private int HandleExecuteNonQuery(DbCommand cmd)
            DataSet db = GetDatabaseForConnectionCore(cmd.Connection);
            Func <DataSet, DbCommand, int> handlerMethod = null;

            if (cmd.CommandType == CommandType.StoredProcedure)
                handlerMethod = _handlers.TryResolveProcedureHandlerExec(db, cmd);
                // Facade method from accessor? body sql => access method name = > facade method name

            if (handlerMethod == null)
                if (handlers_key.TryGetValue(cmd.CommandText, out CommandExecutionHandler handler_key))
                    handlerMethod = StoreLakeDao.TryWrite(handler_key, cmd);
                    if (handlerMethod == null)
                        throw new NotImplementedException(); // handler is registered for this commandtext but the method cannot be compiled?!?
                    foreach (var handler_text in handlers_text)
                        Func <DataSet, DbCommand, int> x_handlerMethod = StoreLakeDao.TryWrite(handler_text, cmd);
                        if (x_handlerMethod != null)
                            if (handlerMethod != null)
                                // another handler for the same command text or the command text comparer is not unique enough
                                throw new InvalidOperationException("Multiple handlers found for Command (" + cmd.Parameters.Count + "):" + cmd.CommandText);

                            handlerMethod = x_handlerMethod;
                            // this handler does not handles this command text
            if (handlerMethod != null)
                int res = handlerMethod(db, cmd);
            throw new NotImplementedException("SQL (" + cmd.Parameters.Count + "):" + cmd.CommandText);
        private static TypedMethodHandler TryUseHandlerMethod(Type accessorType, Type methodOwner, System.Reflection.MethodInfo mi)
            System.Reflection.MethodInfo accessor_method = accessorType.GetMethod(mi.Name);
            if (accessor_method == null)
                //return null; // this Handle Method does not handle accessor's method;
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Access method '" + mi.Name + "' on type '" + accessorType.Name + "' could not be found.");

            var prms = mi.GetParameters();

            if (prms.Length == 0)
            var         prm0 = prms[0];
            IComparable handlerCommandText = StoreLakeDao.TryGetCommandText(methodOwner, mi.Name);

            if (handlerCommandText == null)
                // no command handler here. try an accessor type - (from attribute?)?
                handlerCommandText = StoreLakeDao.TryGetCommandText(accessorType, mi.Name);
                if (handlerCommandText == null)
                    //System.Reflection.MethodInfo accessor_method_x = accessorType.GetMethod(mi.Name);
                    //if (accessor_method == null)
                    //    return null;

                    throw new InvalidOperationException(TypedMethodHandler.BuildMismatchMethodExpectionText(mi, accessor_method, "CommandText field '" + mi.Name + "CommandText' could not be found."));

            var handler = new TypedMethodHandler(mi, false, handlerCommandText);

            if (handler.ValidateReadMethodX(accessor_method))
        public void RegisterAddedCommandHandlerContract(DataSet db, Type contractType, Type implementationType)
            //foreach (Type contractType in contracts)
                //Type implementationType = db.GetCommandExecuteHandlerTypeForContract(contractType);
                if (!contractType.IsAssignableFrom(implementationType))
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Handler type does not match registered contract type. Expected:" + contractType.AssemblyQualifiedName + ", Actual:" + implementationType.AssemblyQualifiedName);

                //string schemaName = db.GetCommandExecuteHandlerSchemaForContract(contractType);
                string schemaName = string.IsNullOrEmpty(db.Namespace) ? "dbo" : db.Namespace;

                Type methodOwner = contractType;

                foreach (var mi in implementationType.GetMethods())
                    if (mi.DeclaringType == typeof(object))
                        // skip
                        IComparable handlerCommandText = StoreLakeDao.TryGetCommandText(methodOwner, mi.Name);
                        bool        isProcedureHandler = false;
                        if (handlerCommandText == null)
                            isProcedureHandler = true;
                            handlerCommandText = '[' + schemaName + "].[" + mi.Name + ']'; // procedure name
                        var handler = new TypedMethodHandler(mi, isProcedureHandler, handlerCommandText);
                        if (handler.ValidateReadMethodX(mi))
Beispiel #4
        internal override IComparable RetrieveCommandText()
            IComparable handlerCommandText = StoreLakeDao.GetCommandTextImpl(this.CommandTextOwner, this._handlerMethodName); // or Invoker

        private DbDataReader HandleExecuteDbDataReader(DbCommand cmd, System.Data.CommandBehavior cb)
            string databaseName = cmd.Connection.Database;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(databaseName) && _dbs.Count == 1)
                databaseName = _dbs.Keys.ElementAt(0);

            if (!_dbs.TryGetValue(databaseName, out DataSet db))
            //if (!string.Equals(_db.DataSetName, databaseName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Unknown datatabase [" + databaseName + "]");

            string cmd_CommandText = cmd.CommandText;

            if (cmd.CommandType == CommandType.StoredProcedure)
                //int indexOf_SchemaSeparator = cmd_CommandText.IndexOf('.');
                //if (indexOf_SchemaSeparator < 0)
                //    // no schema at all
                //string schemaName = cmd_CommandText.Substring(0, indexOf_SchemaSeparator);
                //string procedureName = cmd_CommandText.Substring(indexOf_SchemaSeparator + 1);
                //if (schemaName[0] != '[' || procedureName[0] != '[')
                //    if (schemaName[0] != '[')
                //        schemaName = '[' + schemaName + ']';
                //    if (procedureName[0] != '[')
                //        procedureName = '[' + procedureName + ']';
                //    cmd_CommandText = schemaName + "." + procedureName;

            Func <DataSet, DbCommand, DbDataReader> handlerMethod = null;

            if (cmd.CommandType == CommandType.StoredProcedure)
                handlerMethod = _handlers.TryResolveProcedureHandlerRead(db, cmd);
                // Facade method from accessor? body sql => access method name = > facade method name

            if (handlerMethod == null)
                if (handlers_key.TryGetValue(cmd.CommandText, out CommandExecutionHandler handler_key))
                    if (!handler_key.HasCompiledMethodRead())
                        handlerMethod = handler_key.DoCompileReadMethod();
                        handlerMethod = handler_key.CompiledReadMethod();

                    //handlerMethod = StoreLakeDao.TryRead(handler_key, cmd_CommandText);
                    if (handlerMethod == null)
                        throw new NotImplementedException(); // handler is registered for this commandtext but the method cannot be compiled?!?
                    foreach (var handler_text in handlers_text)
                        Func <DataSet, DbCommand, DbDataReader> x_handlerMethod = StoreLakeDao.TryRead(handler_text, cmd);
                        if (x_handlerMethod != null)
                            if (handlerMethod != null)
                                // another handler for the same command text or the command text comparer is not unique enough
                                throw new InvalidOperationException("Multiple handlers found for Command (" + cmd.Parameters.Count + "):" + cmd.CommandText);

                            handlerMethod = x_handlerMethod;
                            // this handler does not handles this command text
            if (handlerMethod != null)
                DbDataReader res = handlerMethod(db, cmd);
            throw new NotImplementedException("SQL (" + cmd.Parameters.Count + "):" + cmd.CommandText);