public void MuxerIsCollected()
            Skip.Inconclusive("Only predictable in release builds");
            // this is more nuanced than it looks; multiple sockets with
            // async callbacks, plus a heartbeat on a timer

            // deliberately not "using" - we *want* to leak this
            var muxer = Create();
            muxer.GetDatabase().Ping(); // smoke-test


//#if DEBUG // this counter only exists in debug
//            int before = ConnectionMultiplexer.CollectedWithoutDispose;
            var wr = new WeakReference(muxer);
            muxer = null;

            Thread.Sleep(2000); // GC is twitchy

            // should be collectable

//#if DEBUG // this counter only exists in debug
//            int after = ConnectionMultiplexer.CollectedWithoutDispose;
//            Assert.Equal(before + 1, after);
Beispiel #2
        public void TestBasicEnvoyConnection()
            var sb = new StringBuilder();

                using (var muxer = Create(configuration: GetConfiguration(), keepAlive: 1, connectTimeout: 2000, allowAdmin: true, shared: false, proxy: Proxy.Envoyproxy, log: Writer))
                    var db = muxer.GetDatabase();

                    const string key   = "foobar";
                    const string value = "barfoo";
                    db.StringSet(key, value);

                    var expectedVal = db.StringGet(key);

                    Assert.Equal(expectedVal, value);
            catch (TimeoutException ex) when(ex.Message == "Connect timeout" || sb.ToString().Contains("Returned, but incorrectly"))
                Skip.Inconclusive("Envoy server not found.");
            catch (AggregateException)
                Skip.Inconclusive("Envoy server not found.");
            catch (RedisConnectionException) when(sb.ToString().Contains("It was not possible to connect to the redis server(s)"))
                Skip.Inconclusive("Envoy server not found.");
Beispiel #3
        public void Teardown()
            int sharedFails;

            lock (sharedFailCount)
                sharedFails           = sharedFailCount.Value;
                sharedFailCount.Value = 0;
            if (expectedFailCount >= 0 && (sharedFails + privateFailCount) != expectedFailCount)
                lock (privateExceptions)
                    foreach (var item in privateExceptions.Take(5))
                lock (backgroundExceptions)
                    foreach (var item in backgroundExceptions.Take(5))
                Skip.Inconclusive($"There were {privateFailCount} private and {sharedFailCount.Value} ambient exceptions; expected {expectedFailCount}.");
            Log($"Service Counts: (Scheduler) Queue: {SocketManager.Shared?.SchedulerPool?.TotalServicedByQueue.ToString()}, Pool: {SocketManager.Shared?.SchedulerPool?.TotalServicedByPool.ToString()}");
Beispiel #4
        public async Task AuthenticationFailureError()
            Skip.IfNoConfig(nameof(TestConfig.Config.AzureCacheServer), TestConfig.Current.AzureCacheServer);

            var options = new ConfigurationOptions();

            options.Ssl                    = true;
            options.Password               = "";
            options.AbortOnConnectFail     = false;
            options.CertificateValidation += SSL.ShowCertFailures(Writer);
            using (var muxer = ConnectionMultiplexer.Connect(options))
                muxer.ConnectionFailed += (sender, e) =>
                    if (e.FailureType == ConnectionFailureType.SocketFailure)
                        Skip.Inconclusive("socket fail");                                                       // this is OK too
                    Assert.Equal(ConnectionFailureType.AuthenticationFailure, e.FailureType);
                var ex = Assert.Throws <RedisConnectionException>(() => muxer.GetDatabase().Ping());

                var rde = Assert.IsType <RedisConnectionException>(ex.InnerException);
                Assert.Equal(CommandStatus.WaitingToBeSent, ex.CommandStatus);
                Assert.Equal(ConnectionFailureType.AuthenticationFailure, rde.FailureType);
                Assert.Equal("Error: NOAUTH Authentication required. Verify if the Redis password provided is correct.", rde.InnerException.Message);
                //wait for a second  for connectionfailed event to fire
                await Task.Delay(1000).ForAwait();
        public async Task Basic()
            var fromConfig = new ConfigurationOptions { EndPoints = { { TestConfig.Current.SecureServer, TestConfig.Current.SecurePort } }, Password = TestConfig.Current.SecurePassword, AllowAdmin = true };
            var toConfig = new ConfigurationOptions { EndPoints = { { TestConfig.Current.MasterServer, TestConfig.Current.MasterPort } }, AllowAdmin = true };
            using (var from = ConnectionMultiplexer.Connect(fromConfig, Writer))
            using (var to = ConnectionMultiplexer.Connect(toConfig, Writer))
                if (await IsWindows(from) || await IsWindows(to))
                    Skip.Inconclusive("'migrate' is unreliable on redis-64");

                RedisKey key = Me();
                var fromDb = from.GetDatabase();
                var toDb = to.GetDatabase();
                fromDb.KeyDelete(key, CommandFlags.FireAndForget);
                toDb.KeyDelete(key, CommandFlags.FireAndForget);
                fromDb.StringSet(key, "foo", flags: CommandFlags.FireAndForget);
                var dest = to.GetEndPoints(true).Single();
                Log("Migrating key...");
                fromDb.KeyMigrate(key, dest, migrateOptions: MigrateOptions.Replace);
                Log("Migration command complete");

