LogOff() public method

Logs the user off of the Steam3 network. This method does not disconnect the client. Results are returned in a LoggedOffCallback.
public LogOff ( ) : void
return void
Beispiel #1
        static void Main( string[] args )
            if ( args.Length < 2 )
                Console.WriteLine( "Sample7: No username and password specified!" );

            // save our logon details
            user = args[ 0 ];
            pass = args[ 1 ];

            // create our steamclient instance
            steamClient = new SteamClient();
            // create the callback manager which will route callbacks to function calls
            manager = new CallbackManager( steamClient );

            // get the steamuser handler, which is used for logging on after successfully connecting
            steamUser = steamClient.GetHandler<SteamUser>();

            // register a few callbacks we're interested in
            // these are registered upon creation to a callback manager, which will then route the callbacks
            // to the functions specified
            manager.Subscribe<SteamClient.ConnectedCallback>( OnConnected );
            manager.Subscribe<SteamClient.DisconnectedCallback>( OnDisconnected );

            manager.Subscribe<SteamUser.LoggedOnCallback>( OnLoggedOn );
            manager.Subscribe<SteamUser.LoggedOffCallback>( OnLoggedOff );

            Console.CancelKeyPress += ( s, e ) =>
                e.Cancel = true;

                Console.WriteLine( "Received {0}, disconnecting...", e.SpecialKey );

            int cellid = 0;

            // if we've previously connected and saved our cellid, load it.
            if ( File.Exists( "cellid.txt" ) )
                if ( !int.TryParse( File.ReadAllText( "cellid.txt"), out cellid ) )
                    Console.WriteLine( "Error parsing cellid from cellid.txt. Continuing with cellid 0." );

            if ( File.Exists( "servers.bin" ) )
                // last time we connected to Steam, we got a list of servers. that list is persisted below.
                // load that list of servers into the server list.
                // this is a very simplistic serialization, you're free to serialize the server list however
                // you like (json, xml, whatever).

                using ( var fs = File.OpenRead( "servers.bin" ) )
                using ( var reader = new BinaryReader( fs ) )
                    while ( fs.Position < fs.Length )
                        var numAddressBytes = reader.ReadInt32();
                        var addressBytes = reader.ReadBytes( numAddressBytes );
                        var port = reader.ReadInt32();

                        var ipaddress = new IPAddress( addressBytes );
                        var endPoint = new IPEndPoint( ipaddress, port );

                        CMClient.Servers.TryAdd( endPoint );
                // since we don't have a list of servers saved, load the latest list of Steam servers
                // from the Steam Directory.
                var loadServersTask = SteamDirectory.Initialize( cellid );

                if ( loadServersTask.IsFaulted )
                    Console.WriteLine( "Error loading server list from directory: {0}", loadServersTask.Exception.Message );

            isRunning = true;

            Console.WriteLine( "Connecting to Steam..." );

            // initiate the connection

            // create our callback handling loop
            while ( isRunning )
                // in order for the callbacks to get routed, they need to be handled by the manager
                manager.RunWaitCallbacks( TimeSpan.FromSeconds( 1 ) );

            // before we exit, save our current server list to disk.
            // this is a very simplistic serialization, you're free to serialize the server list however
            // you like (json, xml, whatever).
            using ( var fs = File.OpenWrite( "servers.bin" ) )
            using ( var writer = new BinaryWriter( fs ) )
                foreach ( var endPoint in CMClient.Servers.GetAllEndPoints() )
                    var addressBytes = endPoint.Address.GetAddressBytes();
                    writer.Write( addressBytes.Length );
                    writer.Write( addressBytes );
                    writer.Write( endPoint.Port );
Beispiel #2
        static void Main( string[] args )
            if ( args.Length < 2 )
                Console.WriteLine( "Sample1: No username and password specified!" );

            // save our logon details
            user = args[ 0 ];
            pass = args[ 1 ];

            // create our steamclient instance
            steamClient = new SteamClient();

            // get the steamuser handler, which is used for logging on after successfully connecting
            steamUser = steamClient.GetHandler<SteamUser>();
            isRunning = true;

