public void SqlBulkTools_BulkInsertWithColumnMappings_CorrectlyMapsColumns()
            BulkOperations bulk = new BulkOperations();

            List <CustomColumnMappingTest> col = new List <CustomColumnMappingTest>();

            for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++)
                col.Add(new CustomColumnMappingTest()
                    NaturalId = i, ColumnXIsDifferent = "ColumnX " + i, ColumnYIsDifferentInDatabase = i


            bulk.Setup <CustomColumnMappingTest>()
            .CustomColumnMapping(x => x.ColumnXIsDifferent, "ColumnX")
            .CustomColumnMapping(x => x.ColumnYIsDifferentInDatabase, "ColumnY")


            // Assert
        public void SqlBulkTools_UpdateQuery_SetPriceOnSingleEntity()
            BulkOperations bulk = new BulkOperations();

            List <Book> books = _randomizer.GetRandomCollection(30);

            var bookToTest = books[5];

            bookToTest.Price = 50;
            var isbn = bookToTest.ISBN;

            bulk.Setup <Book>()


            // Update price to 100

            bulk.Setup <Book>()
            .ForSimpleUpdateQuery(new Book()
                Price = 100
            .AddColumn(x => x.Price)
            .Where(x => x.ISBN == isbn);

            int updatedRecords = bulk.CommitTransaction("SqlBulkToolsTest");

            Assert.IsTrue(updatedRecords == 1);
            Assert.AreEqual(100, _db.Books.Single(x => x.ISBN == isbn).Price);
Beispiel #3
        public async Task SqlBulkTools_UpdateQuery_SetPriceOnSingleEntity()
            BulkOperations bulk = new BulkOperations();

            List <Book> books = _randomizer.GetRandomCollection(30);

            var bookToTest = books[5];

            bookToTest.Price = 50;
            var isbn           = bookToTest.ISBN;
            int updatedRecords = 0;

            using (TransactionScope trans = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeAsyncFlowOption.Enabled))
                using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager
                    await bulk.Setup <Book>()

                    // Update price to 100

                    updatedRecords = await bulk.Setup <Book>()
                                     .ForObject(new Book()
                        Price = 100
                                     .AddColumn(x => x.Price)
                                     .Where(x => x.ISBN == isbn)


            Assert.IsTrue(updatedRecords == 1);
            Assert.AreEqual(100, _db.Books.Single(x => x.ISBN == isbn).Price);
        [Test] // For proof of concept
        public void EntityFrameworkAndSqlBulkToolsTogether_RollsbackGracefully()
            BulkOperations bulk = new BulkOperations();


            string testIsbn = "1234567";

                using (TransactionScope tx = new TransactionScope())
                    using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager
                        // Use the same connection for EntityFramework
                        using (TestContext testContext = new TestContext(conn, contextOwnsConnection: false))
                            testContext.Books.Add(new Book()
                                BestSeller  = true,
                                Description = "I am a valid insert",
                                Title       = "Hello World",
                                ISBN        = testIsbn,
                                Price       = 23.99M

                            /* This is a valid insert. Nothing wrong with it but if any transaction within TransactionScope fails,
                             * we want to undo this transaction. */

                        bulk.Setup <Book>()
                        .ForObject(new Book()
                            BestSeller  = true,
                            Description = "I'm not a valid insert, therefore everything should rollback",
                            Title       = "Hello World",
                            ISBN        = testIsbn,
                            Price       = 23.99M
                        .SetIdentityColumn(x => x.Id, ColumnDirectionType.InputOutput)
                        //.MatchTargetOn(x => x.Id) This will throw an exception (intentionally). MatchTargetOn can't be null.

                    // We will never reach this statement.

            catch (NullReferenceException e)
                Assert.AreEqual("MatchTargetOn is a mandatory for upsert operation", e.Message);
                Assert.IsNull(_db.Books.SingleOrDefault(x => x.ISBN == testIsbn));