Beispiel #1
        private static void ExampleOfStringCompilerWithWholeProgram()
            var code = @"
            using System;

            namespace First
            public class Program
            public static void Main(string someText)
            " +
                       "Console.WriteLine(\"Hello, world! -- I made a change = {0}\", someText);"
                       + @"


            public static void Main2()
            " +
                       "Console.WriteLine(\"What is with this?\");"
                       + @"


            public static int Sum(int x, int y)
            " +
                       "return x + y;"
                       + @"


            var stringCompiler = new StringCompiler.Library.StringCompiler();

            var success = stringCompiler.Compile(code);

            if (!success) PrintErrorsToConsole(stringCompiler.GetErrors());
            stringCompiler.RunMethod("First.Program", "Main", "Chopped");
            stringCompiler.RunMethod("First.Program", "Main2");
            var result = stringCompiler.RunMethod("First.Program", "Sum", 7, 3);

            Console.WriteLine("The Result of Sum is {0}", result);
 public MethodComplier()
     _stringCompiler = new StringCompiler();