public List<RollNumbers> GetNumbers(Specialist spec, string step)
            string sql = GetSQL(spec, step);
            var reader = Data_Context.RunSelectSQLQuery(sql, 30);
            var rolls = new List<RollNumbers>();

            if (reader.HasRows)
                while (reader.Read())
                    string rName = reader["RollName"] as string;
                    int imgCount = reader.GetInt32(1);
                    int sElapsed = reader.GetInt32(2);
                    int sPaused = reader.GetInt32(3);

                    double imgPerHour = imgCount / (((sElapsed - sPaused) / 60.0) / 60.0);
                    imgPerHour = Math.Round(imgPerHour, 2);

                    int seconds = sElapsed - sPaused;

                    var numbers = new RollNumbers(rName, imgCount, imgPerHour, seconds);
                return rolls;
            else return null;
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns rolls a specialist scanned/audited in a given time period
        /// </summary>
        public List<Roll> GetRolls(Specialist user, DateTime min, DateTime max, string step, string rollname = null)
            //work on making this query faster and more accurate
            string sql = MyRollsSQLString(user, step, rollname);
            SqlDataReader reader = Data_Context.RunSelectSQLQuery(sql, 120, min, max);

            if (reader.HasRows)
                List<Roll> rollList = new List<Roll>();
                while (reader.Read())
                    //var id = reader.GetInt32(0);
                    var i = reader["WorkItemID"];
                    int id = Convert.ToInt32(i);
                    string pId = reader["ProjectID"] as string;
                    //string pId = Convert.ToString(pi);
                    string rName = reader["Rollname"] as string;
                    //string qHist = reader["MyQueue"] as string;
                    string qName = reader["CurrentQueue"] as string;
                    string st = reader["State"] as string;
                    var lUpdate = reader.GetDateTime(5);

                    var roll = new RollDetails(id, pId, rName, user, st, qName, step, lUpdate);
                return rollList;
            else return null;
        /// <summary>
        /// Finds the correct sql string based on caller
        /// </summary>
        private string MyRollsSQLString(Specialist user, string step, string rollname)
            string sql = @"SELECT DISTINCT
                                            ,R.RollName Rollname
                                            ,Q.QueueName CurrentQueue
                            FROM Roll R (NOLOCK)
                            LEFT JOIN RollBatch RB (NOLOCK) ON R.RollID = RB.RollID
                            LEFT JOIN SOX.DetailedResult DR (NOLOCK) ON RB.RollBatchID = DR.RollBatchID
                            LEFT JOIN JWF_Live..WorkItem WI (NOLOCK) ON R.RollName = WI.WorkItemName
                            LEFT JOIN JWF_Live..Queue Q (NOLOCK) ON WI.QueueId = Q.QueueId";

                               sql += @" WHERE ";
            if (step != "")
                               sql += @"          DR.StepTypeID = '" + step + "'";

            if (rollname != "" && step != "")
                               sql += @"      AND R.RollName LIKE '%" + rollname + "%'";
            else if (rollname != "" && step == "")
                               sql += @"          R.RollName LIKE '%" + rollname + "%'";

            if (step != "" || rollname != "")
                               sql += @"      AND ";
                               sql += @"          DR.Operator = 'myfamily\" + user.Username + "'";
                               sql += @"      AND DR.LastDocDate BETWEEN CONVERT(DATETIME, @min) AND CONVERT(DATETIME, @max)
                                        ORDER BY R.RollName";

