public DictionaryForm()
            CheckForIllegalCrossThreadCalls = false;
              InitializeComponent();  //Initialize all Form components.
              spellingChecker = new SpellCheck();  //Create a new spell checker object.
              theHeadword = new Headword();


              // Create a SQL DATABASE if one doesn't exist;

              // Create a clock for the application.

              // Initialize semantic and social fields by reading
              // in the values from the class and populating the ComboBoxes.
              semanticSocial = new SemanticSocial();
              for (int i = 0; i < semanticSocial.ListCount; i++)

              // Set the first item to be selected/highlighted in the GUI.
              lb_Semantics.SelectedIndex = 0;
              lb_SocialUsage.SelectedIndex = 0;
        public DictionaryForm()
            InitializeComponent();  //Initialize all Form components.
              spellingChecker = new SpellCheck();  //Create a new spell checker object.
              theHeadword = new Headword();

              CheckForIllegalCrossThreadCalls = false;

              // Create a clock for the application.
              timer = new Timer();
              timer.Start();  // Start the timer.
              timer.Interval = 1000; // Set the interval to 1 second.
              timer.Tick += delegate // Add an event handler to the Tick event.
            // Call getTime to get and format the time.
            // Also, change the display.
            string time = DateTime.Now.ToString("hh:mm:ss tt");
            l_clock.Text = time; // Set the time on the Form.

              // Initialize semantic and social fields by reading
              // in the values from the class and populating the ComboBoxes.
              semanticSocial = new SemanticSocial();
              for (int i = 0; i < semanticSocial.ListCount; i++)

              // Set the first item to be selected/highlighted in the GUI.
              lb_Semantics.SelectedIndex = 0;
              lb_SocialUsage.SelectedIndex = 0;