Beispiel #1
        private void RenderSelection(EditText editText, UIRenderingContext context, int start, int length, Color color, out float offsetTextStart, out float offsetAlignment, out float selectionSize)
            // calculate the size of the text region by removing padding
            var textRegionSize = new Vector2(editText.ActualWidth - editText.Padding.Left - editText.Padding.Right,
                                             editText.ActualHeight - editText.Padding.Top - editText.Padding.Bottom);

            var font = editText.Font;

            // determine the image to draw in background of the edit text
            var fontScale = editText.LayoutingContext.RealVirtualResolutionRatio;
            var provider  = editText.IsSelectionActive ? editText.ActiveImage : editText.MouseOverState == MouseOverState.MouseOverElement ? editText.MouseOverImage : editText.InactiveImage;
            var image     = provider?.GetSprite();

            var fontSize = new Vector2(fontScale.Y * editText.ActualTextSize);

            offsetTextStart = font.MeasureString(editText.TextToDisplay, ref fontSize, start).X;
            selectionSize   = font.MeasureString(editText.TextToDisplay, ref fontSize, start + length).X - offsetTextStart;
            var lineSpacing = font.GetTotalLineSpacing(editText.ActualTextSize);

            if (font.FontType == SpriteFontType.Dynamic)
                offsetTextStart /= fontScale.X;
                selectionSize   /= fontScale.X;

            var scaleRatio = editText.ActualTextSize / font.Size;

            if (font.FontType == SpriteFontType.SDF)
                offsetTextStart *= scaleRatio;
                selectionSize   *= scaleRatio;
                lineSpacing     *= editText.ActualTextSize / font.Size;

            offsetAlignment = -textRegionSize.X / 2f;
            if (editText.TextAlignment != TextAlignment.Left)
                var textWidth = font.MeasureString(editText.TextToDisplay, ref fontSize).X;
                if (font.FontType == SpriteFontType.Dynamic)
                    textWidth /= fontScale.X;
                if (font.FontType == SpriteFontType.SDF)
                    textWidth *= scaleRatio;

                offsetAlignment = editText.TextAlignment == TextAlignment.Center ? -textWidth / 2 : -textRegionSize.X / 2f + (textRegionSize.X - textWidth);

            var selectionWorldMatrix = editText.WorldMatrixInternal;

            selectionWorldMatrix.M41 += offsetTextStart + selectionSize / 2 + offsetAlignment;
            var selectionScaleVector = new Vector3(selectionSize, editText.LineCount * lineSpacing, 0);

            Batch.DrawRectangle(ref selectionWorldMatrix, ref selectionScaleVector, ref color, context.DepthBias + 1);
Beispiel #2
        public override void RenderColor(UIElement element, UIRenderingContext context)
            base.RenderColor(element, context);

            var editText = (EditText)element;

            if (editText.Font == null)

            // determine the image to draw in background of the edit text
            var fontScale = element.LayoutingContext.RealVirtualResolutionRatio;
            var color     = editText.RenderOpacity * Color.White;
            var provider  = editText.IsSelectionActive ? editText.ActiveImage : editText.MouseOverState == MouseOverState.MouseOverElement ? editText.MouseOverImage : editText.InactiveImage;
            var image     = provider?.GetSprite();

            if (image?.Texture != null)
                Batch.DrawImage(image.Texture, ref editText.WorldMatrixInternal, ref image.RegionInternal, ref editText.RenderSizeInternal, ref image.BordersInternal, ref color, context.DepthBias, image.Orientation);

            // calculate the size of the text region by removing padding
            var textRegionSize = new Vector2(editText.ActualWidth - editText.Padding.Left - editText.Padding.Right,
                                             editText.ActualHeight - editText.Padding.Top - editText.Padding.Bottom);

            var font       = editText.Font;
            var caretColor = editText.RenderOpacity * editText.CaretColor;

            var offsetTextStart = 0f;
            var offsetAlignment = 0f;
            var selectionSize   = 0f;

            // Draw the composition selection
            if (editText.Composition.Length > 0)
                var imeSelectionColor = editText.RenderOpacity * editText.IMESelectionColor;
                RenderSelection(editText, context, editText.SelectionStart, editText.Composition.Length, imeSelectionColor, out offsetTextStart, out offsetAlignment, out selectionSize);
            // Draw the regular selection
            else if (editText.IsSelectionActive)
                var selectionColor = editText.RenderOpacity * editText.SelectionColor;
                RenderSelection(editText, context, editText.SelectionStart, editText.SelectionLength, selectionColor, out offsetTextStart, out offsetAlignment, out selectionSize);