                // this is *meant* to be synchronous at the redis level, but
                // we keep seeing it fail on the CI server where the key has *left* the origin, but
                // has *not* yet arrived at the destination; adding a pause while we investigate with
                // the redis folks
                await UntilCondition(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(15), () => !fromDb.KeyExists(key) && toDb.KeyExists(key));

                Assert.False(fromDb.KeyExists(key), "Exists at source");
                Assert.True(toDb.KeyExists(key), "Exists at destination");
                string s = toDb.StringGet(key);
                Assert.Equal("foo", s);
        public void TransactionWithMultiServerKeys()
            var ex = Assert.Throws <RedisCommandException>(() =>
                using (var muxer = Create())
                    // connect
                    var cluster   = muxer.GetDatabase();
                    var anyServer = muxer.GetServer(muxer.GetEndPoints()[0]);
                    Assert.Equal(ServerType.Cluster, anyServer.ServerType);
                    var config = anyServer.ClusterConfiguration;

                    // invent 2 keys that we believe are served by different nodes
                    string x  = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), y;
                    var xNode = config.GetBySlot(x);
                    int abort = 1000;
                        y = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                    } while (--abort > 0 && config.GetBySlot(y) == xNode);
                    if (abort == 0)
                        Skip.Inconclusive("failed to find a different node to use");
                    var yNode = config.GetBySlot(y);
                    Output.WriteLine("x={0}, served by {1}", x, xNode.NodeId);
                    Output.WriteLine("y={0}, served by {1}", y, yNode.NodeId);
                    Assert.NotEqual(xNode.NodeId, yNode.NodeId);

                    // wipe those keys
                    cluster.KeyDelete(x, CommandFlags.FireAndForget);
                    cluster.KeyDelete(y, CommandFlags.FireAndForget);

                    // create a transaction that attempts to assign both keys
                    var tran = cluster.CreateTransaction();
                    var setX     = tran.StringSetAsync(x, "x-val");
                    var setY     = tran.StringSetAsync(y, "y-val");
                    bool success = tran.Execute();

                    Assert.True(false, "Expected single-slot rules to apply");
                    // the rest no longer applies while we are following single-slot rules

                    //// check that everything was aborted
                    //Assert.False(success, "tran aborted");
                    //Assert.True(setX.IsCanceled, "set x cancelled");
                    //Assert.True(setY.IsCanceled, "set y cancelled");
                    //var existsX = cluster.KeyExistsAsync(x);
                    //var existsY = cluster.KeyExistsAsync(y);
                    //Assert.False(cluster.Wait(existsX), "x exists");
                    //Assert.False(cluster.Wait(existsY), "y exists");

            Assert.Equal("Multi-key operations must involve a single slot; keys can use 'hash tags' to help this, i.e. '{/users/12345}/account' and '{/users/12345}/contacts' will always be in the same slot", ex.Message);
        public async Task Exec()
            Skip.Inconclusive("need to think about CompletedSynchronously");

            using (var conn = Create())
                var parsed = ConfigurationOptions.Parse(conn.Configuration);
                Assert.Equal(2, parsed.ConfigCheckSeconds);
                var before = conn.GetCounters();
                await Task.Delay(7000).ForAwait();

                var after = conn.GetCounters();
                int done  = (int)(after.Interactive.CompletedSynchronously - before.Interactive.CompletedSynchronously);
                Assert.True(done >= 2, $"expected >=2, got {done}");
Beispiel #8
        public async Task ConfigVerifyReceiveConfigChangeBroadcast()
            var config = GetConfiguration();

            using (var sender = Create(allowAdmin: true))
                using (var receiver = Create(syncTimeout: 2000))
                    int total = 0;
                    receiver.ConfigurationChangedBroadcast += (s, a) =>
                        Log("Config changed: " + (a.EndPoint == null ? "(none)" : a.EndPoint.ToString()));
                        Interlocked.Increment(ref total);
                    // send a reconfigure/reconnect message
                    long count = sender.PublishReconfigure();
                    await Task.Delay(100).ConfigureAwait(false);

                    Assert.True(count == -1 || count >= 2, "subscribers");
                    Assert.True(Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref total, 0, 0) >= 1, "total (1st)");

                    Interlocked.Exchange(ref total, 0);

                    // and send a second time via a re-master operation
                    var server = GetServer(sender);
                    if (server.IsSlave)
                        Skip.Inconclusive("didn't expect a slave");
                    await Task.Delay(100).ConfigureAwait(false);

                    Assert.True(Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref total, 0, 0) >= 1, "total (2nd)");
Beispiel #9
        public async Task SubscriptionsSurviveMasterSwitchAsync()
            void TopologyFail() => Skip.Inconclusive("Replication tolopogy change failed...and that's both inconsistent and not what we're testing.");

            if (RunningInCI)
                Skip.Inconclusive("TODO: Fix race in broadcast reconfig a zero latency.");

            using (var a = Create(allowAdmin: true, shared: false))
                using (var b = Create(allowAdmin: true, shared: false))
                    RedisChannel channel = Me();
                    Log("Using Channel: " + channel);
                    var subA = a.GetSubscriber();
                    var subB = b.GetSubscriber();

                    long masterChanged = 0, aCount = 0, bCount = 0;
                    a.ConfigurationChangedBroadcast += delegate
                        Log("A noticed config broadcast: " + Interlocked.Increment(ref masterChanged));
                    b.ConfigurationChangedBroadcast += delegate
                        Log("B noticed config broadcast: " + Interlocked.Increment(ref masterChanged));
                    subA.Subscribe(channel, (_, message) =>
                        Log("A got message: " + message);
                        Interlocked.Increment(ref aCount);
                    subB.Subscribe(channel, (_, message) =>
                        Log("B got message: " + message);
                        Interlocked.Increment(ref bCount);

