Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>Draw the notification to the game sprite batch.</summary>
        public override void draw(SpriteBatch b, int i)
            var titleSafeArea =;

            if (noIcon)
                var overrideX = titleSafeArea.Left + 16;
                var overrideY = ((Game1.uiViewport.Width < 1400) ? (-64) : 0) + titleSafeArea.Bottom - (i + 1) * 64 * 7 / 4 - 21 - (int)Game1.dialogueFont.MeasureString(message).Y;
                IClickableMenu.drawHoverText(b, message, Game1.dialogueFont, 0, 0, -1, null, -1, null, null, 0, -1, -1, overrideX, overrideY, transparency);

            var itemBoxPosition = new Vector2(titleSafeArea.Left + 16, titleSafeArea.Bottom - (i + 1) * 64 * 7 / 4 - 64);

            if (Game1.isOutdoorMapSmallerThanViewport())
                itemBoxPosition.X = Math.Max(titleSafeArea.Left + 16, -Game1.uiViewport.X + 16);

            if (Game1.uiViewport.Width < 1400)
                itemBoxPosition.Y -= 48f;

            b.Draw(Game1.mouseCursors, itemBoxPosition, new Rectangle(293, 360, 26, 24), Color.White * transparency, 0f, Vector2.Zero, 4f, SpriteEffects.None, 1f);
            var messageWidth = Game1.smallFont.MeasureString(message).X;

            b.Draw(Game1.mouseCursors, new Vector2(itemBoxPosition.X + 104f, itemBoxPosition.Y), new Rectangle(319, 360, 1, 24), Color.White * transparency, 0f, Vector2.Zero, new Vector2(messageWidth, 4f), SpriteEffects.None, 1f);
            b.Draw(Game1.mouseCursors, new Vector2(itemBoxPosition.X + 104f + messageWidth, itemBoxPosition.Y), new Rectangle(323, 360, 6, 24), Color.White * transparency, 0f, Vector2.Zero, 4f, SpriteEffects.None, 1f);
            itemBoxPosition.X += 16f;
            itemBoxPosition.Y += 16f;
            b.Draw(_Icon, itemBoxPosition + new Vector2(8f, 8f) * 4f, new Rectangle(0, 0, 16, 16), Color.White * transparency, 0f, new Vector2(8f, 8f), 4f + Math.Max(0f, (timeLeft - 3000f) / 900f), SpriteEffects.None, 1f);
            itemBoxPosition.X += 51f;
            itemBoxPosition.Y += 51f;
            if (number > 1)
                SUtility.drawTinyDigits(number, b, itemBoxPosition, 3f, 1f, Color.White * transparency);

            itemBoxPosition.X += 32f;
            itemBoxPosition.Y -= 33f;
            SUtility.drawTextWithShadow(b, message, Game1.smallFont, itemBoxPosition, Game1.textColor * transparency, 1f, 1f, -1, -1, transparency);
        /// <summary>Patch to adjust fish pond UI for Aquarist increased max capacity.</summary>
        private static bool PondQueryMenuDrawPrefix(ref PondQueryMenu __instance, ref float ____age, ref Rectangle ____confirmationBoxRectangle, ref string ____confirmationText, ref SObject ____fishItem, ref FishPond ____pond, ref bool ___confirmingEmpty, ref string ___hoverText, SpriteBatch b)
                var owner = Game1.getFarmer(____pond.owner.Value);
                if (!Utility.SpecificPlayerHasProfession("Aquarist", owner) || ____pond.lastUnlockedPopulationGate.Value < AwesomeProfessions.Reflection.GetField <FishPondData>(____pond, name: "_fishPondData").GetValue().PopulationGates.Keys.Max())
                    return(true);                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    // run original logic;
                if (!Game1.globalFade)
                    b.Draw(Game1.fadeToBlackRect,, Color.Black * 0.75f);
                    var hasUnresolvedNeeds = ____pond.neededItem.Value != null && ____pond.HasUnresolvedNeeds() && !____pond.hasCompletedRequest.Value;
                    var pondNameText       = Game1.content.LoadString("Strings\\UI:PondQuery_Name", ____fishItem.DisplayName);
                    var textSize           = Game1.smallFont.MeasureString(pondNameText);
                    Game1.DrawBox((int)((Game1.uiViewport.Width / 2) - (textSize.X + 64f) * 0.5f), __instance.yPositionOnScreen - 4 + 128, (int)(textSize.X + 64f), 64);
                    SUtility.drawTextWithShadow(b, pondNameText, Game1.smallFont, new Vector2((Game1.uiViewport.Width / 2) - textSize.X * 0.5f, __instance.yPositionOnScreen - 4 + 160f - textSize.Y * 0.5f), Color.Black);
                    var displayedText = AwesomeProfessions.Reflection.GetMethod(__instance, name: "getDisplayedText").Invoke <string>();
                    var extraHeight   = 0;
                    if (hasUnresolvedNeeds)
                        extraHeight += 116;

