Beispiel #1
        public static SuggestionTree <Type> BuildTypeSG()
            SuggestionTree <Type> TSG = BuildPlainTypeSG_FromAssemblies(ConsideredAssemblies());

Beispiel #2
        public void PullDownNamespaces(SCG.IEnumerable <SCG.IEnumerable <string> > Namespaces)
            // collect everything into a non lazy structure first
            var insertions = new SCG.List <SuggestionTree <Pay> .IntermFResult.single_suggestion>();

            foreach (var ns in Namespaces)
                var namespace_node_res = FindSequence(ns.ToArray(), last_query_is_exact: true);
                if (namespace_node_res.type == SuggestionTree <Pay> .FRType.unique_fit)
                    SuggestionTree <Pay> namespaceNode = namespace_node_res.suggs[0].val;
                    foreach (var single_sugg  in namespaceNode.FindAllWithPayload())
                    throw new Exception("no exact match for Namespace-pulling : " + string.Join(".", ns.ToArray()));    // <- turn this into consumer catchable Exception as soon as user defined "usings" are a thing
            //  second iteration to not intertwine access and modifying - and avoid reasoning headaches
            foreach (var single_sugg in insertions)
                Add(single_sugg.steps, single_sugg.val.payload);      // Add overrides the payload
Beispiel #3
         *  this whole thing is meant for fully qualified type names
         *  since c# has inner types, both A and A.B could be a valid target for a completion with payload
         *  -> an optional payload on inner nodes must be supported
         *  -> leafs must be non-empty
        public bool Add(SCG.IEnumerable <string> edges, Pay payload)
            // TODO: exception on null payload, want null to be used internally and get away with not doing the maybe<T> dance
            if (!edges.Any())
                throw new InterfaceE();
            if (edges.Any(e => string.IsNullOrEmpty(e) /*|| string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(e)*/))
                throw new InterfaceE();                                                                                  // <- empty strings as keys destroy pretty much all assumptions
            //                               TODO !!!                    ^._____ not available in Unity
            string first = edges.First();
            var    Rest  = edges.Skip(1);

            if (!Rest.Any())
                return(AddLeaf(first, payload));

            if (!D.Contains(first))
                D[first] = new SuggestionTree <Pay>();
            // D[first] is guaranteed to exist at this point, but it might be a leaf -> convert to inner node
            // TODO this is prob. still not enough, depending on how this is supposed to behave upon input in which a path is duplicate
            //      for example when simulating "using directives", overrriding paths and even replacing whole subtrees must be supported
            // ( das braucht wahrscheinlich einen Join( SuggTree1 , SuggTree2 ) siehe lustig bunte A4 blaetter )
            if (D[first] is SuggestionLeaf <Pay> )
                var nu_tree = new SuggestionTree <Pay>(); nu_tree.payload = D[first].payload; D[first] = nu_tree;
            return(D[first].Add(Rest, payload));
Beispiel #4
        static SuggestionTree <MethodInfo> BuildMethodTree(Type T, bool isStatic)
            var BI = BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic;

            BI = BI | (isStatic ? BindingFlags.Static : BindingFlags.Instance);
            var meths = T.GetMethods(BI);
            var R     = new SuggestionTree <MethodInfo>();

            foreach (var MI in meths)
                R.Add(new [] { MI.Name }, MI);
Beispiel #5
        static SuggestionTree <MemberInfo> BuildMembTree(Type T)
            var R = new SuggestionTree <MemberInfo>();

            foreach (var memI in T.GetFields(BI_inst))
                R.Add(new [] { memI.Name }, memI);
            foreach (var memI in T.GetProperties(BI_inst))
                R.Add(new [] { memI.Name }, memI);
Beispiel #6
        SCG.IEnumerable <IntermFResult.single_suggestion> rec_down(SCG.IEnumerable <string> pref)
            if (payload != null)
                yield return new IntermFResult.single_suggestion {
                           steps = pref.ToArray(), val = this
            foreach (var kv in D.RangeAll())
                string name_edge = kv.Key;

                SuggestionTree <Pay> subtree = kv.Value;
                foreach (var sub_res in subtree.rec_down(pref.Concat(new [] { name_edge }).ToArray()))
                    yield return(sub_res);
Beispiel #7
        public static SuggestionTree <Type> BuildPlainTypeSG_FromAssemblies(IEnumerable <Assembly> assems)
            if (recursion_trap)
                throw new Exception("recursively building TypeSuggTree");
                recursion_trap = true;

            // TODO : find a proper way to get the individual typenameComponents :
            // Namespace.Namspace.ParentTypeName.BasicBitchTypename
            // in particular isolate all the other potential junk that the "serialized" string properties of System.Type might contain

            const string name_split_pattern = @"\.|\+";  // <- prob not enough

            var RES = new SuggestionTree <Type> ();

            foreach (var assem in assems)
                Console.WriteLine("loading types for " + assem.FullName);
                IEnumerable <Type> ts;
                try {
                    ts = assem.GetTypes();
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    Console.WriteLine("\n\n !!! skipping Assembly !!! (" + e.Message + ")");
                foreach (var type in ts)
                    RES.Add(Regex.Split(type.FullName, name_split_pattern), type);

            recursion_trap = false;