                    Assert.False(a.GetServer(TestConfig.Current.FailoverMasterServerAndPort).IsSlave, $"A Connection: {TestConfig.Current.FailoverMasterServerAndPort} should be a master");
                    if (!a.GetServer(TestConfig.Current.FailoverSlaveServerAndPort).IsSlave)
                    Assert.True(a.GetServer(TestConfig.Current.FailoverSlaveServerAndPort).IsSlave, $"A Connection: {TestConfig.Current.FailoverSlaveServerAndPort} should be a slave");
                    Assert.False(b.GetServer(TestConfig.Current.FailoverMasterServerAndPort).IsSlave, $"B Connection: {TestConfig.Current.FailoverMasterServerAndPort} should be a master");
                    Assert.True(b.GetServer(TestConfig.Current.FailoverSlaveServerAndPort).IsSlave, $"B Connection: {TestConfig.Current.FailoverSlaveServerAndPort} should be a slave");

                    Log("Failover 1 Complete");
                    var epA = subA.SubscribedEndpoint(channel);
                    var epB = subB.SubscribedEndpoint(channel);
                    Log("  A: " + EndPointCollection.ToString(epA));
                    Log("  B: " + EndPointCollection.ToString(epB));
                    subA.Publish(channel, "A1");
                    subB.Publish(channel, "B1");
                    Log("  SubA ping: " + subA.Ping());
                    Log("  SubB ping: " + subB.Ping());
                    // If redis is under load due to this suite, it may take a moment to send across.
                    await UntilCondition(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5), () => Interlocked.Read(ref aCount) == 2 && Interlocked.Read(ref bCount) == 2).ForAwait();

                    Assert.Equal(2, Interlocked.Read(ref aCount));
                    Assert.Equal(2, Interlocked.Read(ref bCount));
                    Assert.Equal(0, Interlocked.Read(ref masterChanged));

                        Interlocked.Exchange(ref masterChanged, 0);
                        Interlocked.Exchange(ref aCount, 0);
                        Interlocked.Exchange(ref bCount, 0);
                        Log("Changing master...");
                        using (var sw = new StringWriter())
                            a.GetServer(TestConfig.Current.FailoverSlaveServerAndPort).MakeMaster(ReplicationChangeOptions.All, sw);
                        Log("Waiting for connection B to detect...");
                        await UntilCondition(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10), () => b.GetServer(TestConfig.Current.FailoverMasterServerAndPort).IsSlave).ForAwait();

                        Log("Falover 2 Attempted. Pausing...");
                        Log("  A " + TestConfig.Current.FailoverMasterServerAndPort + " status: " + (a.GetServer(TestConfig.Current.FailoverMasterServerAndPort).IsSlave ? "Slave" : "Master"));
                        Log("  A " + TestConfig.Current.FailoverSlaveServerAndPort + " status: " + (a.GetServer(TestConfig.Current.FailoverSlaveServerAndPort).IsSlave ? "Slave" : "Master"));
                        Log("  B " + TestConfig.Current.FailoverMasterServerAndPort + " status: " + (b.GetServer(TestConfig.Current.FailoverMasterServerAndPort).IsSlave ? "Slave" : "Master"));
                        Log("  B " + TestConfig.Current.FailoverSlaveServerAndPort + " status: " + (b.GetServer(TestConfig.Current.FailoverSlaveServerAndPort).IsSlave ? "Slave" : "Master"));

                        if (!a.GetServer(TestConfig.Current.FailoverMasterServerAndPort).IsSlave)
                        Log("Falover 2 Complete.");

                        Assert.True(a.GetServer(TestConfig.Current.FailoverMasterServerAndPort).IsSlave, $"A Connection: {TestConfig.Current.FailoverMasterServerAndPort} should be a slave");
                        Assert.False(a.GetServer(TestConfig.Current.FailoverSlaveServerAndPort).IsSlave, $"A Connection: {TestConfig.Current.FailoverSlaveServerAndPort} should be a master");
                        await UntilCondition(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10), () => b.GetServer(TestConfig.Current.FailoverMasterServerAndPort).IsSlave).ForAwait();

                        var sanityCheck = b.GetServer(TestConfig.Current.FailoverMasterServerAndPort).IsSlave;
                        if (!sanityCheck)
                            Log("FAILURE: B has not detected the topology change.");
                            foreach (var server in b.GetServerSnapshot().ToArray())
                                Log("  Server" + server.EndPoint);
                                Log("    State: " + server.ConnectionState);
                                Log("    IsMaster: " + !server.IsSlave);
                                Log("    Type: " + server.ServerType);
                            //Skip.Inconclusive("Not enough latency.");
                        Assert.True(sanityCheck, $"B Connection: {TestConfig.Current.FailoverMasterServerAndPort} should be a slave");
                        Assert.False(b.GetServer(TestConfig.Current.FailoverSlaveServerAndPort).IsSlave, $"B Connection: {TestConfig.Current.FailoverSlaveServerAndPort} should be a master");