            // create the text draw command
            var drawCommand = new SpriteFont.InternalUIDrawCommand
                Color     = editText.RenderOpacity * editText.TextColor,
                DepthBias = context.DepthBias + 2,
                RealVirtualResolutionRatio = fontScale,
                RequestedFontSize          = editText.ActualTextSize,
                Batch       = Batch,
                SnapText    = context.ShouldSnapText && !editText.DoNotSnapText,
                Matrix      = editText.WorldMatrixInternal,
                Alignment   = editText.TextAlignment,
                TextBoxSize = textRegionSize

            if (editText.Font.FontType == SpriteFontType.SDF)
                Batch.BeginCustom(context.GraphicsContext, 1);

            // Draw the text
            Batch.DrawString(font, editText.TextToDisplay, ref drawCommand);

            if (editText.Font.FontType == SpriteFontType.SDF)
                Batch.BeginCustom(context.GraphicsContext, 0);

            // Draw the cursor
            if (editText.IsCaretVisible)
                var lineSpacing = editText.Font.GetTotalLineSpacing(editText.ActualTextSize);
                if (editText.Font.FontType == SpriteFontType.SDF)
                    lineSpacing *= editText.ActualTextSize / font.Size;

                var sizeCaret        = editText.CaretWidth / fontScale.X;
                var caretWorldMatrix = element.WorldMatrixInternal;
                caretWorldMatrix.M41 += offsetTextStart + offsetAlignment + (editText.CaretPosition > editText.SelectionStart? selectionSize: 0);
                var caretScaleVector = new Vector3(sizeCaret, editText.LineCount * lineSpacing, 0);
                Batch.DrawRectangle(ref caretWorldMatrix, ref caretScaleVector, ref caretColor, context.DepthBias + 3);
Beispiel #3
        public static Mesh ToStrideMesh(GraphicsDevice graphicsDevice, SimpleMesh g3Mesh, Vector3 offset, float scaling = 1f)
            if (g3Mesh is null || g3Mesh.VertexCount == 0)

            var vertexDeclaration = GetVertexDeclaration(g3Mesh);

            var            vertices    = new byte[g3Mesh.VertexCount * vertexDeclaration.VertexStride];
            var            boundingBox = BoundingBox.Empty;
            BoundingSphere boundingSphere;

                fixed(byte *ptr = vertices)
                    byte *current = ptr;

                    for (int i = 0; i < g3Mesh.VertexCount; i++)
                        var vi = g3Mesh.GetVertexAll(i);
                        var p  = (new Vector3((float)vi.v.x, (float)vi.v.y, (float)vi.v.z) + offset) * scaling;
                        BoundingBox.Merge(ref boundingBox, ref p, out boundingBox);
                        Unsafe.Write(current, p);

                        current += sizeof(Vector3);
                        if (vi.bHaveN)
                            Unsafe.Write(current, vi.n);
                            current += sizeof(Vector3);
                        if (vi.bHaveUV)
                            Unsafe.Write(current, vi.uv);
                            current += sizeof(Vector2);
                        if (vi.bHaveC)
                            Unsafe.Write(current, new Color(vi.c.x, vi.c.y, vi.c.z));
                            current += sizeof(Color);

                    BoundingSphere.FromPoints((IntPtr)ptr, 0, g3Mesh.VertexCount, vertexDeclaration.VertexStride, out boundingSphere);

            var vertexBuffer = Buffer.New(graphicsDevice, vertices, vertexDeclaration.VertexStride, BufferFlags.VertexBuffer);
            var indexBuffer  = Buffer.Index.New(graphicsDevice, g3Mesh.Triangles.Reverse().ToArray());

            return(new Mesh()
                Draw = new MeshDraw()
                    VertexBuffers = new VertexBufferBinding[]
                        new VertexBufferBinding(vertexBuffer, vertexDeclaration, g3Mesh.VertexCount)
                    IndexBuffer = new IndexBufferBinding(indexBuffer, is32Bit: true, g3Mesh.Triangles.Length),
                    DrawCount = g3Mesh.Triangles.Length,
                    PrimitiveType = PrimitiveType.TriangleList
                BoundingBox = boundingBox,
                BoundingSphere = boundingSphere
Beispiel #4
        public static Mesh ToStrideMesh(GraphicsDevice graphicsDevice, DMesh3 g3Mesh, Vector3 offset, float scaling = 1f)
            if (g3Mesh is null)

            return(ToStrideMesh(graphicsDevice, new SimpleMesh(g3Mesh), offset, scaling));