public PlaceHolder BuildNotifications(string userId)
            DataHandler handler = new DataHandler();

            string query;
            PlaceHolder ph = new PlaceHolder();
            DataTable[] tables = new DataTable[2];
            ArrayList messages = new ArrayList();

            GroupService groupService = new GroupService();

            //notification: you added a teacher
            query =
                "SELECT * FROM user_UserHasTeachers " +
                "WHERE TeacherId = ''" +
                "ORDER BY Timestamp";
            tables[0] = handler.GetDataTable(query);

            foreach (DataRow row in tables[0].Rows)


            //make sense of the data tables
            //for each table
            foreach (DataTable dt in tables)
                //check timestamp
                //insert into position

            return ph;
        public static void BuildStudentProspectTable(Table table, string userId)
            GroupService service = new GroupService();
            DataTable dtProspects = service.GetProspectiveStudentsData(userId);
            DataTable dtGroups = service.GetSupervisorOfData(userId);

            for (int i = 0; i < dtProspects.Rows.Count; i++)
                DropDownList ddlGroupList = new DropDownList();
                ddlGroupList.DataSource = dtGroups;
                ddlGroupList.DataTextField = "GroupName";
                ddlGroupList.DataValueField = "GroupId";
                ddlGroupList.Items.Insert(0, "Add a group");

                string name = dtProspects.Rows[i].ItemArray[0].ToString();
                string id = dtProspects.Rows[i].ItemArray[1].ToString();

                LinkButton b = new LinkButton();
                b.Text = name;
                b.CommandArgument = id;
                b.CommandName = name;

                TableRow row = new TableRow();
                TableCell cellProspects = new TableCell();
                TableCell cellGroups = new TableCell();

        private void LoadLabels()
            GroupService service = new GroupService();

            //see if this is redirected with a query string, display a message if yes
            bool hasMessage = false;
            bool.TryParse(Request.QueryString["created"], out hasMessage);
            if (hasMessage == true)
                lblMessage.Text = "Operation successfully completed.";

            if (phSupervisorOf.Controls.Count > 0)
                lblSupervisorOf.Text = "You supervise the following groups: ";
                lblSupervisorOf.Text = "You are not supervising any groups.";

            if (phMemberOf.Controls.Count > 0)
                lblMemberOf.Text = "You are a member of the following groups: ";
                lblMemberOf.Text = "You do not belong to anyone else's groups.";

            if (phHasTeachers.Controls.Count > 0)
                lblHasTeachers.Text = "You added the following teachers: ";
                lblHasTeachers.Text = "You have not added any teachers.";

            if (service.GetProspectiveStudentCount(userId) > 0)
                lblHasProspectiveStudents.Text = "You have prospective students.<br /><a href='AddStudents.aspx'>See who added you</a>";
                lblHasProspectiveStudents.Text = "No students have added you";
 //private string userId = Membership.GetUser().ProviderUserKey.ToString();
 protected override void OnInit(EventArgs e)
     string groupId = (string)Session["Value"];
     lblHeader.Text = (string)Session["Key"];
     GroupService service = new GroupService();
     DataTable dtStudents = service.GetUsersInGroup(groupId);
     GroupFactory.BuildPlaceHolder(phUsers, dtStudents);
 public static void AssignProspectsToGroups(Table table, string userId)
     GroupService service = new GroupService();
     foreach (TableRow row in table.Rows)
         LinkButton b = (LinkButton)row.Cells[0].Controls[0];
         DropDownList ddl = (DropDownList)row.Cells[1].Controls[0];
         service.AddStudentToGroup(b.CommandArgument, ddl.SelectedValue);
 private void PlaceHolder_Load()
     GroupService service = new GroupService();
     DataTable dtSuperviorOf = service.GetSupervisorOfData(userId);
     DataTable dtMemberOf = service.GetMemberOfData(userId);
     DataTable dtHasTeachers = service.GetHasTeachersData(userId);
     GroupFactory.BuildPlaceHolder(phSupervisorOf, dtSuperviorOf);
     GroupFactory.BuildPlaceHolder(phMemberOf, dtMemberOf);
     GroupFactory.BuildPlaceHolder(phHasTeachers, dtHasTeachers);
        protected override void OnInit(EventArgs e)
            WebControlService wcs = new WebControlService();

            GroupService groupService = new GroupService();
            DataTable dtSuperviorOf = groupService.GetTable(userId, "supervisorOf");
            DataTable dtMemberOf = groupService.GetTable(userId, "memberOf");
            wcs.BuildPlaceHolder(phSupervisorOf, dtSuperviorOf);
            wcs.BuildPlaceHolder(phMemberOf, dtMemberOf);

            CanvasService canvasService = new CanvasService();
            DataTable dtWhiteboards = canvasService.GetTable(userId, "whiteboard");
            wcs.BuildPlaceHolder(phWhiteboards, dtWhiteboards);

            NotifcationService notificationService = new NotifcationService();
            //DataTable dtProspectiveStudents = notificationService.GetProspectiveStudentsData(userId);
 public static void CreateGroup(string groupName, string userId)
     GroupService service = new GroupService();
     service.CreateGroup(Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), groupName, userId);