Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Warps to warp_target, at ORBIT_DISTANCE in the direction of the sun
        /// (i.e. warps to the sunny side of the target)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="warpTarget"></param>
        public void WarpTo(OrbitingBodyBackgroundGameObject warpTarget)
            // shitty lock - DO NOT RELY ON THIS
            if (warping)
                Debug.Log("Already warping! Not warping again"); return;

            warping = true;
            // direction from origin
            Vector3 current_target_vector
                = warpTarget
            Vector3 normalised_target_vector = current_target_vector.normalized;

            double orbit_distance_in_solar_system_scale
                = ORBIT_DISTANCE_IN_METRES / OrbitingBodyMathematics.DISTANCE_SCALE_TO_METRES;
            // var name is in capitals - Solar system scale DISTANCE
            float sdistance = System.Convert.ToSingle(
                current_target_vector.magnitude - orbit_distance_in_solar_system_scale
            Vector3 SolarScaleOrbitCoordinates = normalised_target_vector * sdistance;

            double orbit_distance_in_nearest_planet_scale
                = Scale.NearestPlanet
            // var name is in capitals - Nearest planet scale DISTANCE
            float ndistance = System.Convert.ToSingle(orbit_distance_in_nearest_planet_scale);
            // need to go backwards i.e. towards the sun to be on the sunny side
            Vector3 NearestPlanetScaleOrbitCoordinates
                = -normalised_target_vector * ndistance;

            // Solar System Warps
            .GetComponent <LargeScaleCamera>()

            // Orbital Warps
            .GetComponent <LargeScaleCamera>()

            // Playable Area Warp
            //transform.position = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
            //Debug.Log("TODO: warp player position (maybe?) (CURRENTLY DOES NOTHING)");

            CurrentNearestOrbitingBody = warpTarget;

            warping = false;