public event SortingFinishedEventHandler SortingFinished; // event which will be rised after sorting will finish

        public override void Sort(bool isDescending, int[,] arrayforSorting)
            // Getting i and j values from arrived 2D array for future back conversion from 1D to 2D array
            amountOfRaws    = arrayforSorting.GetLength(0);
            amountOfColumns = arrayforSorting.GetLength(1);

            array = SorterUtils.ConvertArrayTo1D(arrayforSorting); //converting 2d array to 1d

            sortingStopwatch.Start();                              //starting stopwatch
            selectSort(array);                                     // Sorting
            sortingStopwatch.Stop();                               //stopping stopwatch

            // checking if we need to invert array
            if (isDescending)
                array = SorterUtils.ChangeDirection(array); // inverting array

            TimeSpan sortingTime = sortingStopwatch.Elapsed;

            OnSortingFinished(array, amountOfRaws, amountOfColumns, sortingTime); //rising event
Beispiel #2
        public event SortingFinishedEventHandler SortingFinished; // event which will be rised after sorting will finish

        public override void Sort(bool isDescending, int[,] arrayforSorting)
            bool isSwapped;

            // Getting i and j values from arrived 2D array for future back conversion from 1D to 2D array
            amountOfRaws    = arrayforSorting.GetLength(0);
            amountOfColumns = arrayforSorting.GetLength(1);

            array = SorterUtils.ConvertArrayTo1D(arrayforSorting); //converting 2d array to 1d

            sortingStopwatch.Start();                              //starting stopwatch

                isSwapped = false;

                for (int j = 0; j < array.Length - 1; j++)
                    if (array[j].CompareTo(array[j + 1]) > 0) //comparing values and if next value less than previous  - swapping values
                        Swap(j, j + 1);
                        isSwapped = true;
            } while (isSwapped);     // repit cycle until there was no swap

            sortingStopwatch.Stop(); //stopping stopwatch

            // checking if we need to invert array
            if (isDescending)
                array = SorterUtils.ChangeDirection(array); // inverting array

            sortingTime = sortingStopwatch.Elapsed;

            OnSortingFinished(array, amountOfRaws, amountOfColumns, sortingTime); //rising event
Beispiel #3
 public Sorter(int[,] arrayforSorting)
     array = SorterUtils.ConvertArrayTo1D(arrayforSorting); //converting 2d array to 1d in constuctor