                        Log("Pause complete");
                        Log("  A outstanding: " + a.GetCounters().TotalOutstanding);
                        Log("  B outstanding: " + b.GetCounters().TotalOutstanding);
                        await Task.Delay(5000).ForAwait();

                        epA = subA.SubscribedEndpoint(channel);
                        epB = subB.SubscribedEndpoint(channel);
                        Log("Subscription complete");
                        Log("  A: " + EndPointCollection.ToString(epA));
                        Log("  B: " + EndPointCollection.ToString(epB));
                        var aSentTo = subA.Publish(channel, "A2");
                        var bSentTo = subB.Publish(channel, "B2");
                        Log("  A2 sent to: " + aSentTo);
                        Log("  B2 sent to: " + bSentTo);
                        Log("Ping Complete. Checking...");
                        await UntilCondition(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10), () => Interlocked.Read(ref aCount) == 2 && Interlocked.Read(ref bCount) == 2).ForAwait();

                        Log("Counts so far:");
                        Log("  aCount: " + Interlocked.Read(ref aCount));
                        Log("  bCount: " + Interlocked.Read(ref bCount));
                        Log("  masterChanged: " + Interlocked.Read(ref masterChanged));

                        Assert.Equal(2, Interlocked.Read(ref aCount));
                        Assert.Equal(2, Interlocked.Read(ref bCount));
                        // Expect 10, because a sees a, but b sees a and b due to replication
                        Assert.Equal(10, Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref masterChanged, 0, 0));
                        Log("ERROR: Something went bad - see above! Roooooolling back. Back it up. Baaaaaack it on up.");
                        Log("Restoring configuration...");
                            await Task.Delay(1000).ForAwait();
                        catch { }
Beispiel #10
        public async Task DeslaveGoesToPrimary()
            ConfigurationOptions config = GetMasterSlaveConfig();

            using (var conn = ConnectionMultiplexer.Connect(config))
                var primary   = conn.GetServer(TestConfig.Current.FailoverMasterServerAndPort);
                var secondary = conn.GetServer(TestConfig.Current.FailoverSlaveServerAndPort);



                await Task.Delay(100).ConfigureAwait(false);


                using (var writer = new StringWriter())
                    string log = writer.ToString();
                    bool isUnanimous = log.Contains("tie-break is unanimous at " + TestConfig.Current.FailoverMasterServerAndPort);
                    if (!isUnanimous)
                        Skip.Inconclusive("this is timing sensitive; unable to verify this time");
                // k, so we know everyone loves 6379; is that what we get?

                var      db  = conn.GetDatabase();
                RedisKey key = Me();

                Assert.Equal(primary.EndPoint, db.IdentifyEndpoint(key, CommandFlags.PreferMaster));
                Assert.Equal(primary.EndPoint, db.IdentifyEndpoint(key, CommandFlags.DemandMaster));
                Assert.Equal(primary.EndPoint, db.IdentifyEndpoint(key, CommandFlags.PreferSlave));

                var ex = Assert.Throws <RedisConnectionException>(() => db.IdentifyEndpoint(key, CommandFlags.DemandSlave));
                Assert.StartsWith("No connection is active/available to service this operation: EXISTS " + Me(), ex.Message);
                Writer.WriteLine("Invoking MakeMaster()...");
                primary.MakeMaster(ReplicationChangeOptions.Broadcast | ReplicationChangeOptions.EnslaveSubordinates | ReplicationChangeOptions.SetTiebreaker, Writer);
                Writer.WriteLine("Finished MakeMaster() call.");

                await Task.Delay(100).ConfigureAwait(false);

                Writer.WriteLine("Invoking Ping() (post-master)");
                Writer.WriteLine("Finished Ping() (post-master)");

                Assert.True(primary.IsConnected, $"{primary.EndPoint} is not connected.");
                Assert.True(secondary.IsConnected, $"{secondary.EndPoint} is not connected.");

                Writer.WriteLine($"{primary.EndPoint}: {primary.ServerType}, Mode: {(primary.IsSlave ? "Slave" : "Master")}");
                Writer.WriteLine($"{secondary.EndPoint}: {secondary.ServerType}, Mode: {(secondary.IsSlave ? "Slave" : "Master")}");

                // Create a separate multiplexer with a valid view of the world to distinguish between failures of
                // server topology changes from failures to recognize those changes
                Writer.WriteLine("Connecting to secondary validation connection.");
                using (var conn2 = ConnectionMultiplexer.Connect(config))
                    var primary2   = conn2.GetServer(TestConfig.Current.FailoverMasterServerAndPort);
                    var secondary2 = conn2.GetServer(TestConfig.Current.FailoverSlaveServerAndPort);

                    Writer.WriteLine($"Check: {primary2.EndPoint}: {primary2.ServerType}, Mode: {(primary2.IsSlave ? "Slave" : "Master")}");
                    Writer.WriteLine($"Check: {secondary2.EndPoint}: {secondary2.ServerType}, Mode: {(secondary2.IsSlave ? "Slave" : "Master")}");