                    var extraTextHeight = AwesomeProfessions.Reflection.GetMethod(__instance, name: "measureExtraTextHeight").Invoke <int>(displayedText);
                    Game1.drawDialogueBox(__instance.xPositionOnScreen, __instance.yPositionOnScreen + 128, PondQueryMenu.width, PondQueryMenu.height - 128 + extraHeight + extraTextHeight, speaker: false, drawOnlyBox: true);
                    var populationText = Game1.content.LoadString("Strings\\UI:PondQuery_Population", string.Concat(____pond.FishCount), ____pond.maxOccupants.Value);
                    textSize = Game1.smallFont.MeasureString(populationText);
                    SUtility.drawTextWithShadow(b, populationText, Game1.smallFont, new Vector2((__instance.xPositionOnScreen + PondQueryMenu.width / 2) - textSize.X * 0.5f, __instance.yPositionOnScreen + IClickableMenu.spaceToClearTopBorder + 16 + 128), Game1.textColor);
                    var slotsToDraw = ____pond.maxOccupants.Value;
                    var slotSpacing = 11f;
                    var x           = 0;
                    var y           = 0;
                    for (var i = 0; i < slotsToDraw; ++i)
                        var yOffset = (float)Math.Sin(____age * 1f + x * 0.75f + y * 0.25f) * 2f;
                        if (i < ____pond.FishCount)
                            ____fishItem.drawInMenu(b, new Vector2((__instance.xPositionOnScreen - 20 + PondQueryMenu.width / 2) - slotSpacing * Math.Min(slotsToDraw, 5) * 4f * 0.5f + slotSpacing * 4f * x - 12f, (__instance.yPositionOnScreen + (int)(yOffset * 4f)) + (y * 4) * slotSpacing + 275.2f), 0.75f, 1f, 0f, StackDrawType.Hide, Color.White, drawShadow: false);
                            ____fishItem.drawInMenu(b, new Vector2((__instance.xPositionOnScreen - 20 + PondQueryMenu.width / 2) - slotSpacing * Math.Min(slotsToDraw, 5) * 4f * 0.5f + slotSpacing * 4f * x - 12f, (__instance.yPositionOnScreen + (int)(yOffset * 4f)) + (y * 4) * slotSpacing + 275.2f), 0.75f, 0.35f, 0f, StackDrawType.Hide, Color.Black, drawShadow: false);

                        if (x != 6)