            return sql;
 public Specialist GetSpecialist(string username = null, string fullName = null)
     if (username != null || fullName != null)
         foreach (var spec in GetSpecialists())
             if (username != null)
                 if (spec.Username != null)
                     if (@"myfamily\" + spec.Username.ToLower() == username.ToLower()) return spec;
                     var newSpec = new Specialist("System", "Process", username.Substring(9));
                     return newSpec;
             else if (fullName != null)
                 if (spec.SpecialistName != null)
                     if (fullName.ToLower() == spec.SpecialistName.ToLower()) return spec;
         return null;
     else return null;
 public GetRollsArgument(Specialist spec, DateTime min, DateTime max, string step, string rollName)
     this.Specialist = spec;
     this.MinDate = min;
     this.MaxDate = max;
     this.Step = step;
     this.Roll = rollName;
     this.Tab = 0;
     this.ToggleChecked = true;
 public GetRollsArgument(string step, string state, string priority, string project, string roll, Specialist spec)
     this.Step = step;
     this.State = state;
     this.Priority = priority;
     this.Project = project;
     this.Roll = roll;
     this.Specialist = spec;
     this.Tab = 0;
     this.ToggleChecked = false;
 public RollDetails(int id, string projectId, string rollName, Specialist spec, string state, string step, string historyStep, DateTime lastUpdate)
     //var Data = new DataContext("EPDB01", "JWF_Live");
     //Id = Data.GetWorkItemId(rollName);
     Id = id;
     ProjectId = projectId;
     RollName = rollName;
     Spec = spec;
     State = state;
     Step = step;
     HistoryStep = historyStep;
     LastUpdate = lastUpdate;
 public RollDetails(int id, string projectId, string rollName, Specialist spec, string state, string step, DateTime lastUpdate, List<Note> notes, List<History> histories, List<ImageNote> imageNotes)
     //var Data = new DataContext("EPDB01", "JWF_Live");
     //Id = Data.GetWorkItemId(rollName);
     Id = id;
     ProjectId = projectId;
     RollName = rollName;
     Spec = spec;
     State = state;
     Step = step;
     LastUpdate = lastUpdate;
     Notes = notes;
     Histories = histories;
     ImageNotes = imageNotes;
        private string GetSQL(Specialist spec, string step)
            string sql = @"SELECT DISTINCT
                            FROM Roll R (NOLOCK)
                            LEFT JOIN RollBatch RB (NOLOCK) ON R.RollID = RB.RollID
                            LEFT JOIN SOX.DetailedResult DR (NOLOCK) ON RB.RollBatchID = DR.RollBatchID
                            WHERE DR.Operator = 'myfamily\" + spec.Username + @"'
                                AND DR.StepTypeID = '" + step + @"'
                                AND DR.LastDocDate > '" + System.DateTime.Today + "'";
                   sql += @"ORDER BY R.RollName";

            return sql;
        public List<Roll> GetRolls(string step, string state, string priority, Specialist user, string project, string rollname)
            string sql = MyRollsSQLString(step, state, priority, user, project, rollname);
            var reader = Data_Context.RunSelectSQLQuery(sql, 60);

            if (reader.HasRows)
                List<Roll> rollList = new List<Roll>();
                while (reader.Read())
                    var roll = RollReader(reader);
                return rollList;
            else return null;
        /// <summary>
        /// Finds the correct sql string based on caller
        /// </summary>
        private string MyRollsSQLString(string step, string state, string priority, Specialist user, string project, string rollname)
            string sql = @"SELECT
                                    ,WI.WorkItemName Rollname
                        FROM WorkItem WI (NOLOCK)
                              LEFT JOIN Queue Q (NOLOCK) ON WI.QueueId = Q.QueueId
                              LEFT JOIN Dexter_DeeDee..Roll R (NOLOCK) ON R.RollName = WI.WorkItemName
                        WHERE WI.Type = 'Roll'";
            if (project != "")
                sql += @"     AND R.ProjectID = '" + project + "'";
            if (rollname != "")
                sql += @"     AND WI.WorkItemName like '%" + rollname + "%'";
            if (step != "")
                if (step.ToLower() == "auditing")
                    sql += @" AND (Q.QueueName = 'ImageQA'
                              OR Q.QueueName = 'ImageQE')";
                else if (step.ToLower() == "incomplete")
                    sql += @" AND Q.QueueName != 'BatchExporting'";
                    sql += @" AND Q.QueueName = '" + step + "'";
            if (user != null)
                sql += @"     AND WI.UserName = '******'";
            if (priority != "")
                sql += @"     AND WI.Priority = " + priority;
            if (state != "")
                sql += @"     AND WI.State = '" + state + "'";

            return sql;
 public GetRollsArgument(Specialist spec, string step)
     this.Specialist = spec;
     this.Step = step;
     this.Tab = 1;
        public List<Specialist> GetSpecialists()
            if (_specialists == null)
                string sql = SpecialistsSQLString();
                SqlDataReader reader = Data_Context.RunSelectSQLQuery(sql, 30);

                var specialists = new List<Specialist>();

                if (reader.HasRows)
                    List<Roll> rollList = new List<Roll>();
                    while (reader.Read())
                        string i = reader["employee_id"] as string;
                        int id = Convert.ToInt32(i);

                        string fName = reader["employee_firstname"] as string;
                        string lName = reader["employee_lastname"] as string;
                        string uName = reader["username"] as string;

                        Specialist spec = new Specialist(fName, lName, uName);


                    //return specialists;
                    _specialists = specialists;
                else return null;
            return _specialists;