Beispiel #1
 public void OneCorrectWordString()
     Assert.That(SpellChecker.CheckText("a", new string[] { "abs", "ads", "b", "c", "a" }), Is.EqualTo("a"));
Beispiel #2
 public void TextbookExample()
     Assert.That(SpellChecker.SpellCheck("rain spain plain plaint pain main mainly the in on fall falls his was ===\nhte rame in pain fells mainy oon teh lain was hints pliant ==="), Is.EqualTo("the {rame?} in pain falls {main mainly} on the plain was {hints?} plaint "));
Beispiel #3
 public void WhiteSpaceAndOtherNonAlphabetMustBeIntact()
     Assert.That(SpellChecker.CheckText("  one!\n  two-20\t'three apples , yesh'! ", new string[] { "apples", "too", "tree", "ys", "yeah", "y" }), Is.EqualTo("  {one?}!\n  too-20\t'tree apples , {ys yeah}'! "));
Beispiel #4
 public void NoWhiteSpacesAtTextEnds()
     Assert.That(SpellChecker.CheckText("one!\n  two-20\t'three apples , i yesh", new string[] { "apples", "too", "tree", "ys", "yeah", "y", "I" }), Is.EqualTo("{one?}!\n  too-20\t'tree apples , I {ys yeah}"));
Beispiel #5
 public void MoreThanOneEditCorrection()
     Assert.That(SpellChecker.CheckWord("Three", new string[] { "van", "Tree", "Threek", "Threk", "sthree" }), Is.EqualTo("{Tree Threek sthree}"));
Beispiel #6
 public void MoreThanOneCorrectionWithEditDistTwoAndChangedOrderInDict()
     Assert.That(SpellChecker.CheckWord("Two", new string[] { "tewot", "van", "too", "three" }), Is.EqualTo("{tewot too}"));
Beispiel #7
 public void NoCorrections()
     Assert.That(SpellChecker.CheckWord("abcdefg", new string[] { "van", "abcdr" }), Is.EqualTo("{abcdefg?}"));
 internal void RemoveSpellChecker(SpellChecker spellChecker)
Beispiel #9
 public void DetectOneExtraAndOneMissingLetter()
     Assert.That(SpellChecker.CanReplace("коммпьюте", "компьютер"), Is.EqualTo(2));
Beispiel #10
 public int DetectOneIncorrectLetter(string checkword, string dictword)
     return(SpellChecker.CanReplace(checkword, dictword));
Beispiel #11
 public void WordIsCorrectIfInDictionaryIgnoreCase()
     Assert.That(SpellChecker.CheckWord("абвгдеж", new string[] { "абвж", "АБВГдеж" }), Is.EqualTo("АБВГдеж"));
        private void DoUpdate()
            // It would be good to do all of this work on a background thread but we can't:
            //      _classifier.GetClassificationSpans() should only be called on the UI thread because some classifiers assume they are called from the UI thread.
            //      Raising the TagsChanged event from the taggers needs to happen on the UI thread (because some consumers might assume it is being raised on the UI thread).
            // Updating the snapshot for the factory and calling the sink can happen on any thread but those operations are so fast that there is no point.
            if ((!_isDisposed) && (_dirtySpans.Count > 0))
                var line = _dirtySpans[0].Start.GetContainingLine();

                if (line.Length > 0)
                    var oldSpellingErrors = this.Factory.CurrentSnapshot;
                    var newSpellingErrors = new SpellingErrorsSnapshot(this.FilePath, oldSpellingErrors.VersionNumber + 1);

                    // Go through the existing errors. If they are on the line we are currently parsing then
                    // copy them to oldLineErrors, otherwise they go to the new errors.
                    var oldLineErrors = new List <SpellingError>();
                    foreach (var error in oldSpellingErrors.Errors)
                        Debug.Assert(error.NextIndex == -1);

                        if (line.Extent.Contains(error.Span))
                            error.NextIndex = -1;
                            oldLineErrors.Add(error);                           // Do not clone old error here ... we'll do that later there is no change.
                            error.NextIndex = newSpellingErrors.Errors.Count;
                            newSpellingErrors.Errors.Add(SpellingError.Clone(error));   // We must clone the old error here.

                    int  expectedErrorCount = newSpellingErrors.Errors.Count + oldLineErrors.Count;
                    bool anyNewErrors       = false;

                    var classifications = _classifier.GetClassificationSpans(line.Extent);
                    foreach (var classification in classifications)
                        if (classification.ClassificationType.IsOfType(PredefinedClassificationTypeNames.Comment) || classification.ClassificationType.IsOfType("xml doc comment - text"))
                            string text = classification.Span.GetText();

