This class keeps track of recent login successes and failures for a given client IP so that we can try to determine if this client should be blocked due to likely-password-guessing behaviors.
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task UpdateOutcomeIfIpShouldBeBlockedAsync(
            LoginAttempt loginAttempt,
            IpHistory ip,
            List<RemoteHost> serversResponsibleForCachingTheAccount,
            CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            // Always allow a login if there's a valid device cookie associate with this account
            // FUTURE -- we probably want to do something at the account level to track targetted attacks
            //          against individual accounts and lock them out
            if (loginAttempt.DeviceCookieHadPriorSuccessfulLoginForThisAccount)

            // Choose a block threshold based on whether the provided password was popular or not.
            // (If the actual password isn't popular, the loginAttempt will be blocked either way.)
            double blockThreshold = loginAttempt.PasswordsPopularityAmongFailedGuesses >= _options.ThresholdAtWhichAccountsPasswordIsDeemedPopular ?
                _options.BlockThresholdPopularPassword : _options.BlockThresholdUnpopularPassword;

            // As we account for successes, we'll want to make sure we never give credit for more than one success
            // per account.  This set tracks the accounts we've already given credit for
            HashSet<string> accountsUsedForSuccessCredit = new HashSet<string>();

            // Start the scoring at zero, with a higher score indicating a greater chance this is a brute-force
            // attack.  (We'll conclude it's a brute force attack if the score goes over the BlockThreshold.)
            double bruteLikelihoodScore = 0;

            // This algoirthm estimates the likelihood that the IP is engaged in a brute force attack and should be
            // blocked by examining login failures from the IP from most-recent to least-recent, adjusting (increasing) the
            // BruteLikelihoodScore to account for each failure based on its type (e.g., we penalize known
            // typos less than other login attempts that use popular password guesses).
            // Successful logins reduce our estimated likelihood that the IP address.
            // We also account for successful logins in reverse chronological order, but do so _lazily_:
            // we only only examine the minimum number of successes needed to take the likelihood score below
            // the block threshold.  We do so because we want there to be a cost to an account of having its
            // successes used to prevent an IP from being blocked, otherwise attackers could use a few fake
            // accounts to intersperse lots of login successes between every failure and never be detected.

            // These counters track how many successes we have stepped through in search of login successes
            // that can be used to offset login failures when accounting for the likelihood the IP is attacking
            int successesWithoutCreditsIndex = 0;
            int successesWithCreditsIndex = 0;

            List<LoginAttempt> copyOfRecentLoginFailures;
            List<LoginAttempt> copyOfRecentLoginSuccessesAtMostOnePerAccount;
            lock (ip.RecentLoginFailures)
                copyOfRecentLoginFailures = 
                copyOfRecentLoginSuccessesAtMostOnePerAccount = 

            // We step through failures in reverse chronological order (from the 0th element of the sequence on up)
            for (int failureIndex = 0;
                failureIndex < copyOfRecentLoginFailures.Count && bruteLikelihoodScore <= blockThreshold;

                // Get the failure at the index in the sequence.
                LoginAttempt failure = copyOfRecentLoginFailures[failureIndex];

                // Stop tracking failures that are too old in order to forgive IPs that have tranferred to benign owner
                if ((DateTimeOffset.Now - failure.TimeOfAttempt) > _options.ExpireFailuresAfter)

                // Increase the brute-force likelihood score based on the type of failure.
                // (Failures that indicate a greater chance of being a brute-force attacker, such as those
                //  using popular passwords, warrant higher scores.)
                switch (failure.Outcome)
                    case AuthenticationOutcome.CredentialsInvalidNoSuchAccount:
                        bruteLikelihoodScore += _options.PenaltyForInvalidAccount *
                    case AuthenticationOutcome.CredentialsInvalidIncorrectPasswordTypoLikely:
                        bruteLikelihoodScore += _options.PenaltyForInvalidPasswordPerLoginTypo;
                    case AuthenticationOutcome.CredentialsInvalidIncorrectPassword:
                    case AuthenticationOutcome.CredentialsInvalidIncorrectPasswordTypoUnlikely:
                        bruteLikelihoodScore += _options.PenaltyForInvalidPasswordPerLoginRarePassword *
                    case AuthenticationOutcome.CredentialsInvalidRepeatedIncorrectPassword:
                        // We ignore repeats of incorrect passwords we've already accounted for
                        // No penalty

                if (bruteLikelihoodScore > blockThreshold)
                    // The most recent failure took us above the threshold at which we would make the decision to block
                    // this login.  However, there are successes we have yet to account for that might reduce the likelihood score.
                    // We'll account for successes that are more recent than that last failure until we either
                    //    (a) run out of successes, or
                    //    (b) reduce the score below the threshold
                    //        (in which case we'll save any remaining successes to use if we again go over the threshold.)

                    while (bruteLikelihoodScore > blockThreshold &&
                           successesWithCreditsIndex < copyOfRecentLoginSuccessesAtMostOnePerAccount.Count &&
                           copyOfRecentLoginSuccessesAtMostOnePerAccount[successesWithCreditsIndex].TimeOfAttempt >
                        // Start with successes for which, on a prior calculation of ShouldBlock, we already removed
                        // a credit from the account that logged in via a call to TryGetCredit.