            Console.WriteLine( "Connecting to Steam..." );

            // initiate the connection

            // create our callback handling loop
            while ( isRunning )
                // wait for a callback to be posted
                var callback = steamClient.WaitForCallback( true );

                // handle the callback
                // the Handle function will only call the passed in handler
                // if the callback type matches the generic type
                callback.Handle<SteamClient.ConnectedCallback>( c =>
                    if ( c.Result != EResult.OK )
                        Console.WriteLine( "Unable to connect to Steam: {0}", c.Result );

                        isRunning = false;

                    Console.WriteLine( "Connected to Steam! Logging in '{0}'...", user );

                    steamUser.LogOn( new SteamUser.LogOnDetails
                        Username = user,
                        Password = pass,
                    } );
                } );

                callback.Handle<SteamClient.DisconnectedCallback>( c =>
                    Console.WriteLine( "Disconnected from Steam" );

                    isRunning = false;
                } );

                callback.Handle<SteamUser.LoggedOnCallback>( c =>
                    if ( c.Result != EResult.OK )
                        if ( c.Result == EResult.AccountLogonDenied )
                            // if we recieve AccountLogonDenied or one of it's flavors (AccountLogonDeniedNoMailSent, etc)
                            // then the account we're logging into is SteamGuard protected
                            // see sample 6 for how SteamGuard can be handled

                            Console.WriteLine( "Unable to logon to Steam: This account is SteamGuard protected." );

                            isRunning = false;

                        Console.WriteLine( "Unable to logon to Steam: {0} / {1}", c.Result, c.ExtendedResult );

                        isRunning = false;

                    Console.WriteLine( "Successfully logged on!" );

                    // at this point, we'd be able to perform actions on Steam

                    // for this sample we'll just log off
                } );

                callback.Handle<SteamUser.LoggedOffCallback>( c =>
                    Console.WriteLine( "Logged off of Steam: {0}", c.Result );
                } );
Beispiel #3
 public void LogOff()
Beispiel #4
        static void Main( string[] args )
            if ( args.Length < 2 )
                Console.WriteLine( "Sample7: No username and password specified!" );

            // save our logon details
            user = args[ 0 ];
            pass = args[ 1 ];

            // create our steamclient instance
            steamClient = new SteamClient();
            // create the callback manager which will route callbacks to function calls
            manager = new CallbackManager( steamClient );

            // get the steamuser handler, which is used for logging on after successfully connecting
            steamUser = steamClient.GetHandler<SteamUser>();

            // register a few callbacks we're interested in
            // these are registered upon creation to a callback manager, which will then route the callbacks
            // to the functions specified
            manager.Subscribe<SteamClient.ConnectedCallback>( OnConnected );
            manager.Subscribe<SteamClient.DisconnectedCallback>( OnDisconnected );

            manager.Subscribe<SteamUser.LoggedOnCallback>( OnLoggedOn );
            manager.Subscribe<SteamUser.LoggedOffCallback>( OnLoggedOff );

            Console.CancelKeyPress += ( s, e ) =>
                e.Cancel = true;

                Console.WriteLine( "Received {0}, disconnecting...", e.SpecialKey );

            var cellid = 0u;

            // if we've previously connected and saved our cellid, load it.
            if ( File.Exists( "cellid.txt" ) )
                if ( !uint.TryParse( File.ReadAllText( "cellid.txt"), out cellid ) )
                    Console.WriteLine( "Error parsing cellid from cellid.txt. Continuing with cellid 0." );
                    Console.WriteLine( $"Using persisted cell ID {cellid}" );

            SteamClient.Servers.CellID = cellid;
            SteamClient.Servers.ServerListProvider = new FileStorageServerListProvider("servers_list.bin");

            isRunning = true;

            Console.WriteLine( "Connecting to Steam..." );

            // initiate the connection

            // create our callback handling loop
            while ( isRunning )
                // in order for the callbacks to get routed, they need to be handled by the manager
                manager.RunWaitCallbacks( TimeSpan.FromSeconds( 1 ) );