                    Assert.False(primary2.IsSlave, $"{primary2.EndPoint} should be a master (verification connection).");
                    Assert.True(secondary2.IsSlave, $"{secondary2.EndPoint} should be a slave (verification connection).");

                    var db2 = conn2.GetDatabase();

                    Assert.Equal(primary2.EndPoint, db2.IdentifyEndpoint(key, CommandFlags.PreferMaster));
                    Assert.Equal(primary2.EndPoint, db2.IdentifyEndpoint(key, CommandFlags.DemandMaster));
                    Assert.Equal(secondary2.EndPoint, db2.IdentifyEndpoint(key, CommandFlags.PreferSlave));
                    Assert.Equal(secondary2.EndPoint, db2.IdentifyEndpoint(key, CommandFlags.DemandSlave));

                await UntilCondition(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(20), () => !primary.IsSlave && secondary.IsSlave);

                Assert.False(primary.IsSlave, $"{primary.EndPoint} should be a master.");
                Assert.True(secondary.IsSlave, $"{secondary.EndPoint} should be a slave.");

                Assert.Equal(primary.EndPoint, db.IdentifyEndpoint(key, CommandFlags.PreferMaster));
                Assert.Equal(primary.EndPoint, db.IdentifyEndpoint(key, CommandFlags.DemandMaster));
                Assert.Equal(secondary.EndPoint, db.IdentifyEndpoint(key, CommandFlags.PreferSlave));
                Assert.Equal(secondary.EndPoint, db.IdentifyEndpoint(key, CommandFlags.DemandSlave));
Beispiel #11
        protected virtual ConnectionMultiplexer Create(
            string clientName    = null, int?syncTimeout           = null, bool?allowAdmin          = null, int?keepAlive  = null,
            int?connectTimeout   = null, string password           = null, string tieBreaker        = null, TextWriter log = null,
            bool fail            = true, string[] disabledCommands = null, string[] enabledCommands = null,
            bool checkConnect    = true, bool pause                = true, string failMessage = null,
            string channelPrefix = null, bool useSharedSocketManager = true, Proxy?proxy = null)
            if (pause)
                Thread.Sleep(250);        // get a lot of glitches when hammering new socket creations etc; pace it out a bit
            string configuration = GetConfiguration();
            var    config        = ConfigurationOptions.Parse(configuration);

            if (disabledCommands != null && disabledCommands.Length != 0)
                config.CommandMap = CommandMap.Create(new HashSet <string>(disabledCommands), false);
            else if (enabledCommands != null && enabledCommands.Length != 0)
                config.CommandMap = CommandMap.Create(new HashSet <string>(enabledCommands), true);

            if (Debugger.IsAttached)
                syncTimeout = int.MaxValue;

            if (useSharedSocketManager)
                config.SocketManager = socketManager;
            if (channelPrefix != null)
                config.ChannelPrefix = channelPrefix;
            if (tieBreaker != null)
                config.TieBreaker = tieBreaker;
            if (password != null)
                config.Password = string.IsNullOrEmpty(password) ? null : password;
            if (clientName != null)
                config.ClientName = clientName;
            if (syncTimeout != null)
                config.SyncTimeout = syncTimeout.Value;
            if (allowAdmin != null)
                config.AllowAdmin = allowAdmin.Value;
            if (keepAlive != null)
                config.KeepAlive = keepAlive.Value;
            if (connectTimeout != null)
                config.ConnectTimeout = connectTimeout.Value;
            if (proxy != null)
                config.Proxy = proxy.Value;
            var watch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
            var task  = ConnectionMultiplexer.ConnectAsync(config, log ?? Writer);

            if (!task.Wait(config.ConnectTimeout >= (int.MaxValue / 2) ? int.MaxValue : config.ConnectTimeout * 2))
                task.ContinueWith(x =>
                    { }
                }, TaskContinuationOptions.OnlyOnFaulted);
                throw new TimeoutException("Connect timeout");
            if (Output == null)
                Assert.True(false, "Failure: Be sure to call the TestBase constuctor like this: BasicOpsTests(ITestOutputHelper output) : base(output) { }");
            Output.WriteLine("Connect took: " + watch.ElapsedMilliseconds + "ms");
            var muxer = task.Result;

            if (checkConnect && (muxer == null || !muxer.IsConnected))
                // If fail is true, we throw.
                Assert.False(fail, failMessage + "Server is not available");
                Skip.Inconclusive(failMessage + "Server is not available");
            muxer.InternalError    += OnInternalError;
            muxer.ConnectionFailed += OnConnectionFailed;
Beispiel #12
        public static ConnectionMultiplexer CreateDefault(
            TextWriter output,
            string clientName    = null, int?syncTimeout           = null, bool?allowAdmin          = null, int?keepAlive  = null,
            int?connectTimeout   = null, string password           = null, string tieBreaker        = null, TextWriter log = null,
            bool fail            = true, string[] disabledCommands = null, string[] enabledCommands = null,
            bool checkConnect    = true, string failMessage        = null,
            string channelPrefix = null, Proxy?proxy               = null,
            string configuration = null, bool logTransactionData   = true,
            int?defaultDatabase  = null,

