public UnitAgent(Unit myUnit, UnitAgentOptimizedProperties opProp)
            MyUnit = myUnit;
            OptimizedProperties = opProp;
            LeadingStatus = LeadingStatusEnum.None;
            EmotionalMode = EmotionalModeEnum.None;

            HealthLevelOk = 60; //Health + armor

            UnitAgentTypeName = "Unit_Agent";
        public Position CalculateNewSubGoalPosition(List<UnitAgent> squad, Unit closestEnemyUnit)
            int currentX = MyUnit.Position.X;
            int currentY = MyUnit.Position.Y;
            List<Position> surroundingPositions = MyMath.GetPossibleSurroundingPositionsRotation(currentX, currentY, 48, 35);
            double currentPotentialFieldValue = -1000;
            double bestPotentialFieldValue = -1000;
            Position bestPosition = MyUnit.Position;

            foreach (Position possibleNextPosition in surroundingPositions)
                currentPotentialFieldValue = CalculatePotentialField(squad, closestEnemyUnit, possibleNextPosition);
                if (currentPotentialFieldValue > bestPotentialFieldValue)
                    bestPotentialFieldValue = currentPotentialFieldValue;
                    bestPosition = possibleNextPosition;
            return bestPosition;
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculate the potential of the specified field/position.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="squad"></param>
        /// <param name="enemy"></param>
        /// <param name="field"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public double CalculatePotentialField(List<UnitAgent> squad, Unit enemy, Position field)
            double pVal = 0;

            const double forceNeutralUnitsRepulsion = 200; // 0 - 1000 //REMEMBER TO SET TO A POSITIVE NUMBER.
            const double forceStepNeutralUnitsRepulsion = 1.2; // 0 - 10
            int rangeNeutralUnitsRepulsion = 8; //0-512
           // ///////////////////////////////////////////
            double distance = enemy.GetDistanceToPosition(field); 

            if (MyUnit.WeaponGroundCooldown == 0) //If the weapon is ready to fire, PFMaxShootingDistanceAttraction is activated
                pVal += PFMaxShootingDistanceAttraction(distance, enemy, OptimizedProperties.ForceMSD, OptimizedProperties.ForceStepMSD);//, MSDDiffDivValue);
            else if (MyUnit.UnitType.AttackRange > 1) //Else If Weapon is ready to fire and AttackRange is bigger than 1, FLEE/RETREAT until weapon is ready to fire again.
                pVal += PFWeaponCoolDownRepulsion(field, distance, enemy, OptimizedProperties.ForceWeaponCoolDownRepulsion, OptimizedProperties.ForceStepWeaponCoolDownRepulsion, OptimizedProperties.RangeWeaponCooldownRepulsion);

            //Squad attraction
            if (squad.Count>2)
                pVal += PFSquadAttraction(squad, field, OptimizedProperties.ForceSquadAttraction, OptimizedProperties.ForceStepSquadAttraction, OptimizedProperties.RangePercentageSquadAttraction);

            //Center of the map attraction (NEGATES the MSD)
            pVal += PFMapCenterAttraction(field, OptimizedProperties.ForceMapCenterAttraction, OptimizedProperties.ForceStepMapCenterAttraction,

            //Map edge repulsion (NEGATES the MSD)
            pVal += MyMath.CalculateMapEdgeRepulsion(field, OptimizedProperties.ForceMapEdgeRepulsion, OptimizedProperties.ForceStepMapEdgeRepulsion, OptimizedProperties.RangeMapEdgeRepulsion);

            //Own Unit Repulsion
            pVal += PFOwnUnitsRepulsion(squad, field, OptimizedProperties.ForceOwnUnitsRepulsion,
                                                         OptimizedProperties.ForceStepOwnUnitsRepulsion, OptimizedProperties.RangeOwnUnitsRepulsion);

            //Enemy Unit Repulsion
            pVal += PFEnemyUnitsRepulsion(field, OptimizedProperties.ForceEnemyUnitsRepulsion,
                                                        OptimizedProperties.ForceStepEnemyUnitsRepulsion);//, rangeEnemyUnitsRepulsion);