                            _box.Text = text;

                            int index = 0;
                            while (index < text.Length)
                                int errorStart = _box.GetNextSpellingErrorCharacterIndex(index, System.Windows.Documents.LogicalDirection.Forward);
                                if (errorStart < 0)

                                int errorLength = _box.GetSpellingErrorLength(errorStart);
                                if (errorLength > 1)    // Ignore any single character misspelling.
                                    var newSpan = new SnapshotSpan(classification.Span.Start + errorStart, errorLength);
                                    if (SpellChecker.IsPossibleSpellingError(newSpan))
                                        var oldError = oldLineErrors.Find((e) => e.Span == newSpan);

                                        if (oldError != null)
                                            // There was a spelling error at the same span as the old one so we should be able to just reuse it.
                                            oldError.NextIndex = newSpellingErrors.Errors.Count;
                                            newSpellingErrors.Errors.Add(SpellingError.Clone(oldError));    // Don't clone the old error yet
                                            // Let WPF decide whether or not there are any suggested spellings.
                                            var wpfSpellngError = _box.GetSpellingError(errorStart);

                                            newSpellingErrors.Errors.Add(new SpellingError(newSpan, new List <string>(wpfSpellngError.Suggestions)));
                                            anyNewErrors = true;

                                    index = errorStart + errorLength;
                                    // How can you have a spelling error with a length of 0? Handle it gracefully in any case.
                                    index = errorStart + 1;

                    // This does a deep comparison so we will only do the update if the a different set of errors was discovered compared to what we had previously.
                    // If there were any new errors or if we didn't see all the expected errors then there is a change and we need to update the spelling errors.
                    if (anyNewErrors || (newSpellingErrors.Errors.Count != expectedErrorCount))
                        // There were no changes so we don't need to update our snapshot.
                        // We have, however, dirtied the old errors by setting their NextIndex property on the assumption that we would be updating the errors.
                        // Revert all those changes.
                        foreach (var error in oldSpellingErrors.Errors)
                            error.NextIndex = -1;

                // NormalizedSnapshotSpanCollection.Difference doesn't quite do what we need here. If I have {[5,5), [10,20)} and subtract {[5, 15)} and do a ...Difference, I
                // end up with {[5,5), [15,20)} (the zero length span at the beginning isn't getting removed). A zero-length span at the end wouldn't be removed but, in this case,
                // that is the desired behavior (the zero length span at the end could be a change at the beginning of the next line, which we'd want to keep).
                var newDirtySpans = new List <Span>(_dirtySpans.Count + 1);
                var extent        = line.ExtentIncludingLineBreak;

                for (int i = 0; (i < _dirtySpans.Count); ++i)
                    Span s = _dirtySpans[i];
                    if ((s.End < extent.Start) || (s.Start >= extent.End))          // Intentionally asymmetric
                        if (s.Start < extent.Start)
                            newDirtySpans.Add(Span.FromBounds(s.Start, extent.Start));

                        if ((s.End >= extent.End) && (extent.End < line.Snapshot.Length))
                            newDirtySpans.Add(Span.FromBounds(extent.End, s.End));  //This could add a zero length span (which is by design since we want to ensure we spell check the next line).

                _dirtySpans = new NormalizedSnapshotSpanCollection(line.Snapshot, newDirtySpans);

                if (_dirtySpans.Count == 0)
                    // We've cleaned up all the dirty spans.
                    _isUpdating = false;
                    // Still more work to do.
                    _uiThreadDispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action(() => this.DoUpdate()), DispatcherPriority.Background);
Beispiel #13
 private void LoadItems(object obj)
     Editor = new TextSpellEditor(obj as TextBox);
Beispiel #14
 public void WordIsCorrectIfInDictionary()
     Assert.That(SpellChecker.CanReplace("абвгдеж", "абвгдеж"), Is.EqualTo(0));
Beispiel #15
 public void OneEditCorrection()
     Assert.That(SpellChecker.CheckWord("Abcde", new string[] { "van", "abcdef", "abcdf" }), Is.EqualTo("abcdef"));
Beispiel #16
 public int DetectOneOrTwoMissingLetters(string checkword, string dictword)
     return(SpellChecker.CanReplace(checkword, dictword));
 internal void AddSpellChecker(SpellChecker spellChecker)