            [CallerMemberName] string caller = null)
            StringWriter localLog = null;

            if (log == null)
                log = localLog = new StringWriter();
                var config = ConfigurationOptions.Parse(configuration);
                if (disabledCommands != null && disabledCommands.Length != 0)
                    config.CommandMap = CommandMap.Create(new HashSet <string>(disabledCommands), false);
                else if (enabledCommands != null && enabledCommands.Length != 0)
                    config.CommandMap = CommandMap.Create(new HashSet <string>(enabledCommands), true);

                if (Debugger.IsAttached)
                    syncTimeout = int.MaxValue;

                if (channelPrefix != null)
                    config.ChannelPrefix = channelPrefix;
                if (tieBreaker != null)
                    config.TieBreaker = tieBreaker;
                if (password != null)
                    config.Password = string.IsNullOrEmpty(password) ? null : password;
                if (clientName != null)
                    config.ClientName = clientName;
                else if (caller != null)
                    config.ClientName = caller;
                if (syncTimeout != null)
                    config.SyncTimeout = syncTimeout.Value;
                if (allowAdmin != null)
                    config.AllowAdmin = allowAdmin.Value;
                if (keepAlive != null)
                    config.KeepAlive = keepAlive.Value;
                if (connectTimeout != null)
                    config.ConnectTimeout = connectTimeout.Value;
                if (proxy != null)
                    config.Proxy = proxy.Value;
                if (defaultDatabase != null)
                    config.DefaultDatabase = defaultDatabase.Value;
                var watch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
                var task  = ConnectionMultiplexer.ConnectAsync(config, log);
                if (!task.Wait(config.ConnectTimeout >= (int.MaxValue / 2) ? int.MaxValue : config.ConnectTimeout * 2))
                    task.ContinueWith(x =>
                        catch { /* No boom */ }
                    }, TaskContinuationOptions.OnlyOnFaulted);
                    throw new TimeoutException("Connect timeout");
                if (output != null)
                    Log(output, "Connect took: " + watch.ElapsedMilliseconds + "ms");
                var muxer = task.Result;
                if (checkConnect && (muxer == null || !muxer.IsConnected))
                    // If fail is true, we throw.
                    Assert.False(fail, failMessage + "Server is not available");
                    Skip.Inconclusive(failMessage + "Server is not available");
                if (output != null)
                    muxer.MessageFaulted += (msg, ex, origin) =>
                        output?.WriteLine($"Faulted from '{origin}': '{msg}' - '{(ex == null ? "(null)" : ex.Message)}'");
                        if (ex != null && ex.Data.Contains("got"))
                            output?.WriteLine($"Got: '{ex.Data["got"]}'");
                    muxer.Connecting += (e, t) => output?.WriteLine($"Connecting to {Format.ToString(e)} as {t}");
                    if (logTransactionData)
                        muxer.TransactionLog += msg => output?.WriteLine("tran: " + msg);
                    muxer.InfoMessage  += msg => output?.WriteLine(msg);
                    muxer.Resurrecting += (e, t) => output?.WriteLine($"Resurrecting {Format.ToString(e)} as {t}");
                    muxer.Closing      += complete => output?.WriteLine(complete ? "Closed" : "Closing...");
                if (localLog != null)
        public async Task SubscriptionsSurviveMasterSwitchAsync(bool useSharedSocketManager)
            if (RunningInCI)
                Skip.Inconclusive("TODO: Fix race in broadcast reconfig a zero latency.");

            using (var a = Create(allowAdmin: true, useSharedSocketManager: useSharedSocketManager))
                using (var b = Create(allowAdmin: true, useSharedSocketManager: useSharedSocketManager))
                    RedisChannel channel = Me();
                    var          subA    = a.GetSubscriber();
                    var          subB    = b.GetSubscriber();

                    long masterChanged = 0, aCount = 0, bCount = 0;
                    a.ConfigurationChangedBroadcast += delegate
                        Output.WriteLine("A noticed config broadcast: " + Interlocked.Increment(ref masterChanged));
                    b.ConfigurationChangedBroadcast += delegate
                        Output.WriteLine("B noticed config broadcast: " + Interlocked.Increment(ref masterChanged));
                    subA.Subscribe(channel, (_, message) =>
                        Output.WriteLine("A got message: " + message);
                        Interlocked.Increment(ref aCount);
                    subB.Subscribe(channel, (_, message) =>
                        Output.WriteLine("B got message: " + message);
                        Interlocked.Increment(ref bCount);

                    Assert.False(a.GetServer(TestConfig.Current.FailoverMasterServerAndPort).IsSlave, $"A Connection: {TestConfig.Current.FailoverMasterServerAndPort} should be a master");
                    Assert.True(a.GetServer(TestConfig.Current.FailoverSlaveServerAndPort).IsSlave, $"A Connection: {TestConfig.Current.FailoverSlaveServerAndPort} should be a slave");
                    Assert.False(b.GetServer(TestConfig.Current.FailoverMasterServerAndPort).IsSlave, $"B Connection: {TestConfig.Current.FailoverMasterServerAndPort} should be a master");
                    Assert.True(b.GetServer(TestConfig.Current.FailoverSlaveServerAndPort).IsSlave, $"B Connection: {TestConfig.Current.FailoverSlaveServerAndPort} should be a slave");

                    var epA = subA.SubscribedEndpoint(channel);
                    var epB = subB.SubscribedEndpoint(channel);
                    Output.WriteLine("A: " + EndPointCollection.ToString(epA));
                    Output.WriteLine("B: " + EndPointCollection.ToString(epB));
                    subA.Publish(channel, "A1");
                    subB.Publish(channel, "B1");