            //Neutral Unit Repulsion
            pVal += PFNeutralUnitsRepulsion(field, forceNeutralUnitsRepulsion, 
                                                          forceStepNeutralUnitsRepulsion, rangeNeutralUnitsRepulsion);
            return pVal;
        public static UnitAgent ConvertUnitToUnitAgent(Unit unit)
            UnitAgent unitAgent;

            switch (unit.UnitTypeEnum)
                case UnitTypes.Terran_SCV:
                    unitAgent = new Terran_SCV_Agent(unit, GetOptimizedValuesToUnitAgent(unit.UnitTypeEnum.ToString()));
                case UnitTypes.Terran_Marine:
                    unitAgent = new Terran_Marine_Agent(unit, GetOptimizedValuesToUnitAgent(unit.UnitTypeEnum.ToString()));
                case UnitTypes.Terran_Firebat:
                    unitAgent = new Terran_Firebat_Agent(unit, GetOptimizedValuesToUnitAgent(unit.UnitTypeEnum.ToString()));
                case UnitTypes.Terran_Medic:
                    unitAgent = new Terran_Medic_Agent(unit, GetOptimizedValuesToUnitAgent(unit.UnitTypeEnum.ToString()));
                case UnitTypes.Terran_Goliath:
                    unitAgent = new Terran_Goliath_Agent(unit, GetOptimizedValuesToUnitAgent(unit.UnitTypeEnum.ToString()));
                case UnitTypes.Terran_Vulture:
                    unitAgent = new Terran_Vulture_Agent(unit, GetOptimizedValuesToUnitAgent(unit.UnitTypeEnum.ToString()));
                case UnitTypes.Terran_TankTurretTankMode:
                case UnitTypes.Terran_SiegeTankSiegeTurret:
                case UnitTypes.Terran_SiegeTankTankMode:
                case UnitTypes.Terran_SiegeTankSiegeMode:
                    unitAgent = new Terran_SiegeTank_Agent(unit, GetOptimizedValuesToUnitAgent(unit.UnitTypeEnum.ToString()));
                    unitAgent = new UnitAgent(unit, GetOptimizedValuesToUnitAgent(unit.UnitTypeEnum.ToString()));

            unitAgent.EmotionalMode = UnitAgent.EmotionalModeEnum.Exploration;

            return unitAgent;
 /// <summary>
 /// Orders the unit to use a tech requiring a unit target (ex: Irradiate). Returns true if it is a valid tech. 
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="techType"></param>
 /// <param name="unitTarget"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public bool DoUseTech(TechTypes techType, Unit unitTarget) {
     return this.BwapiObject.useTech(new SWIG.BWAPI.TechType((int)techType), unitTarget.BwapiObject);
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns true if the given unit can upgrade the given upgrade type and there is enough resources required to upgrade.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="unitWhereToUpgrade"></param>
 /// <param name="upgradeType"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static bool CanUpgrade(Unit unitWhereToUpgrade, UpgradeType upgradeType) {
     return SWIG.BWAPI.bwapi.Broodwar.canUpgrade(unitWhereToUpgrade.BwapiObject, upgradeType.BwapiObject);
 /// <summary>
 /// Orders the unit to repair the specified unit. Only Terran SCVs can be ordered to repair, 
 /// and the target must be a mechanical Terran unit or building. 
 /// See also: IsRepairing.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="unitTarget"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public bool DoRepair(Unit unitTarget) {
 /// <summary>
 /// Orders the unit to set its rally position to the specified unit.
 /// See also: RallyPosition, RallyUnit.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="unitTarget"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public bool DoSetRallyPoint(Unit unitTarget) {
     return this.BwapiObject.setRallyPoint(unitTarget.BwapiObject);
 public static void OnUnitEvade(Unit unit)
 public static void OnUnitRenegade(Unit unit)
     //Util.Logger.Instance.Log("unit renegade: " + unit.UnitTypeEnum.ToString());
 public static void OnUnitDestroy(Unit unit)
     if (unit.IsMine)
 /// <summary>
 /// Checks if the current unit's health level is ok.
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns>True if the current unit's health level is ok (health and shield level together is over 60).</returns>
 public Boolean IsHealthLevelOk(Unit unit)
     int health = unit.HitPoints + unit.Shields;
     Boolean lowHealth = true;
     if (health < LastHealth)
         lowHealth = health >= HealthLevelOk;
     LastHealth = health;
     return lowHealth;
        /// <summary>
        /// Tells if the type of the specified own unit can be attacked by the specified enemy unitType.
        /// Inspiration from: BTHAI StarCraft bot ver. 1.00
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ownUnit"></param>
        /// <param name="enemyUnit"></param>
        /// <returns>True if own unit can be attacked by the enemy unit</returns>
        public Boolean CanBeAttacked(Unit ownUnit, Unit enemyUnit)
            UnitType ownUnitType = ownUnit.UnitType;
            UnitType enemyUnitType = enemyUnit.UnitType;

