Beispiel #1
 public void MousePressed()
     Unit.Selected = true;
Beispiel #2
        public static void Main()
            ResourcesPath = System.IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + @"\..\..\..\..\resources\";

             * SetTargetFPS(120);
             * InitWindow(800, 600, "Loading");
             * BackgroundWorker loadingWorker = new BackgroundWorker();
             * loadingWorker.DoWork += LoadingWorker_DoWork;
             * loadingWorker.RunWorkerAsync();
             * TextureResource bkg = null;
             * FontResource fnt = null;
             * Color bkgColor = Color.WHITE;
             * Color foreColor = Color.BLACK;
             * while (loadingWorker.IsBusy)
             * {
             *  if (ResourceManager.Instance != null && (bkg == null || fnt == null))
             *  {
             *      try { bkg = ResourceManager.GetTexture("_menu\\loading"); } catch { }
             *      try { fnt = ResourceManager.GetFont("Perfect_DOS_VGA_437_Win"); } catch { }
             *  }
             *  BeginDrawing();
             *  Raylib.Raylib.ClearBackground(bkgColor);
             *  if (bkg != null)
             *  {
             *      Raylib.Raylib.DrawTexturePro(bkg.Texture, new Rectangle(0, 0, bkg.Texture.width, bkg.Texture.height), new Rectangle(0, 0, 800, 600), Vector2.Zero, 0.0f, Color.WHITE);
             *      bkgColor = Color.BLACK;
             *      foreColor = Color.WHITE;
             *  }
             *  if (fnt != null) { Raylib.Raylib.DrawTextEx(fnt.Font, "Loading", new Vector2(20, 20), 16, 4, foreColor); }
             *  else { Raylib.Raylib.DrawText("Loading", 20, 20, 16, foreColor); }
             *  if (ResourceManager.Instance != null)
             *  {
             *      if (ResourceManager.Instance.Xml.Count > 0)
             *      {
             *          string txt = ResourceManager.Instance.Xml.Count + " XML files";
             *          if (fnt != null) { Raylib.Raylib.DrawTextEx(fnt.Font, txt, new Vector2(20, 50), 16, 4, foreColor); }
             *          else { Raylib.Raylib.DrawText(txt, 20, 50, 16, foreColor); }
             *      }
             *      if (ResourceManager.Instance.Fonts.Count > 0)
             *      {
             *          string txt = ResourceManager.Instance.Fonts.Count + " fonts";
             *          if (fnt != null) { Raylib.Raylib.DrawTextEx(fnt.Font, txt, new Vector2(20, 80), 16, 4, foreColor); }
             *          else { Raylib.Raylib.DrawText(txt, 20, 80, 16, foreColor); }
             *      }
             *      if (ResourceManager.Instance.Sounds.Count > 0)
             *      {
             *          string txt = ResourceManager.Instance.Sounds.Count + " sounds";
             *          if (fnt != null) { Raylib.Raylib.DrawTextEx(fnt.Font, txt, new Vector2(20, 110), 16, 4, foreColor); }
             *          else { Raylib.Raylib.DrawText(txt, 20, 110, 16, foreColor); }
             *      }
             *      if (ResourceManager.Instance.Scripts.Count > 0)
             *      {
             *          string txt = ResourceManager.Instance.Scripts.Count + " scripts";
             *          if (fnt != null) { Raylib.Raylib.DrawTextEx(fnt.Font, txt, new Vector2(20, 140), 16, 4, foreColor); }
             *          else { Raylib.Raylib.DrawText(txt, 20, 110, 16, foreColor); }
             *      }
             *      if (ResourceManager.Instance.Textures.Count > 0)
             *      {
             *          string txt = ResourceManager.Instance.Textures.Count + " textures";
             *          if (fnt != null) { Raylib.Raylib.DrawTextEx(fnt.Font, txt, new Vector2(20, 170), 16, 4, foreColor); }
             *          else { Raylib.Raylib.DrawText(txt, 20, 110, 16, foreColor); }
             *      }
             *  }
             *  string line = Debug.ConsoleBuffer;
             *  if (fnt != null) { Raylib.Raylib.DrawTextEx(fnt.Font, line, new Vector2(20, 580), 16, 4, foreColor); }
             *  else { Raylib.Raylib.DrawText(line, 20, 580, 16, foreColor); }
             *  EndDrawing();
             * }
             * CloseWindow();
            ResourceManager.Register(typeof(XmlResource), new string[] { ".xml" });
            ResourceManager.Register(typeof(ScriptResource), new string[] { ".cs" });