                    Assert.Equal(2, Interlocked.Read(ref aCount));
                    Assert.Equal(2, Interlocked.Read(ref bCount));
                    Assert.Equal(0, Interlocked.Read(ref masterChanged));

                        Interlocked.Exchange(ref masterChanged, 0);
                        Interlocked.Exchange(ref aCount, 0);
                        Interlocked.Exchange(ref bCount, 0);
                        Output.WriteLine("Changing master...");
                        using (var sw = new StringWriter())
                            a.GetServer(TestConfig.Current.FailoverSlaveServerAndPort).MakeMaster(ReplicationChangeOptions.All, sw);
                        await Task.Delay(5000).ForAwait();

                        Output.WriteLine("A " + TestConfig.Current.FailoverMasterServerAndPort + " status: " + (a.GetServer(TestConfig.Current.FailoverMasterServerAndPort).IsSlave ? "Slave" : "Master"));
                        Output.WriteLine("A " + TestConfig.Current.FailoverSlaveServerAndPort + " status: " + (a.GetServer(TestConfig.Current.FailoverSlaveServerAndPort).IsSlave ? "Slave" : "Master"));
                        Output.WriteLine("B " + TestConfig.Current.FailoverMasterServerAndPort + " status: " + (b.GetServer(TestConfig.Current.FailoverMasterServerAndPort).IsSlave ? "Slave" : "Master"));
                        Output.WriteLine("B " + TestConfig.Current.FailoverSlaveServerAndPort + " status: " + (b.GetServer(TestConfig.Current.FailoverSlaveServerAndPort).IsSlave ? "Slave" : "Master"));

                        Assert.True(a.GetServer(TestConfig.Current.FailoverMasterServerAndPort).IsSlave, $"A Connection: {TestConfig.Current.FailoverMasterServerAndPort} should be a slave");
                        Assert.False(a.GetServer(TestConfig.Current.FailoverSlaveServerAndPort).IsSlave, $"A Connection: {TestConfig.Current.FailoverSlaveServerAndPort} should be a master");
                        Assert.True(b.GetServer(TestConfig.Current.FailoverMasterServerAndPort).IsSlave, $"B Connection: {TestConfig.Current.FailoverMasterServerAndPort} should be a slave");
                        Assert.False(b.GetServer(TestConfig.Current.FailoverSlaveServerAndPort).IsSlave, $"B Connection: {TestConfig.Current.FailoverSlaveServerAndPort} should be a master");

                        Output.WriteLine("Pause complete");
                        Output.WriteLine("A outstanding: " + a.GetCounters().TotalOutstanding);
                        Output.WriteLine("B outstanding: " + b.GetCounters().TotalOutstanding);
                        await Task.Delay(2000).ForAwait();

                        epA = subA.SubscribedEndpoint(channel);
                        epB = subB.SubscribedEndpoint(channel);
                        Output.WriteLine("A: " + EndPointCollection.ToString(epA));
                        Output.WriteLine("B: " + EndPointCollection.ToString(epB));
                        Output.WriteLine("A2 sent to: " + subA.Publish(channel, "A2"));
                        Output.WriteLine("B2 sent to: " + subB.Publish(channel, "B2"));

                        Assert.Equal(2, Interlocked.Read(ref aCount));
                        Assert.Equal(2, Interlocked.Read(ref bCount));
                        // Expect 6, because a sees a, but b sees a and b due to replication
                        Assert.Equal(6, Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref masterChanged, 0, 0));
                        Output.WriteLine("Restoring configuration...");
                            await Task.Delay(1000).ForAwait();
                        catch { }
Beispiel #14
 static void TopologyFail() => Skip.Inconclusive("Replication topology change failed...and that's both inconsistent and not what we're testing.");
Beispiel #15
        public async Task SubscriptionsSurviveMasterSwitchAsync()
            void TopologyFail() => Skip.Inconclusive("Replication tolopogy change failed...and that's both inconsistent and not what we're testing.");

            if (RunningInCI)
                Skip.Inconclusive("TODO: Fix race in broadcast reconfig a zero latency.");

            using (var a = Create(allowAdmin: true, shared: false))
                using (var b = Create(allowAdmin: true, shared: false))
                    RedisChannel channel = Me();
                    var          subA    = a.GetSubscriber();
                    var          subB    = b.GetSubscriber();

                    long masterChanged = 0, aCount = 0, bCount = 0;
                    a.ConfigurationChangedBroadcast += delegate
                        Log("A noticed config broadcast: " + Interlocked.Increment(ref masterChanged));
                    b.ConfigurationChangedBroadcast += delegate
                        Log("B noticed config broadcast: " + Interlocked.Increment(ref masterChanged));
                    subA.Subscribe(channel, (_, message) =>
                        Log("A got message: " + message);
                        Interlocked.Increment(ref aCount);
                    subB.Subscribe(channel, (_, message) =>
                        Log("B got message: " + message);
                        Interlocked.Increment(ref bCount);

