public void TestNonExistingPropertyReturnsNull()
            var index = new FhirPropertyIndex(_fhirModel, new List<Type> { typeof(Patient), typeof(Account) });

            var pm = index.findPropertyInfo("TypeNotPresent", "subject");

            pm = index.findPropertyInfo("Patient", "property_not_present");
        public void TestExistingPropertyIsFound()
            var index = new FhirPropertyIndex(_fhirModel, new List<Type> { typeof(Patient), typeof(HumanName) });

            var pm = index.findPropertyInfo("Patient", "name");

            pm = index.findPropertyInfo("HumanName", "given");
        public void TestTypedNameIsFound()
            var index = new FhirPropertyIndex(_fhirModel, new List<Type> { typeof(ClinicalImpression) });

            var pm = index.findPropertyInfo("ClinicalImpression", "triggerCodeableConcept");
        /// <summary>
        /// Walk through an object, following the specified path of properties.
        /// The path should NOT include the name of the resource itself (e.g. "Patient.birthdate" is wrong, "birthdate" is right).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fhirObject"></param>
        /// <param name="action"></param>
        /// <param name="path"></param>
        /// <param name="predicate"></param>
        public void VisitByPath(object fhirObject, Action <object> action, string path, string predicate = null)
            if (fhirObject == null)

            //List of items, visit each of them.
            if (TestIfGenericList(fhirObject.GetType()))
                VisitByPath(fhirObject as IEnumerable <Base>, action, path, predicate);
            //Single item, visit it if it adheres to the predicate (if any)
            else if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(predicate) || PredicateIsTrue(predicate, fhirObject))
                //Path has ended, we arrived at the object that needs action.
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(path))
                //See what else is in the path and recursively visit that.
                    var hpt           = headPredicateAndTail(path);
                    var head          = hpt.Item1;
                    var headPredicate = hpt.Item2;
                    var tail          = hpt.Item3;

                    //Path was not empty, so there should be a head. No need for an extra null-check.
                    var pm = _propIndex.findPropertyInfo(fhirObject.GetType(), head);

                    //Path might denote an unknown property.
                    if (pm != null)
                        var headValue = pm.PropInfo.GetValue(fhirObject);

                        if (headValue != null)
                            VisitByPath(headValue, action, tail, headPredicate);
                        //TODO: Throw exception (Spark.Exception.NotSupportedException for example), to be catched higher up and then translated to the OperationOutcome.