Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// if a new client has entered the world,
        /// notify them about surrounding physical objects
        /// this routine will send the client mobile's
        /// position as one of the 'nearby' mobiles.
        /// </summary>
        public void SendInitialWorldView(ClientConnection client)


            // TODO: Just subscribe them to the cubes instead?
            //foreach (EntityModel p in GetNearby(client.Avatar))
Beispiel #2
        public void SendInitialWorldView(ClientConnection client)
            // if a new client has entered the world,
            // notify them about surrounding physical objects
            // NB: this routine will send the client mobile's
            // position as one of the 'nearby' mobiles.

            // TODO: figure out how to make client.Avatar the right type
            var mob = (MobileAvatar)client.Avatar;

            // TODO: zomg I don't know if this divtruncate is right
            int squareX = DivTruncate((int)(mob.Position.X - _lowX), Square.SquareSize);
            int squareZ = DivTruncate((int)(mob.Position.Z - _lowZ), Square.SquareSize);
            int i, j;
            var nearbyPhysicalObjects = new List<PhysicalObject>();
            // TODO: use xorder, zorder to descide the resolution?
            for (i = -1; i <= 1; i++)
                for (j = -1; j <= 1; j++)
                    // check that neighbor exists
                    if (squareX + i < 0 || squareX + i >= _squaresInX
                        || squareZ + j < 0 || squareZ + j >= _squaresInZ
                        || _square[squareX + i, squareZ + j] == null)

                    // add all neighboring physical objects
                    // to the clients world view
                    // that are in scope

                    /** TODO:
     * could only send based upon a radius, but this makes
     * relocations harder... maybe be better to just use squares
    // NB: using Manhattan distance not Cartesian
    float distx = Math.Abs(p.Position.X - mob.Position.X);
    float distz = Math.Abs(p.Position.Z - mob.Position.Z);
    if ( distx <= Constants.objectScopeRadius && distz <= Constants.objectScopeRadius )

                        _square[squareX + i, squareZ + j].PhysicalObjects);
                ToClient.AddPhysicalObjects message = new ToClient.AddPhysicalObjects(
                client.Send( message );
            foreach (PhysicalObject p in nearbyPhysicalObjects)

            for (int k = 0; k < Constants.TerrainZoomOrder; k++)
                int tbx = DivTruncate((int)mob.Position.X, Constants.TerrainPieceSize) - Constants.xRadius[k];
                int tbz = DivTruncate((int)mob.Position.Z, Constants.TerrainPieceSize) - Constants.zRadius[k];

                // Normalize to a 'grid' point
                tbx = DivTruncate(tbx, Constants.scale[k]) * Constants.scale[k];
                tbz = DivTruncate(tbz, Constants.scale[k]) * Constants.scale[k];

                for (i = 0; i <= Constants.xRadius[k] * 2; i += Constants.scale[k])
                    for (j = 0; j <= Constants.zRadius[k] * 2; j += Constants.scale[k])
                        int tx = tbx + i;
                        int tz = tbz + j;
                        int terrainX = tx - (int)_lowX / Constants.TerrainPieceSize;
                        int terrainZ = tz - (int)_lowZ / Constants.TerrainPieceSize;
                        if (terrainX >= 0 && terrainX < _squaresInX * Square.SquareSize / Constants.TerrainPieceSize && terrainZ >= 0 && terrainZ < _squaresInZ * Square.SquareSize / Constants.TerrainPieceSize)
                            Terrain t = _terrain[terrainX, terrainZ];
                            if (t != null)
                                if (// there is no higher zoom order
                                    k == (Constants.TerrainZoomOrder - 1)
                                    // this is not a higher order point
                                    || (tx % Constants.scale[k + 1]) != 0 || (tz % Constants.scale[k + 1]) != 0)
 void ProcessMessage(ClientConnection client, Pong message)
     client.Latency = (DateTime.Now - client.PingedAt).Milliseconds;
     World.Weather.Latency = client.Latency;