                        LoginAttempt success =

                        if ( // We have not already used this account to reduce the BruteLikelihoooScore
                             // earlier in this calculation (during this call to ShouldBlock)
                            !accountsUsedForSuccessCredit.Contains(success.UsernameOrAccountId) &&
                            // We HAVE received the credit during a prior recalculation
                            // (during a prior call to ShouldBlock)                        
                            // Ensure that we don't count this success more than once

                            // Reduce the brute-force attack likelihood score to account for this past successful login
                            bruteLikelihoodScore += _options.RewardForCorrectPasswordPerAccount;

                    while (bruteLikelihoodScore > blockThreshold &&
                           successesWithoutCreditsIndex < copyOfRecentLoginSuccessesAtMostOnePerAccount.Count &&
                           copyOfRecentLoginSuccessesAtMostOnePerAccount[successesWithoutCreditsIndex].TimeOfAttempt >
                        // If we still are above the threshold, use successes for which we will need to remove a new credit
                        // from the account responsible for the success via TryGetCredit.

                        LoginAttempt success =

                        if ( // We have not already used this account to reduce the BruteLikelihoodScore
                             // earlier in this calculation (during this call to ShouldBlock)
                            !accountsUsedForSuccessCredit.Contains(success.UsernameOrAccountId) &&
                            // We have NOT received the credit during a prior recalculation
                            // (during a prior call to ShouldBlock)                        
                            // FUTURE -- We may wnat to parallelize to get rid of the latency.  However, it may well not be worth
                            // worth the added complexity, since requests for credits should rarely (if ever) occur more than
                            // once per login

                            // Reduce credit from the account for the login so that the account cannot be used to generate
                            // an unlimited number of login successes.
                            if (await _userAccountClient.TryGetCreditAsync(success.UsernameOrAccountId, 
                                        serversResponsibleForCachingThisAccount: serversResponsibleForCachingTheAccount,
                                        cancellationToken: cancellationToken))
                                // There exists enough credit left in the account for us to use this success.

                                // Ensure that we don't count this success more than once

                                // Reduce the brute-force attack likelihood score to account for this past successful login
                                bruteLikelihoodScore += _options.RewardForCorrectPasswordPerAccount;



                // The brute-force attack likelihood score should never fall below 0, even after a success credit.
                if (bruteLikelihoodScore < 0d)
                    bruteLikelihoodScore = 0d;

                if (bruteLikelihoodScore >= blockThreshold)
                    if (loginAttempt.Outcome == AuthenticationOutcome.CredentialsValid)
                        loginAttempt.Outcome = AuthenticationOutcome.CredentialsValidButBlocked;

        /// <summary>
        /// This analysis will examine the client IP's previous failed attempts to login to this account
        /// to determine if any failed attempts were due to typos.  
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="clientsIpHistory">Records of this client's previous attempts to examine.</param>
        /// <param name="account">The account that the client is currently trying to login to.</param>
        /// <param name="correctPassword">The correct password for this account.  (We can only know it because
        /// the client must have provided the correct one this loginAttempt.)</param>
        /// <param name="phase1HashOfCorrectPassword">The phase1 hash of that correct password (which we could
        /// recalculate from the information in the previous parameters, but doing so would be expensive.)</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected void UpdateOutcomesUsingTypoAnalysis(
            IpHistory clientsIpHistory,
            UserAccount account,
            string correctPassword,
            byte[] phase1HashOfCorrectPassword)
            if (clientsIpHistory == null)

            List<LoginAttempt> loginAttemptsWithOutcompesUpdatedDueToTypoAnalysis =
                    attempt => attempt.UsernameOrAccountId == account.UsernameOrAccountId &&
                               attempt.Outcome == AuthenticationOutcome.CredentialsInvalidIncorrectPassword &&

            foreach (LoginAttempt updatedLoginAttempt in loginAttemptsWithOutcompesUpdatedDueToTypoAnalysis)