            if (ownUnitType.IsFlyer)
                //Can enemy unit attack air units.
                if (enemyUnitType.WeaponGround.CanAttackAir)
                    return true;
                if (enemyUnitType.WeaponAir.CanAttackAir)
                    return true;
                //Can enemy unit attack ground units.
                if (enemyUnitType.WeaponGround.CanAttackGround)
                    return true;
                if (enemyUnitType.WeaponAir.CanAttackGround)
                    return true;
            return false;
 /// <summary>
 /// Calculate the potential value of the field that the current military unit can go to in the next frame, while the unit's weapon has it's cooldown period.
 /// Weapon cooldown happens each time the weapon is reloading. 
 /// Some weapons are very effective, but recharges very slowly. It may therefore be a good tactic to flee when the weapon is in cool down, and thereby avoid being hit.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="field"></param>
 /// <param name="enemy"></param>
 /// <param name="distanceToEnemy"></param>
 /// <param name="force"></param>
 /// <param name="forceStep"></param>
 /// <param name="range"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public double PFWeaponCoolDownRepulsion(Position field, double distanceToEnemy, Unit enemy, double force, double forceStep, int range)
     if (enemy.IsVisible && IsInEnemyUnitsRange(field, range)) 
         return MyMath.CalculateRepulsiveMagnitude(force, forceStep, distanceToEnemy, true);
     return 0;
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates the potential value of the field that the current military unit can go to in the next frame, while the unit's weapon are ready to fire.
        /// The unit's Max Shooting Distance (MSD) will be the optimal place to be, because all enemy units with a shorter MSD then can't harm your unit, unless they move fastest. 
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="distanceToEnemy"></param>
        /// <param name="enemyUnit"></param>
        /// <param name="forceToOwnMSD"></param>
        /// <param name="forceStepToOwnMSD"></param>
        /// <returns>double potentialValue</returns>
        public double PFMaxShootingDistanceAttraction(double distanceToEnemy, Unit enemyUnit, double forceToOwnMSD, double forceStepToOwnMSD)
            int ownUnitMSD = MyUnit.UnitType.WeaponGround.AttackRangeMax; // / TileSize;// 
            int enemyUnitMSD = enemyUnit.UnitType.WeaponGround.AttackRangeMax;
            int MSDDifference = ownUnitMSD - enemyUnitMSD;

            double potenTialValueMSD = 0; //Weight potenTialValueMSD is used to alter the relative strength of the current tile, which the unit stands on or the possible tiles the unit can go to.

            if (distanceToEnemy > ownUnitMSD) //GET CLOSER TO ENEMY
                return forceToOwnMSD - forceStepToOwnMSD * (distanceToEnemy - ownUnitMSD);

            if (MSDDifference > 0)
                if (distanceToEnemy <= ownUnitMSD && distanceToEnemy > enemyUnitMSD)
                    return forceToOwnMSD + distanceToEnemy;
            else if (distanceToEnemy <= ownUnitMSD) //TOO CLOSE TO ENEMY
                return forceToOwnMSD;
            return potenTialValueMSD;
        internal static void OnUnitHide(Unit unit)
           // Util.Logger.Instance.Log("unit hide: " + unit.UnitTypeEnum.ToString());