                    Assert.False(a.GetServer(TestConfig.Current.FailoverMasterServerAndPort).IsSlave, $"A Connection: {TestConfig.Current.FailoverMasterServerAndPort} should be a master");
                    if (!a.GetServer(TestConfig.Current.FailoverSlaveServerAndPort).IsSlave)
                    Assert.True(a.GetServer(TestConfig.Current.FailoverSlaveServerAndPort).IsSlave, $"A Connection: {TestConfig.Current.FailoverSlaveServerAndPort} should be a slave");
                    Assert.False(b.GetServer(TestConfig.Current.FailoverMasterServerAndPort).IsSlave, $"B Connection: {TestConfig.Current.FailoverMasterServerAndPort} should be a master");
                    Assert.True(b.GetServer(TestConfig.Current.FailoverSlaveServerAndPort).IsSlave, $"B Connection: {TestConfig.Current.FailoverSlaveServerAndPort} should be a slave");

                    var epA = subA.SubscribedEndpoint(channel);
                    var epB = subB.SubscribedEndpoint(channel);
                    Log("A: " + EndPointCollection.ToString(epA));
                    Log("B: " + EndPointCollection.ToString(epB));
                    subA.Publish(channel, "A1");
                    subB.Publish(channel, "B1");
                    Log("SubA ping: " + subA.Ping());
                    Log("SubB ping: " + subB.Ping());
                    // If redis is under load due to this suite, it may take a moment to send across.
                    await UntilCondition(5000, () => Interlocked.Read(ref aCount) == 2 && Interlocked.Read(ref bCount) == 2).ForAwait();

                    Assert.Equal(2, Interlocked.Read(ref aCount));
                    Assert.Equal(2, Interlocked.Read(ref bCount));
                    Assert.Equal(0, Interlocked.Read(ref masterChanged));

                        Interlocked.Exchange(ref masterChanged, 0);
                        Interlocked.Exchange(ref aCount, 0);
                        Interlocked.Exchange(ref bCount, 0);
                        Log("Changing master...");
                        using (var sw = new StringWriter())
                            a.GetServer(TestConfig.Current.FailoverSlaveServerAndPort).MakeMaster(ReplicationChangeOptions.All, sw);
                        await UntilCondition(3000, () => b.GetServer(TestConfig.Current.FailoverMasterServerAndPort).IsSlave).ForAwait();

                        Log("A " + TestConfig.Current.FailoverMasterServerAndPort + " status: " + (a.GetServer(TestConfig.Current.FailoverMasterServerAndPort).IsSlave ? "Slave" : "Master"));
                        Log("A " + TestConfig.Current.FailoverSlaveServerAndPort + " status: " + (a.GetServer(TestConfig.Current.FailoverSlaveServerAndPort).IsSlave ? "Slave" : "Master"));
                        Log("B " + TestConfig.Current.FailoverMasterServerAndPort + " status: " + (b.GetServer(TestConfig.Current.FailoverMasterServerAndPort).IsSlave ? "Slave" : "Master"));
                        Log("B " + TestConfig.Current.FailoverSlaveServerAndPort + " status: " + (b.GetServer(TestConfig.Current.FailoverSlaveServerAndPort).IsSlave ? "Slave" : "Master"));

                        if (!a.GetServer(TestConfig.Current.FailoverMasterServerAndPort).IsSlave)

                        Assert.True(a.GetServer(TestConfig.Current.FailoverMasterServerAndPort).IsSlave, $"A Connection: {TestConfig.Current.FailoverMasterServerAndPort} should be a slave");
                        Assert.False(a.GetServer(TestConfig.Current.FailoverSlaveServerAndPort).IsSlave, $"A Connection: {TestConfig.Current.FailoverSlaveServerAndPort} should be a master");
                        var sanityCheck = b.GetServer(TestConfig.Current.FailoverMasterServerAndPort).IsSlave;
                        if (!sanityCheck)
                            Skip.Inconclusive("Not enough latency.");
                        Assert.True(sanityCheck, $"B Connection: {TestConfig.Current.FailoverMasterServerAndPort} should be a slave");
                        Assert.False(b.GetServer(TestConfig.Current.FailoverSlaveServerAndPort).IsSlave, $"B Connection: {TestConfig.Current.FailoverSlaveServerAndPort} should be a master");

                        Log("Pause complete");
                        Log("A outstanding: " + a.GetCounters().TotalOutstanding);
                        Log("B outstanding: " + b.GetCounters().TotalOutstanding);
                        await Task.Delay(1000).ForAwait();

                        epA = subA.SubscribedEndpoint(channel);
                        epB = subB.SubscribedEndpoint(channel);
                        Log("A: " + EndPointCollection.ToString(epA));
                        Log("B: " + EndPointCollection.ToString(epB));
                        Log("A2 sent to: " + subA.Publish(channel, "A2"));
                        Log("B2 sent to: " + subB.Publish(channel, "B2"));
                        await UntilCondition(10000, () => Interlocked.Read(ref aCount) == 2 && Interlocked.Read(ref bCount) == 2).ForAwait();

                        Assert.Equal(2, Interlocked.Read(ref aCount));
                        Assert.Equal(2, Interlocked.Read(ref bCount));
                        // Expect 6, because a sees a, but b sees a and b due to replication
                        Assert.Equal(6, Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref masterChanged, 0, 0));
                        Log("Restoring configuration...");
                            await Task.Delay(1000).ForAwait();
                        catch { }