///isValidMove: Checks if the interrogated row / col is occupied by a ship or asteroid, returns true / false.
        public static Boolean isValidMove(int row, int col, spaceGrid gameGrid)
            int obstacleCheckResult = gameGrid.isObstaclePresent(row, col);

            if (obstacleCheckResult == 0)
 //spaceGrid copy constructor
 public spaceGrid(spaceGrid copyGrid)
     this.shipGrid  = (AssembledShip[, ])copyGrid.shipGrid.Clone();
     this.spacegrid = (bool[, ])copyGrid.spacegrid.Clone();
        //TODO: Finish implementing this method, make design decisions on how to move a vessel.
        public static void MoveShip(AssembledShip selectedShip, int destRow, int destCol, spaceGrid gameGrid)
            //Null-Check before assigning variables based off the selectedShip and gameGrid
            if (selectedShip != null && gameGrid != null)
                //Determine current position of object (ship).
                int currentRow = selectedShip.getLocationRow();
                int currentCol = selectedShip.getLocationCol();

                if (isValidMove(destRow, destCol, gameGrid) == true)
                    //place selectedShip in desired Col/Row
                    gameGrid.shipGrid[destRow, destCol]       = selectedShip;
                    gameGrid.shipGrid[currentRow, currentCol] = null;

                    //set the location on each ship object