that position (by subtracting half of it)
                            if (windowType == "Horizontal Roller" && aWindow.FLength > Constants.HORIZONTAL_ROLLER_SPREADER_BAR_NEEDED)
                                aWindow.SpreaderBar = (aWindow.FEndHeight / 2) - (Constants.SPREADER_BAR_SIZE / 2);
                                aWindow.WindowStyle = "Horizontal Roller XO";
                            if (windowType == "Vinyl")
                                if (aWindow.FLength > Constants.TRANSOM_SPREADER_BAR_REQUIRED || aWindow.FEndHeight > Constants.TRANSOM_SPREADER_BAR_REQUIRED || aWindow.FStartHeight > Constants.TRANSOM_SPREADER_BAR_REQUIRED)
                                    //If length is longer, vertical bar, else horizontal bar
                                    if (aWindow.Width >= aWindow.FEndHeight && aWindow.Width >= aWindow.FStartHeight)
                                        aWindow.SpreaderBar = (aWindow.FLength / 2) - (Constants.SPREADER_BAR_SIZE / 2);
                                        aWindow.SpreaderBar = (aWindow.FEndHeight / 2) - (Constants.SPREADER_BAR_SIZE / 2);
                                    //If dimensions are equal?

                            aWindow.IntegratedRailing = railing;


                            //Now we handle transom
                            float modStartWallHeight = GlobalFunctions.getHeightAtPosition(StartHeight, EndHeight, currentLocation, Length);
                            float modEndWallHeight   = GlobalFunctions.getHeightAtPosition(StartHeight, EndHeight, (currentLocation + aMod.Length), Length);
                            float spaceAbovePunch    = Math.Max(modStartWallHeight, modEndWallHeight) - highestPunch - .25f; //Punch physical space

                            float[] transomInfo = GlobalFunctions.findOptimalHeightsOfWindows(spaceAbovePunch, transomType);

                            if (StartHeight == EndHeight)
                                //rectangular window
                                for (int currentWindow = 0; currentWindow < transomInfo[0]; currentWindow++)
                                    //Set window properties
                                    Window aTransom = new Window();
                                    aTransom.FEndHeight  = aTransom.FStartHeight = transomInfo[1];        //Window with frame
                                    aTransom.RightHeight = aTransom.LeftHeight = transomInfo[1] - 2.125f; //Window itself
                                    aTransom.Colour      = windowColour;
                                    aTransom.ItemType    = "Window";
                                    aTransom.FLength     = aMod.Length - 2;
                                    aTransom.Width       = aTransom.FLength - 2.125f;
                                    aTransom.WindowStyle = transomType;
                                    if (currentWindow == 0)
                                        aTransom.FEndHeight   += transomInfo[2];
                                        aTransom.FStartHeight += transomInfo[2];
                                        aTransom.RightHeight  += transomInfo[2];
                                        aTransom.LeftHeight   += transomInfo[2];

                                    if (aTransom.FLength > Constants.TRANSOM_SPREADER_BAR_REQUIRED || aTransom.FEndHeight > Constants.TRANSOM_SPREADER_BAR_REQUIRED || aTransom.FStartHeight > Constants.TRANSOM_SPREADER_BAR_REQUIRED)
                                        //If length is longer, vertical bar, else horizontal bar
                                        if (aTransom.Width > aTransom.FEndHeight && aTransom.Width > aTransom.FStartHeight)
                                            aTransom.SpreaderBar = (aTransom.FLength / 2) - (Constants.SPREADER_BAR_SIZE / 2);
                                            aTransom.SpreaderBar = (aTransom.FEndHeight / 2) - (Constants.SPREADER_BAR_SIZE / 2);
                                        //If dimensions are equal?
                                float nextTransomHeight;

                                //If start wall is higher, lower end height
                                if (modStartWallHeight == Math.Max(modStartWallHeight, modEndWallHeight))
                                    nextTransomHeight = transomInfo[1];
                                    nextTransomHeight = transomInfo[1] - (Math.Max(modStartWallHeight, modEndWallHeight) - Math.Min(modStartWallHeight, modEndWallHeight));

                                for (int currentWindow = 0; currentWindow < transomInfo[0]; currentWindow++)
                                    //Set window properties
                                    Window aTransom = new Window();
                                    aTransom.Colour      = windowColour;
                                    aTransom.ItemType    = "Window";
                                    aTransom.FLength     = aMod.Length - 2;
                                    aTransom.Width       = aMod.Length - 2 - 2.125f;
                                    aTransom.WindowStyle = transomType;

                                    aTransom.FStartHeight = nextTransomHeight;
                                    aTransom.LeftHeight   = aTransom.FStartHeight - 2.125f;
                                    //If start wall is higher, lower end height
                                    if (modStartWallHeight == Math.Max(modStartWallHeight, modEndWallHeight))
                                        aTransom.FEndHeight = aTransom.FStartHeight - (modStartWallHeight - modEndWallHeight);
                                        aTransom.FEndHeight = aTransom.FStartHeight + (modEndWallHeight - modStartWallHeight);

                                    aTransom.RightHeight = aTransom.FEndHeight - 2.125f;
                                    nextTransomHeight    = aTransom.FEndHeight;

                                    //Add remaining area to first window
                                    if (currentWindow == 0)
                                        aTransom.FEndHeight   += transomInfo[2];
                                        aTransom.FStartHeight += transomInfo[2];
                                        aTransom.RightHeight  += transomInfo[2];
                                        aTransom.LeftHeight   += transomInfo[2];

                                    aTransom.FStartHeight = GlobalFunctions.RoundDownToNearestEighthInch(aTransom.FStartHeight);
                                    aTransom.FEndHeight   = GlobalFunctions.RoundDownToNearestEighthInch(aTransom.FEndHeight);
                                    aTransom.LeftHeight   = GlobalFunctions.RoundDownToNearestEighthInch(aTransom.LeftHeight);
                                    aTransom.RightHeight  = GlobalFunctions.RoundDownToNearestEighthInch(aTransom.RightHeight);

                                    ////If last window, we need to change a height to make it sloped
                                    //if (currentWindow == transomInfo[0] - 1)
                                    //    //If start wall is higher, we lower end height
                                    //    if (modStartWallHeight == Math.Max(modStartWallHeight, modEndWallHeight))
                                    //    {
                                    //        aTransom.FEndHeight -= (modStartWallHeight - modEndWallHeight);
                                    //        aTransom.RightHeight -= (modStartWallHeight - modEndWallHeight);
                                    //    }
                                    //    //Otherwise we lower start height
                                    //    else
                                    //    {
                                    //        aTransom.FStartHeight -= (modEndWallHeight - modStartWallHeight);
                                    //        aTransom.LeftHeight -= (modEndWallHeight - modStartWallHeight);
                                    //    }

                            //float[] windowInfo = GlobalFunctions.findOptimalHeightsOfWindows
                            //Find where to place the mod, and place it
                            for (int j = 0; j < LinearItems.Count; j++)
                                if (LinearItems[j].FixedLocation > aMod.FixedLocation)
                                    //j is past, so we insert into j-1 and exit the loop
                                    LinearItems.Insert(j, aMod);
                            //Sets currentlocation to the ending location of current linear item
                            currentLocation = currentLocation + aMod.Length;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    //If caught, it's because we tried to touch the next linear item but it was past the last
                    //Check currentLocation to see if there is still space left