Beispiel #1
        protected override void moveTowardsObject(GameObject obj)
            acc.X = 0;
            acc.Y = 0;

            if (obj.isAlive)
                float diffX = pos.X - obj.pos.X;
                float diffY = pos.Y - obj.pos.Y;

                if (Math.Abs(diffX) < SightRange && Math.Abs(diffY) < SightRange)
                    float factor = (float)Math.Sqrt(diffX * diffX + diffY * diffY);

                    acc.X = -Acceleration * diffX / factor;
                    acc.Y = -Acceleration * diffY / factor;
                float diffX = pos.X - master.pos.X;
                float diffY = pos.Y - master.pos.Y;

                float factor = (float)Math.Sqrt(diffX * diffX + diffY * diffY);

                acc.X = -Acceleration * diffX / factor;
                acc.Y = -Acceleration * diffY / factor;
Beispiel #2
        // Check collision with a specific object and update the collision state
        private CollisionState getCollisionState(GameObject obj, float timeDelta)
            // Quick check
            if (Methods.absDiff(pos.X, obj.pos.X) > radius + obj.radius) return CollisionState.None;
            if (Methods.absDiff(pos.Y, obj.pos.Y) > radius + obj.radius) return CollisionState.None;

            // Calculate exact collision distance
            float collisionDistance = getCollisionDistanceSquared(obj);

            if (collisionDistance <= 0)
                return CollisionState.Touching;
                return CollisionState.None;
Beispiel #3
        // Calculate the squared distance from a specific object
        private float getCollisionDistanceSquared(GameObject obj)
            float sumRadiusSquared = (this.radius + obj.radius) * (this.radius + obj.radius);
            float collisionDistance = Methods.lengthSquared3(this.pos, obj.pos) - sumRadiusSquared;

            return collisionDistance;
Beispiel #4
        // Attack a specific object, amount is the percentage Damage dealt (1 = 100%)
        private void Attack(GameObject obj, float amount)
            // Update attack delay and hit delay counters
            // - If attack speed or damage is less than or equal to 0, then don't attack at all
            if (AttackSpeed <= 0 || Damage <= 0) return;
            else attackCounter = AttackSpeed;

            // Objects outside of the screen are invulnerable
            if (!obj.isInBoundaries()) return;

            // game.soundController.PlaySound("hit.wav", 0.6);

            float totalDamage = Damage * amount;
            totalDamage += ((float)game.random.NextDouble() - 0.5f) * totalDamage * 0.4f;

            if (obj.HitPoints - totalDamage <= 0)       // Remove victim if its HitPoints reaches 0
                obj.HitPoints = 0;
                obj.HitPoints -= totalDamage;           // Remove HP from victim
Beispiel #5
 // What to do during collision event
 public virtual void Hit(float timeDelta, GameObject obj)
Beispiel #6
        private void seekNearestTarget()
            acc.X = 0;
            acc.Y = 0;

            float diffX = 10000;
            float diffY = 10000;

            if (target == null)

                foreach (var obj in game.gameObjects)
                    if (Type == GameObjectType.ProjectilePlayer)
                        if (obj.Type == GameObjectType.Enemy || obj.Type == GameObjectType.Boss)
                            float x = pos.X - obj.pos.X;
                            float y = pos.Y - obj.pos.Y;

                                if (Math.Abs(diffX) > Math.Abs(x)) { diffX = x; target = obj; }
                                if (Math.Abs(diffY) > Math.Abs(y)) { diffY = y; target = obj; }
                        if (obj.Type == GameObjectType.Player)
                            float x = pos.X - obj.pos.X;
                            float y = pos.Y - obj.pos.Y;

                                if (Math.Abs(diffX) > Math.Abs(x)) { diffX = x; target = obj; }
                                if (Math.Abs(diffY) > Math.Abs(y)) { diffY = y; target = obj; }

                if (!target.isAlive)
                    target = null;

                diffX = pos.X - target.pos.X;
                diffY = pos.Y - target.pos.Y;

            float factor = (float)Math.Sqrt(diffX * diffX + diffY * diffY);

            acc.X = -Acceleration * diffX / factor;
            acc.Y = -Acceleration * diffY / factor;
 // Follow target object, allows camera rotation about X and Y axis (no rolling)
 public void OrbitTarget(GameObject obj, Vector3 distance)
     if (obj != null)
         cameraMode = CameraMode.orbit;
         targetObject = obj;
         offsetDistance = distance;
 public void FreeMode()
     cameraMode =;
     targetObject = null;
     offsetDistance = Vector3.Zero;
 // Follow target object at a height directly above target
 public void BirdsEyeView(GameObject obj, float height)
     ChaseTarget(obj, new Vector3(0, 0, height));
Beispiel #10
        public override void Hit(float timeDelta, GameObject obj)
            vel.X *= -1 * Constants.ElasticModulus;
            vel.Y *= -1 * Constants.ElasticModulus;

            base.Hit(timeDelta, obj);
Beispiel #11
        protected virtual void moveTowardsObject(GameObject obj)
            if (obj == null) return;    // Can't follow an object that doesn't exist

            //acc.X = 0;
            //acc.Y = 0;

            if (obj.isAlive)
                float diffX = pos.X - obj.pos.X;
                float diffY = pos.Y - obj.pos.Y;

                if (diffX == 0 && diffY == 0) return;   // Already at object's position

                //if (Math.Abs(diffX) < SightRange && Math.Abs(diffY) < SightRange)
                    float factor = (float)Math.Sqrt(diffX * diffX + diffY * diffY);

                    acc.X = -Acceleration * diffX / factor;
                    acc.Y = -Acceleration * diffY / factor;