/// <summary>
        /// Checks if RhinoMocks's VerifyAllExpectations model is called on a field stub.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="methodName">
        /// The name of the method that is currently being procesed by FxCop.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="setupMethodInstructions">
        /// A list of CustomInstruction that represents the instructions for a setup method, if
        /// a setup method exists for the test.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="testMethodInstructions">
        /// A list of CustomInstruction that represents the instructions for the test method that
        /// FxCop is analyzing.
        /// </param>
        public IList<CustomProblem> CheckIfRhinoMocksVerifyAllExpectationsIsInvokedOnAFieldThatIsAStub(String methodName,
            IList<CustomInstruction> setupMethodInstructions,
            IList<CustomInstruction> testMethodInstructions)
            IList<CustomProblem> problemsFound = new List<CustomProblem>();

            int instructionCounter = 0;

            foreach (var customInstruction in testMethodInstructions)
                // Ldfld will load a field and if the next instruction is a Call, then it will
                // invoke a method on the field just loaded.
                if (customInstruction.OpCode == OpCode.Ldfld &&
                    testMethodInstructions[instructionCounter + 1].OpCode == OpCode.Call &&
                    testMethodInstructions[instructionCounter + 1].Value.ToString().Contains("VerifyAllExpectations"))
                    // Now check if the field is a stub.
                    var fieldName = customInstruction.Value.ToString().Split('.').Last();

                    int setupInstructionCounter = 0;

                    foreach (var setupMethodInstruction in setupMethodInstructions)
                        if (setupMethodInstruction.OpCode == OpCode.Call &&
                            // The next instructions MUST BE a stfld to store the new
                            // stub in the field.
                            var nextInstruction = setupMethodInstructions[setupInstructionCounter + 1];

                            if (nextInstruction.Value.ToString().Contains(fieldName))
                                CustomProblem problem = new CustomProblem();
                                problem.ResolutionName = "VerifyAllOnStub";
                                problem.ResolutionArguments = new string[] {methodName, fieldName};





            return problemsFound;
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks if RhinoMocks's VerifyAllExpectations model is called on a local stub.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="methodName">
        /// The name of the method that is currently being procesed by FxCop.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="setupMethodInstructions">
        /// A list of CustomInstruction that represents the instructions for a setup method, if
        /// a setup method exists for the test.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="testMethodInstructions">
        /// A list of CustomInstruction that represents the instructions for the test method that
        /// FxCop is analyzing.
        /// </param>
        public IList<CustomProblem> CheckIfRhinoMocksVerifyAllExpectationsIsInvokedOnALocalThatIsAStub(String methodName,
            IList<CustomInstruction> setupMethodInstructions,
            IList<CustomInstruction> testMethodInstructions)
            IList<CustomProblem> problemsFound = new List<CustomProblem>();

            IList<string> localStubNames = new List<string>();

            int currentInstructionIndex = 0;

            foreach (var customInstruction in testMethodInstructions)
                if (customInstruction.OpCode == OpCode.Call &&
                    customInstruction.Value.ToString().Contains("GenerateStub") &&
                    testMethodInstructions[currentInstructionIndex + 1].Value is CustomLocal)
                    // The next instruction MUST store the result of the GenerateStub call in
                    // a local variable.
                    localStubNames.Add((testMethodInstructions[currentInstructionIndex + 1].Value as CustomLocal).Name);

                if (customInstruction.Value is CustomLocal &&
                    testMethodInstructions[currentInstructionIndex + 1].OpCode == OpCode.Call &&
                    testMethodInstructions[currentInstructionIndex + 1].Value.ToString().Contains("VerifyAllExpectations") &&
                    CustomProblem problem = new CustomProblem();
                    problem.ResolutionName = "VerifyAllOnStub";
                    problem.ResolutionArguments = new string[] { methodName, ((CustomLocal)customInstruction.Value).Name };



            return problemsFound;