            InitWindow((int)Math.Max(1024, Debug.GetFlag("ScreenWidth")), (int)Math.Max(768, Debug.GetFlag("ScreenHeight")), "SpaceGame");
            SetConfigFlags(ConfigFlag.FLAG_VSYNC_HINT | ConfigFlag.FLAG_MSAA_4X_HINT | ((Debug.GetFlag("Fullscreen") == 1) ? (ConfigFlag.FLAG_FULLSCREEN_MODE) : 0));

            for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++)
                SpaceShipUnit unitEnemy = SpaceShipUnit.FromXml(ResourceManager.Get <XmlResource>(@"xml\unit\base_fighter_squadron"), null);
                unitEnemy.Location  = new Vector2(900, 900 - (j * 60));
                unitEnemy.Formation = new Formation();

            /*SpaceShip objPlayer = SpaceShip.FromXml(ResourceManager.Get<XmlResource>(@"xml\ship\base_cruiser"), null);
             * objPlayer.Faction = 1;
             * objPlayer.Location = new Vector2(1000, 300);
             * objPlayer.Hitbox = Hitbox.Automatic(objPlayer.Texture, (int)Math.Floor(objPlayer.Texture.Texture.height / 32.0));
             * SpaceShipUnit unitPlayer = new SpaceShipUnit(objPlayer);
             * unitPlayer.UiImage = ResourceManager.Get<TextureResource>(@"images\thumbnail\kar ik vot 349");
             * GameManager.Add(unitPlayer);*/

            SpaceStructure station = new SpaceStructure()
                Texture   = ResourceManager.Get <TextureResource>(@"images\planet\station2"),
                Location  = new Vector2(1500, 500),
                Scale     = 2.0f,
                Hitbox    = Hitbox.Automatic(ResourceManager.Get <TextureResource>(@"images\planet\station2"), 6),
                Faction   = 2,
                MaxHull   = 1000,
                Hull      = 1000,
                MaxShield = 1000,
                Shield    = 1000


            const double TargetFps = 60;

            while (!WindowShouldClose())
                double fps   = Math.Clamp(GetFPS(), 25, 1000);
                double delta = TargetFps / fps;









Beispiel #3
        public override void Tick(double Delta)
            if (!Active)

            isLeader = Unit == null || Unit.Formation == null || this == Unit.Leader;

            if (!isLeader)
                leader    = Unit.Leader;
                Stance    = leader.Stance;
                Objective = leader.Objective;
                Goal      = leader.Goal;
                Behavior  = leader.Behavior;

            if (isLeader || Behavior == Behaviors.Attacking)
                if (Behavior == Behaviors.Idle)
                    Throttle = 0;
                    if (Velocity.Length() > 0)
                        Velocity = Velocity.Length() * 0.95f * Vector2.Normalize(Velocity);
                    AngularAcceleration = 0;

                    if (Shield <= 0 && RNG.Next(100 * 60) < ShieldRebootProbability)
                        Shield += 1;

                    if (Stance == Stances.Defend)
                        if (CombatRange <= 0)
                            CombatRange = MathF.Min(Texture.Texture.width, Texture.Texture.height) * 10;

                        if (Hardpoints == null) // If I've got hardpoints, let them deal with it.
                            SpaceObject[] nearTargets = GetTargets(Location, CombatRange);
                            if (nearTargets.Length > 0)
                                if (RandomOffset >= nearTargets.Length || RandomOffset < 0 || RNG.NextDouble() < 0.001)
                                    RandomOffset = RandomOffset = (int)Math.Floor(RNG.NextDouble() * nearTargets.Length);

                                Objective = nearTargets[RandomOffset];

                                float distance = Vector2.Distance(Objective.Location, Location);
                                if (RNG.Next(100) <= 200 / distance)
                                    attackOffset = new Vector2(RNG.Next((int)(distance / 50)) - RNG.Next((int)(distance / 50)), RNG.Next((int)(distance / 50)) - RNG.Next((int)(distance / 50)));
                                Goal = (Objective as SpaceShip).GetLead(1 + distance / 50) + attackOffset;

                                double angleOffset = (AngleToPoint(this.Location, Goal) - Angle) + 90;
                                if (angleOffset > 180)
                                    angleOffset -= 360;
                                if (angleOffset < -180)
                                    angleOffset += 360;