            if (unit.IsMine)
                if (unit.UnitTypeEnum == UnitTypes.Terran_Goliath || unit.UnitTypeEnum == UnitTypes.Terran_SiegeTankSiegeMode || unit.UnitTypeEnum == UnitTypes.Terran_SiegeTankTankMode || unit.UnitTypeEnum == UnitTypes.Terran_SiegeTankSiegeTurret || unit.UnitTypeEnum == UnitTypes.Terran_TankTurretTankMode)
 internal static void OnUnitShow(Unit unit)
     //Util.Logger.Instance.Log("unit show: " + unit.UnitTypeEnum.ToString());
 /// <summary>
 /// Orders the unit to follow the specified unit. 
 /// See also: IsFollowing, TargetUnit
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="unitTarget"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public bool DoFollowUnit(Unit unitTarget) {
     return this.BwapiObject.follow(unitTarget.BwapiObject);
 internal static void OnUnitMorph(Unit unit)
     //Util.Logger.Instance.Log("unit morph: " + unit.UnitTypeEnum.ToString());
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns true if the given unit type can be built at the given build tile position. 
 /// If builder is not null, the unit will be discarded when determining whether or not any ground units are blocking the build location.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="builder">Builder worker.</param>
 /// <param name="buildTile">Top left tile of the building.</param>
 /// <param name="building">Type of a building unit to build.</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static bool CanBuildHere(Unit builder, BuildTile buildTile, UnitTypes building) {
     return SWIG.BWAPI.bwapi.Broodwar.canBuildHere(builder.BwapiObject, buildTile.BwapiObject, new SWIG.BWAPI.UnitType((int)building));
 public static void OnUnitDiscover(Unit unit)
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns true if the given unit can research the given tech type and there is enough resources required to research.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="unitWhereToResearch"></param>
 /// <param name="techType"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static bool CanResearch(Unit unitWhereToResearch, TechType techType) {
     return SWIG.BWAPI.bwapi.Broodwar.canResearch(unitWhereToResearch.BwapiObject, techType.BwapiObject);
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns true if the given unit can research the given tech type and there is enough resources required to research.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="unitWhereToResearch"></param>
 /// <param name="techType"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static bool CanResearch(Unit unitWhereToResearch, TechTypes techType) {
     return SWIG.BWAPI.bwapi.Broodwar.canResearch(unitWhereToResearch.BwapiObject, new SWIG.BWAPI.TechType((int)techType));
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns true if the specified unit is a worker else false.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="unit"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 private static Boolean IsWorker(Unit unit)
     return unit.UnitTypeEnum == UnitTypes.Terran_SCV || unit.UnitTypeEnum == UnitTypes.Zerg_Drone || unit.UnitTypeEnum == UnitTypes.Protoss_Probe;
 public Terran_Medic_Agent(Unit myUnit, UnitAgentOptimizedProperties opProp)
     : base(myUnit, opProp)
     UnitAgentTypeName = "Terran_Medic_Agent";
     //SightRange = 9;
 public static void OnUnitCreate(Unit unit)
     //Util.Logger.Instance.Log("unit create: " + unit.UnitTypeEnum);
 public Terran_Marine_Agent(Unit myUnit, UnitAgentOptimizedProperties opProp)
     : base(myUnit, opProp)
     UnitAgentTypeName = "Terran_Marine_Agent";
     //SightRange = 7; //
 /// <summary>
 /// Remove the destroyed unit from the list where the unit is placed.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="unit"></param>
 private static void RemoveDeadUnitFromList(Unit unit)
     if (unit.IsMine)
         if (IsWorker(unit))
             foreach (UnitAgent ua in _myWorkers)
             foreach (List<UnitAgent> squad in _myArmy)
                 foreach (UnitAgent ua in squad.Where(ua => ua.MyUnit.ID == unit.ID))
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns true if the given unit can upgrade the given upgrade type and there is enough resources required to upgrade.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="unitWhereToUpgrade"></param>
 /// <param name="upgradeType"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static bool CanUpgrade(Unit unitWhereToUpgrade, UpgradeTypes upgradeType) {
     return SWIG.BWAPI.bwapi.Broodwar.canUpgrade(unitWhereToUpgrade.BwapiObject, new SWIG.BWAPI.UpgradeType((int) upgradeType));
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns true if current builder unit can make this unit type and there is enough resources, supply, 
 /// tech and required units in order to make the given unit type.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="builder"></param>
 /// <param name="unitType"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static bool CanMake(Unit builder, UnitTypes unitType) {
     return SWIG.BWAPI.bwapi.Broodwar.canMake(builder.BwapiObject, new SWIG.BWAPI.UnitType((int)unitType));