                        x = 0;

                    textSize = Game1.smallFont.MeasureString(displayedText);
                    SUtility.drawTextWithShadow(b, displayedText, Game1.smallFont, new Vector2((__instance.xPositionOnScreen + PondQueryMenu.width / 2) - textSize.X * 0.5f, (__instance.yPositionOnScreen + PondQueryMenu.height + extraTextHeight - (hasUnresolvedNeeds ? 32 : 48)) - textSize.Y), Game1.textColor);
                    if (hasUnresolvedNeeds)
                        AwesomeProfessions.Reflection.GetMethod(__instance, name: "drawHorizontalPartition").Invoke(b, (int)((__instance.yPositionOnScreen + PondQueryMenu.height + extraTextHeight) - 48f));
                        SUtility.drawWithShadow(b, Game1.mouseCursors, new Vector2((__instance.xPositionOnScreen + 60) + 8f * Game1.dialogueButtonScale / 10f, __instance.yPositionOnScreen + PondQueryMenu.height + extraTextHeight + 28), new Rectangle(412, 495, 5, 4), Color.White, (float)Math.PI / 2f, Vector2.Zero);
                        var bringText = Game1.content.LoadString("Strings\\UI:PondQuery_StatusRequest_Bring");
                        textSize = Game1.smallFont.MeasureString(bringText);
                        var   leftX = __instance.xPositionOnScreen + 88;
                        float textX = leftX;
                        var   iconX = textX + textSize.X + 4f;
                        if (LocalizedContentManager.CurrentLanguageCode == LocalizedContentManager.LanguageCode.ja || LocalizedContentManager.CurrentLanguageCode == LocalizedContentManager.LanguageCode.ko || LocalizedContentManager.CurrentLanguageCode ==
                            iconX = leftX - 8;
                            textX = leftX + 76;

                        SUtility.drawTextWithShadow(b, bringText, Game1.smallFont, new Vector2(textX, __instance.yPositionOnScreen + PondQueryMenu.height + extraTextHeight + 24), Game1.textColor);
                        b.Draw(Game1.objectSpriteSheet, new Vector2(iconX, __instance.yPositionOnScreen + PondQueryMenu.height + extraTextHeight + 4), Game1.getSourceRectForStandardTileSheet(Game1.objectSpriteSheet, ____pond.neededItem.Value.ParentSheetIndex, 16, 16), Color.Black * 0.4f, 0f, Vector2.Zero, 4f, SpriteEffects.None, 1f);
                        b.Draw(Game1.objectSpriteSheet, new Vector2(iconX + 4f, __instance.yPositionOnScreen + PondQueryMenu.height + extraTextHeight), Game1.getSourceRectForStandardTileSheet(Game1.objectSpriteSheet, ____pond.neededItem.Value.ParentSheetIndex, 16, 16), Color.White, 0f, Vector2.Zero, 4f, SpriteEffects.None, 1f);
                        if (____pond.neededItemCount.Value > 1)
                            SUtility.drawTinyDigits(____pond.neededItemCount.Value, b, new Vector2(iconX + 48f, __instance.yPositionOnScreen + PondQueryMenu.height + extraTextHeight + 48), 3f, 1f, Color.White);

                    if (___confirmingEmpty)
                        b.Draw(Game1.fadeToBlackRect,, Color.Black * 0.75f);
                        var padding = 16;
                        ____confirmationBoxRectangle.Width  += padding;
                        ____confirmationBoxRectangle.Height += padding;
                        ____confirmationBoxRectangle.X      -= padding / 2;
                        ____confirmationBoxRectangle.Y      -= padding / 2;
                        Game1.DrawBox(____confirmationBoxRectangle.X, ____confirmationBoxRectangle.Y, ____confirmationBoxRectangle.Width, ____confirmationBoxRectangle.Height);
                        ____confirmationBoxRectangle.Width  -= padding;
                        ____confirmationBoxRectangle.Height -= padding;
                        ____confirmationBoxRectangle.X      += padding / 2;
                        ____confirmationBoxRectangle.Y      += padding / 2;
                        b.DrawString(Game1.smallFont, ____confirmationText, new Vector2(____confirmationBoxRectangle.X, ____confirmationBoxRectangle.Y), Game1.textColor);
                    else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(___hoverText))
                        IClickableMenu.drawHoverText(b, ___hoverText, Game1.smallFont);

                return(false);                // don't run original logic
            catch (Exception ex)
                Monitor.Log($"Failed in {nameof(PondQueryMenuDrawPrefix)}:\n{ex}");
                return(true);                // default to original logic