public static void AddFault(Stetic.Wrapper.Widget owner, object faultId, Gtk.Orientation orientation, int x, int y, int width, int height) { Gtk.Widget widget = owner.Wrapped; if (!widget.IsRealized) { return; } Gdk.Window win = NewWindow(widget, Gdk.WindowClass.InputOnly); win.MoveResize(x, y, width, height); Hashtable widgetFaults = faultGroups[widget] as Hashtable; if (widgetFaults == null) { faultGroups[widget] = widgetFaults = new Hashtable(); widget.Destroyed += FaultWidgetDestroyed; widget.DragMotion += FaultDragMotion; widget.DragLeave += FaultDragLeave; widget.DragDrop += FaultDragDrop; widget.DragDataReceived += FaultDragDataReceived; DND.DestSet(widget, false); } widgetFaults[win] = new Fault(owner, faultId, orientation, win); }
public Placeholder() { undoId = WidgetUtils.GetUndoId(); DND.DestSet(this, true); Events |= Gdk.EventMask.ButtonPressMask; WidgetFlags |= WidgetFlags.AppPaintable; }
protected override void OnDragBegin(Gdk.DragContext ctx) { Gtk.Widget ob = CreateItemWidget(); if (ob != null) { DND.Drag(this, ctx, ob); } }
public ActionPaletteGroup(string name, Wrapper.ActionGroup group) : base(name) { DND.DestSet(this, true); = group; group.ActionAdded += OnActionGroupChanged; group.ActionRemoved += OnActionGroupChanged; group.ActionChanged += OnActionGroupChanged; group.ObjectChanged += OnActionGroupChanged; Fill(); }
static void FaultDragDrop(object obj, Gtk.DragDropArgs args) { Gtk.Widget w = DND.Drop(args.Context, (Gtk.Widget)obj, args.Time); Stetic.Wrapper.Widget dropped = Stetic.Wrapper.Widget.Lookup(w); if (dropped != null) { Gtk.Widget targetWidget = (Gtk.Widget)obj; int px = args.X + targetWidget.Allocation.X; int py = args.Y + targetWidget.Allocation.Y; FaultDrop(dropped, px, py, targetWidget); args.RetVal = true; } }
static void ClearFaults(Gtk.Widget widget) { Hashtable widgetFaults = faultGroups[widget] as Hashtable; if (widgetFaults == null) { return; } faultGroups.Remove(widget); foreach (Gdk.Window win in widgetFaults.Keys) { win.Destroy(); } widgetFaults.Clear(); DND.DestUnset(widget); }
protected override bool OnDragDrop(Gdk.DragContext context, int x, int y, uint time) { Wrapper.ActionPaletteItem dropped = DND.Drop(context, null, time) as Wrapper.ActionPaletteItem; if (dropped == null) { return(false); } if (dropped.Node.Action.ActionGroup != group) { using (dropped.Node.Action.UndoManager.AtomicChange) { dropped.Node.Action.ActionGroup.Actions.Remove(dropped.Node.Action); group.Actions.Add(dropped.Node.Action); } } return(base.OnDragDrop(context, x, y, time)); }
internal void BeginComponentDrag(ProjectBackend project, string desc, string className, ObjectWrapper wrapper, Gtk.Widget source, Gdk.DragContext ctx, ComponentDropCallback callback) { if (wrapper != null) { Stetic.Wrapper.ActionPaletteItem it = new Stetic.Wrapper.ActionPaletteItem(Gtk.UIManagerItemType.Menuitem, null, (Wrapper.Action)wrapper); DND.Drag(source, ctx, it); } else if (callback != null) { DND.Drag(source, ctx, delegate() { callback(); // If the class name has an assembly name, remove it now int i = className.IndexOf(','); if (i != -1) { className = className.Substring(0, i); } ClassDescriptor cls = Registry.LookupClassByName(className); if (cls != null) { return(cls.NewInstance(project) as Gtk.Widget); } else { // Class not found, show an error string msg = string.Format("The widget '{0}' could not be found.", className); Gtk.MessageDialog dlg = new Gtk.MessageDialog(null, Gtk.DialogFlags.Modal, Gtk.MessageType.Error, Gtk.ButtonsType.Close, msg); dlg.Run(); dlg.Destroy(); return(null); } }, (desc != null && desc.Length > 0) ? desc : className ); } else { ClassDescriptor cls = Registry.LookupClassByName(className); DND.Drag(source, ctx, cls.NewInstance(project) as Gtk.Widget); } }
static void ClearFaults(Gtk.Widget widget) { Hashtable widgetFaults = faultGroups[widget] as Hashtable; if (widgetFaults == null) { return; } faultGroups.Remove(widget); widget.Destroyed -= FaultWidgetDestroyed; widget.DragMotion -= FaultDragMotion; widget.DragLeave -= FaultDragLeave; widget.DragDrop -= FaultDragDrop; widget.DragDataReceived -= FaultDragDataReceived; foreach (Gdk.Window win in widgetFaults.Keys) { win.Destroy(); } widgetFaults.Clear(); DND.DestUnset(widget); }
public virtual void Initialize(string name, Gdk.Pixbuf icon) { DND.SourceSet(this); AboveChild = true; Gtk.HBox hbox = new HBox(false, 6); hbox.BorderWidth = 3; if (icon != null) { icon = icon.ScaleSimple(16, 16, Gdk.InterpType.Bilinear); hbox.PackStart(new Gtk.Image(icon), false, false, 0); } Gtk.Label label = new Gtk.Label("<small>" + name + "</small>"); label.UseMarkup = true; label.Justify = Justification.Left; label.Xalign = 0; hbox.PackEnd(label, true, true, 0); Add(hbox); }
public override void Initialize(string name, Gdk.Pixbuf icon) { base.Initialize(name, icon); DND.SourceUnset(this); }