                                if (angleOffset > 1)
                                    AngularAcceleration = TurnSpeed * Delta;
                                else if (angleOffset < -1)
                                    AngularAcceleration = -TurnSpeed * Delta;
                                    AngularAcceleration = TurnSpeed * Math.Abs(Math.Pow(angleOffset, 2)) * angleOffset * Delta;
                                    if (shotCooldown <= 0)
                else if (Behavior == Behaviors.Attacking)
                    if (Objective == this || Objective.Active == false)
                        Behavior = Behaviors.Idle;

                    float distance = Vector2.Distance(Objective.Location, Location);
                    if (RNG.Next(100) <= 200 / distance)
                        attackOffset = new Vector2(RNG.Next((int)(distance / 50)) - RNG.Next((int)(distance / 50)), RNG.Next((int)(distance / 50)) - RNG.Next((int)(distance / 50)));

                    if (Objective is SpaceShip)
                        Goal = (Objective as SpaceShip).GetLead(1 + distance / 50) + attackOffset;
                        Goal = Objective.Location + attackOffset;

                    double angleOffset = (AngleToPoint(this.Location, Goal) - Angle) + 90;
                    if (angleOffset > 180)
                        angleOffset -= 360;
                    if (angleOffset < -180)
                        angleOffset += 360;

                    if (angleOffset > 1)
                        AngularAcceleration = TurnSpeed * Delta;
                    else if (angleOffset < -1)
                        AngularAcceleration = -TurnSpeed * Delta;
                        AngularAcceleration = TurnSpeed * Math.Abs(Math.Pow(angleOffset, 2)) * angleOffset * Delta;
                        if (shotCooldown <= 0 && distance < CombatRange)

                    Throttle = Math.Pow(Math.Clamp((180 - angleOffset) / 180, 0.0, 1.0), 2);
                else if (Behavior == Behaviors.Going)
                    Vector2 goal = Goal;

                    /*if (Unit != null && Unit.Formation != null && this != Unit.Units[0])
                     * {
                     *  goal = Unit.Formation.GetLocation(this, Texture.Texture.width * 0.5f);
                     * }*/

                    double angleOffset = (AngleToPoint(this.Location, goal) - Angle) + 90;
                    if (angleOffset > 180)
                        angleOffset -= 360;
                    if (angleOffset < -180)
                        angleOffset += 360;

                    if (angleOffset > 1)
                        AngularAcceleration = TurnSpeed * Delta;
                    else if (angleOffset < -1)
                        AngularAcceleration = -TurnSpeed * Delta;
                        AngularAcceleration = TurnSpeed * Math.Abs(Math.Pow(angleOffset, 2)) * angleOffset * Delta;

                    Throttle = Math.Pow(Math.Clamp((180 - angleOffset) / 180, 0.0, 1.0), 2);

                    if (Vector2.Distance(Location, goal) < Velocity.Length() * 60 * 10)
                        if (Vector2.Distance(Location, goal) < Texture.Texture.height)
                            Behavior = Behaviors.Idle;
                            Throttle *= (Vector2.Distance(Location, goal) / ((Velocity.Length() * 120) + 1)) * 0.75;

                    if (Stance == Stances.Defend)
                        if (CombatRange <= 0)
                            CombatRange = MathF.Min(Texture.Texture.width, Texture.Texture.height) * 10;

                        if (Hardpoints == null) // If I've got hardpoints, let them deal with it.
                            SpaceObject[] nearTargets = GetTargets(Location, MathF.Sqrt(Velocity.Length()) * 0.75f * CombatRange);
                            if (nearTargets.Length > 0)
                                if (RandomOffset >= nearTargets.Length || RandomOffset < 0 || RNG.NextDouble() < 0.001)
                                    RandomOffset = RandomOffset = (int)Math.Floor(RNG.NextDouble() * nearTargets.Length);

                                float distance = Vector2.Distance(nearTargets[RandomOffset].Location, Location);
                                if (RNG.Next(100) <= 200 / distance)
                                    attackOffset = new Vector2(RNG.Next((int)(distance / 50)) - RNG.Next((int)(distance / 50)), RNG.Next((int)(distance / 50)) - RNG.Next((int)(distance / 50)));
                                Vector2 incidentalGoal = (nearTargets[RandomOffset] as SpaceShip).GetLead(1 + distance / 50) + attackOffset;

                                angleOffset = (AngleToPoint(this.Location, incidentalGoal) - Angle) + 90;
                                if (angleOffset > 180)
                                    angleOffset -= 360;
                                if (angleOffset < -180)
                                    angleOffset += 360;

