private void SolveForQuadrants()
            for (int i = 0; i < QUADS; i++)
                int[] PossibleAnswerArray = new int[NUM_VALS];
                int[] PossibleCellArray   = new int[NUM_VALS];

                int StartOfQuadrantIndex = (i % QUAD_ROWS) * QUAD_ROWS + (i / QUAD_ROWS) * CELLS_PER_THREE_QUADS;
                for (int j = 0; j < QUAD_CELLS; j++)
                    int idx = StartOfQuadrantIndex + j % QUAD_COLS + (int)Math.Floor((double)(j / QUAD_COLS)) * COLS;

                    if (_Cells.TryGetValue(idx, out CellHashset Cell))
                        if (!Cell.IsAnswered())
                            foreach (int answer in Cell.PossibleAnswers)
                                PossibleAnswerArray[answer - 1]++;
                                PossibleCellArray[answer - 1] = idx;
                            PossibleAnswerArray[Cell.Answer - 1] = 2;

                // value is -1 from the actual value
                for (int value = 0; value < NUM_VALS; value++)
                    // if the PossibleAnswerArray holds a 1, only 1 cell can have that value so it's the answer
                    if (PossibleAnswerArray[value] == 1)
                        SetCellAnswer(PossibleCellArray[value], value + 1);
        private void SolveForRows()
            for (int i = 0; i < ROWS; i++)
                int[] PossibleAnswerArray = new int[NUM_VALS];
                int[] PossibleCellArray   = new int[NUM_VALS];

                for (int j = i * COLS; j < (i + 1) * COLS; j++)
                    if (_Cells.TryGetValue(j, out CellHashset Cell))
                        if (!Cell.IsAnswered())
                            foreach (int answer in Cell.PossibleAnswers)
                                PossibleAnswerArray[answer - 1]++;
                                PossibleCellArray[answer - 1] = j;
                            PossibleAnswerArray[Cell.Answer - 1] = 2;

                // value is -1 from the actual value
                for (int value = 0; value < NUM_VALS; value++)
                    // if the PossibleAnswerArray holds a 1, only 1 cell can have that value so it's the answer
                    if (PossibleAnswerArray[value] == 1)
                        SetCellAnswer(PossibleCellArray[value], value + 1);