Beispiel #1
        private string LeadingWhitespaceFromInfo(LineCommentInfo info)
            var leadingWhitespace = string.Empty;

            if (info.MarkerSpan.Start > info.Line.Start)
                // We no longer use the existing line as a template, because we
                // should really be respecting the "add tabs as spaces" setting
                // regardless of what the current line has.  (Or, should that be
                // an option the user can set?)
                var convertTabs = this.view.Options.IsConvertTabsToSpacesEnabled();

                if (convertTabs)
                    leadingWhitespace = new string(' ', info.MarkerColumnStart);
                    var tabSize = this.view.Options.GetTabSize();

                    leadingWhitespace = new string('\t', info.MarkerColumnStart / tabSize);

                    // Add spaces if the marker-start isn't a multiple of
                    // the tab size.
                    if (info.MarkerColumnStart % tabSize != 0)
                        leadingWhitespace = string.Concat(
                            new string(' ', info.MarkerColumnStart % tabSize));
            return leadingWhitespace;
Beispiel #2
        private IList<LineCommentInfo> GetMatchingComments(
            ITextSnapshot snapshot,
            LineCommentInfo toMatch,
            int lineNumberStart,
            int lineNumberLimit)
            var list = new List<LineCommentInfo>();

            var up = lineNumberLimit >= lineNumberStart;
            var delta = up ? 1 : -1;

            for (
                var lineNumber = lineNumberStart;
                up ? lineNumber < lineNumberLimit : lineNumber >= lineNumberLimit;
                lineNumber += delta)
                var line = snapshot.GetLineFromLineNumber(lineNumber);
                var info = LineCommentInfo.FromLine(line, this.view.Options, this.classifier);

                // TODO: treat lines with code (non-comment) as non-matching so
                // that behavior is better?
                if (!toMatch.Matches(info))


            if (!up)

            return list;
Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns whether another comment looks like it's a part of the same
        /// block as the current one.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="other"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool Matches(LineCommentInfo other)
            if ((other != null) &&
                (this.Style == other.Style) &&
                (this.MarkerSpan.Length == other.MarkerSpan.Length) &&
                // we *only* care about the start columns, not the position
                // delta, because there may be mixed tabs and spaces.
                ////(this.MarkerSpan.Start - this.Line.Start == other.MarkerSpan.Start - other.Line.Start) &&
                (this.MarkerColumnStart == other.MarkerColumnStart) &&
                (this.ContentColumnStart == other.ContentColumnStart) &&
                string.Equals(this.MarkerSpan.GetText(), other.MarkerSpan.GetText()))
                // The leading info appears to match.  If there's content in
                // both, we also want to make sure it starts in the same column.
                // If either line has blank content, should we consider it a
                // match?  (No, if we want to handle "paragraph breaks"...)
                // Actually, just because of this, we require matching content
                // starts.  If it doesn't, we create a new line that *does*
                // match, and all will be well.
                if ((this.ContentSpan.IsEmpty == other.ContentSpan.IsEmpty) &&
                    (this.ContentSpan.Start - this.MarkerSpan.End == other.ContentSpan.Start - other.MarkerSpan.End))
                    return true;

            return false;
Beispiel #4
        private static bool ShouldWrap(
            GeneralOptions options,
            ITextChange change,
            ITextSnapshotLine line,
            LineCommentInfo info,
            out int commentWrapLength)
            commentWrapLength = -1;

            if (info == null || (!info.CommentOnly && !options.CodeWrapEnabled))
                return false;

            // For now, we're only supporting single-line comments.
            if (info.Style != CommentStyle.SingleLine)
                return false;

            // If we just typed whitespace at the *end* of the line, don't do
            // any wrapping yet.  (It will cause us to trim the trailing space,
            // which would makeeverythingruntogetherlikethis!  It also makes
            // newline handling weird.)
            if ((change.Delta > 0) &&
                ((change.NewSpan.End >= line.End) && (change.NewSpan.End <= line.EndIncludingLineBreak)) &&
                change.NewText.All(c => Whitespace.Contains(c)))
                return false;

            commentWrapLength = options.AutoWrapColumn - info.ContentColumnStart;

            // There's some minimum length after which wrapping becomes
            // pointless...
            if (commentWrapLength < options.MinimumWrapWidth)
                return false;

            return true;
Beispiel #5
        public static LineCommentInfo FromLine(ITextSnapshotLine line, IEditorOptions options, IClassifier classifier)
            // Check if the line ends with a comment...
            var spans = classifier.GetClassificationSpans(line.Extent);

            // If there are no spans, or the last span isn't a comment
            // (multi-line issues?) return no info.
            var span = (spans != null) ? spans.LastOrDefault() : null;

            if (span == null ||
                return null;

            var info = new LineCommentInfo(line, spans, span.Span, options);
            return info;