                                if (Math.Abs(angleOffset) < 5)
                                    //AngularAcceleration = TurnSpeed * Math.Abs(Math.Pow(angleOffset, 2)) * angleOffset * Delta;
                                    if (shotCooldown <= 0)
                Vector2 goal           = Unit.Formation.GetLocation(this, Texture.Texture.width * 0.5f);
                Vector2 screenGoal     = UiManager.WorldToScreen(goal);
                Vector2 screenLocation = UiManager.WorldToScreen(Location);
                Debug.DrawLine((int)screenGoal.X, (int)screenGoal.Y, (int)screenLocation.X, (int)screenLocation.Y, new Color(255, 255, 255, 64));

                if (Vector2.Distance(Location, goal) > Texture.Texture.width)
                    double angleOffset = (AngleToPoint(this.Location, goal) - Angle) + 90;
                    if (angleOffset > 180)
                        angleOffset -= 360;
                    if (angleOffset < -180)
                        angleOffset += 360;

                    if (angleOffset > 1)
                        AngularAcceleration = TurnSpeed * Delta;
                    else if (angleOffset < -1)
                        AngularAcceleration = -TurnSpeed * Delta;
                        AngularAcceleration = TurnSpeed * Math.Abs(Math.Pow(angleOffset, 2)) * angleOffset * Delta;

                    Throttle = Math.Pow(Math.Clamp((180 - angleOffset) / 180, 0.0, 1.0), 2);

                    if (Vector2.Distance(Location, goal) < Velocity.Length() * 60 * 10)
                        Throttle *= (Vector2.Distance(Location, goal) / ((Velocity.Length() * 120) + 1)) * 0.75;

                    //if (Behavior == Behaviors.Idle)
                    //{ Throttle = Throttle * 0.1; }
                    Throttle = 0;

            double  radians = (Angle - 90) * (Math.PI / 180);
            Vector2 thrust  = new Vector2((float)Math.Cos(radians), (float)Math.Sin(radians));

            thrust       = thrust * (float)(MaxThrust * Throttle);
            Acceleration = thrust * (float)Delta / (float)Mass;

            // Nudge away from other ships
            SpaceObject[] neighbors = GetNeighbors(Location, Texture.Texture.width);
            if (neighbors.Length > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < neighbors.Length; i++)
                    Vector2 nudge = Location - neighbors[i].Location;
                    nudge = (Vector2.Normalize(nudge) * (Velocity.Length() + 0.1f)) / (Vector2.Distance(neighbors[i].Location, Location) * 2.0f + 0.001f);
                    //nudge += new Vector2((float)RNG.NextDouble(), (float)RNG.NextDouble()) / (Vector2.Distance(neighbors[i].Location, Location) + 0.1f) ;
                    Acceleration += nudge / (float)Mass;

             * if (!isLeader)
             * {
             *  Vector2 nudge = Unit.Formation.GetLocation(this, Texture.Texture.width * 0.5f);
             *  nudge = nudge - Location;
             *  if (nudge.X != 0 || nudge.Y != 0)
             *  {
             *      if (nudge.Length() < Texture.Texture.width)
             *      {
             *          double angleOffset = leader.Angle - Angle;
             *          if (angleOffset > 180) { angleOffset -= 360; }
             *          if (angleOffset < -180) { angleOffset += 360; }
             *          if (angleOffset > 1) { AngularAcceleration = TurnSpeed * Delta; }
             *          else if (angleOffset < -1) { AngularAcceleration = -TurnSpeed * Delta; }
             *          else
             *          {
             *              AngularAcceleration += TurnSpeed * Math.Pow(angleOffset, 5) * 0.1f;
             *          }
             *      }
             *      if (false)//Behavior == Behaviors.Idle)
             *      {
             *          nudge = Vector2.Normalize(nudge) * 0.01f;
             *      }
             *      else
             *      {
             *          nudge = Vector2.Normalize(nudge) * (Velocity.Length() * 0.1f + 1f) * 0.1f;
             *      }
             *      Velocity += (nudge * 1f) / (float)Mass;
             *  }
             * }*/

            if (shotCooldown > 0)
                shotCooldown -= 1 * Delta * (RNG.NextDouble() + RNG.NextDouble() + RNG.NextDouble());
            if (shotHeat > 0)
                shotHeat -= 0.1 * Delta;

            if (Shield > 0 && Shield < MaxShield)
                Shield += ShieldRegen;
