public static void CreateTrade(ref BidsAndOffers Bid, ref BidsAndOffers Offer, int Quantity, ThreadDataBaseHandler threadDataBaseHandler)
            //Get the total quantity that the user can sell
            int StockAvailable = threadDataBaseHandler.GetCount(string.Format("SELECT COUNT(Quantity) FROM Inventories WHERE StockName = '{0}' AND UserID = {1}", Offer.StockName, Offer.User));

            if (Quantity > StockAvailable)
                //If the quantity if the sale is greater than that the user can offer limit to the max amount the user could sell
                Quantity = StockAvailable;
            //If the Quantity is not greater than one we can skip trade creation
            if (Quantity > 0)
                //Checking to see if the bid user has an entry in the iventory table
                if (threadDataBaseHandler.GetCount("SELECT COUNT(UserID) FROM Inventories WHERE UserID = " + Bid.User + " AND StockName = '" + Bid.StockName + "'") == 0)
                    //If not then an entry for the bid user for this stock is inserted into inventories
                    threadDataBaseHandler.SetData(string.Format("INSERT INTO Inventories(UserID, StockName, Quantity, LastTradedPrice) VALUES({0}, '{1}', {2}, {3})", Bid.User, Bid.StockName, 0, 0));
                //Update the database reflect the new trade
                threadDataBaseHandler.SetData(string.Format("INSERT INTO Trades(StockName, BuyerID, SellerID, Price, Quantity) VALUES('{0}', {1}, {2}, {3}, {4})", Bid.StockName, Bid.User, Offer.User, Offer.Price, Quantity));
                threadDataBaseHandler.SetData(string.Format("UPDATE Inventories set LastTradedPrice = {0}, Quantity = Quantity - {1} WHERE StockName = '{2}' AND UserID = {3}", Offer.Price, Quantity, Offer.StockName, Offer.User));
                threadDataBaseHandler.SetData(string.Format("UPDATE Inventories set LastTradedPrice = {0}, Quantity = Quantity + {1} WHERE StockName = '{2}' AND UserID = {3}", Offer.Price, Quantity, Offer.StockName, Bid.User));
                threadDataBaseHandler.SetData(string.Format("UPDATE Stock SET VolumeTraded = VolumeTraded + {0} WHERE StockName = '{1}'", Quantity, Offer.StockName));
                threadDataBaseHandler.SetData(string.Format("UPDATE Users SET Balance = Balance + {0} WHERE ID = {1}", Offer.Price * Quantity, Offer.User));
                threadDataBaseHandler.SetData(string.Format("UPDATE Users SET Balance = Balance - {0} WHERE ID = {1}", Offer.Price * Quantity, Bid.User));
            else if (Quantity < 0)
                throw new Exception("Error with trade, quantity is less than 0");
            //Checking if trade went ahead
            if (Quantity != 0)
                //If it did then we are updating are local version of the bids and offfers in the server pool
                //This allows the matchmaking algorythim to continue without having to grab the new trade data
                //from the database
                Bid.Quantity   -= Quantity;
                Offer.Quantity -= Quantity;
                //Update database to reflect new trade
                threadDataBaseHandler.SetData(string.Format("Update Pool set Quantity = {0} WHERE Type = {1} AND TimePlaced = '{2}' AND Price = {3} AND User = {4} AND StockName = '{5}'", Bid.Quantity, Bid.Type, Bid.TimePlaced.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"), Bid.Price, Bid.User, Bid.StockName));
                threadDataBaseHandler.SetData(string.Format("Update Pool set Quantity = {0} WHERE Type = {1} AND TimePlaced = '{2}' AND Price = {3} AND User = {4} AND StockName = '{5}'", Offer.Quantity, Offer.Type, Offer.TimePlaced.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"), Offer.Price, Offer.User, Offer.StockName));
                //If they couldn't supply any stock to sell then set the offer quantity to be zero
                Offer.Quantity = 0;
            //Close the connection to the DB so that DB connection thread can be open for the next thread