Beispiel #1
 public SoftwareData(ProjectInfo projectInfo)
     start   = SoftwareCoUtil.getNowInSeconds();
     project = projectInfo;
     version = SoftwareCoPackage.GetVersion();
     os      = SoftwareCoPackage.GetOs();
        public static async void SendHeartbeat(string reason)
            string jwt    = GetJwt();
            bool   online = await IsOnlineAsync();

            if (online && jwt != null)
                string version = Constants.EditorVersion;

                JsonObject jsonObj = new JsonObject();
                jsonObj.Add("version", SoftwareCoPackage.GetVersion());
                jsonObj.Add("os", SoftwareCoPackage.GetOs());
                jsonObj.Add("pluginId", Constants.PluginId);
                jsonObj.Add("start", SoftwareCoUtil.getNowInSeconds());
                jsonObj.Add("trigger_annotation", reason);
                jsonObj.Add("hostname", SoftwareCoUtil.getHostname());

                string api      = "/data/heartbeat";
                string jsonData = jsonObj.ToString();
                HttpResponseMessage response = await SoftwareHttpManager.SendRequestAsync(HttpMethod.Post, api, jsonData, jwt);

                if (!SoftwareHttpManager.IsOk(response))
                    Logger.Warning("Code Time: Unable to send heartbeat");
Beispiel #3
        public void EnsureFileInfoDataIsPresent(string fileName)
            JsonObject fileInfoData = new JsonObject();
            long       start        = SoftwareCoUtil.getNowInSeconds();
            double     offset       = TimeZone.CurrentTimeZone.GetUtcOffset(DateTime.Now).TotalMinutes;
            long       local_start  = start + ((int)offset * 60);

            if (!source.ContainsKey(fileName))
                fileInfoData.Add("paste", 0);
                fileInfoData.Add("open", 0);
                fileInfoData.Add("close", 0);
                fileInfoData.Add("delete", 0);
                fileInfoData.Add("add", 0);
                fileInfoData.Add("netkeys", 0);
                fileInfoData.Add("length", 0);
                fileInfoData.Add("lines", 0);
                fileInfoData.Add("linesAdded", 0);
                fileInfoData.Add("linesRemoved", 0);
                fileInfoData.Add("syntax", "");
                fileInfoData.Add("start", start);
                fileInfoData.Add("local_start", local_start);
                fileInfoData.Add("end", 0);
                fileInfoData.Add("local_end", 0);
                source.Add(fileName, fileInfoData);
        private async Task _IntialisefileMap(string fileName)
            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, object> sourceFiles in _softwareData.source)
                long   end       = 0;
                long   local_end = 0;
                double offset    = 0;
                if (fileName != sourceFiles.Key)
                    object     outend       = null;
                    JsonObject fileInfoData = null;
                    fileInfoData = (JsonObject)sourceFiles.Value;
                    fileInfoData.TryGetValue("end", out outend);

                    if (long.Parse(outend.ToString()) == 0)
                        end       = SoftwareCoUtil.getNowInSeconds();
                        offset    = TimeZone.CurrentTimeZone.GetUtcOffset(DateTime.Now).TotalMinutes;
                        local_end = end + ((int)offset * 60);

                        _softwareData.addOrUpdateFileInfo(fileName, "end", end);
                        _softwareData.addOrUpdateFileInfo(fileName, "local_end", local_end);
                    _softwareData.addOrUpdateFileInfo(fileName, "end", 0);
                    _softwareData.addOrUpdateFileInfo(fileName, "local_end", 0);
Beispiel #5
 public void ResetData()
     keystrokes = 0;
     source     = new JsonObject();
     if (project != null)
     start       = SoftwareCoUtil.getNowInSeconds();
     local_start = 0L;
     initialized = false;
        public static async Task <bool> IsOnlineAsync()
            long nowInSec         = SoftwareCoUtil.getNowInSeconds();
            long thresholdSeconds = nowInSec - lastOnlineCheck;

            if (thresholdSeconds > 60)
                // 3 second timeout
                HttpResponseMessage response = await SoftwareHttpManager.SendRequestAsync(HttpMethod.Get, "/ping", null, 3, null, true /*isOnlineCheck*/);

                isOnline        = SoftwareHttpManager.IsOk(response);
                lastOnlineCheck = nowInSec;

        public static async Task <string> GetAppJwtAsync(bool online)
            if (online)
                long seconds = SoftwareCoUtil.getNowInSeconds();
                HttpResponseMessage response = await SoftwareHttpManager.SendRequestAsync(
                    HttpMethod.Get, "/data/apptoken?token=" + seconds, null);

                if (SoftwareHttpManager.IsOk(response))
                    string responseBody = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

                    IDictionary <string, object> jsonObj = (IDictionary <string, object>)SimpleJson.DeserializeObject(responseBody);
                    jsonObj.TryGetValue("jwt", out object jwtObj);
                    string app_jwt = (jwtObj == null) ? null : Convert.ToString(jwtObj);
Beispiel #8
        protected static async Task HandleTrackInfoAsync(LocalSpotifyTrackInfo localTrackInfo)
                if (!SoftwareHttpManager.HasSpotifyAccessToken())
                    // initialize the token
                    await SoftwareHttpManager.InitializeSpotifyClientGrantAsync();
            } catch (Exception e)
                Logger.Error("Code Time: Unable to access spotify, error: " + e.Message);

            if (!SoftwareHttpManager.HasSpotifyAccessToken())

            bool hasLocalTrackData = ( != null && localTrackInfo.artist != null)
                ? true : false;
            bool hasCurrentTrackData = (CurrentTrackInfo != null && != null && CurrentTrackInfo.artist != null)
                ? true : false;
            bool isNewTrack = true;

            if (hasLocalTrackData && hasCurrentTrackData &&
                isNewTrack = false;

            HttpResponseMessage response = null;

                if (isNewTrack && hasLocalTrackData)
                    if (hasCurrentTrackData)
                        // close the previous track
                        CurrentTrackInfo.end = SoftwareCoUtil.getNowInSeconds();
                        // send it to the app server
                        response = await SoftwareHttpManager.SendRequestAsync(
                            HttpMethod.Post, "/data/music", CurrentTrackInfo.GetAsJson());
                    // fill in the missing attributes from the spotify API
                    await SoftwareHttpManager.GetSpotifyTrackInfoAsync(localTrackInfo);

                    // send it to the app server
                    response = await SoftwareHttpManager.SendRequestAsync(
                        HttpMethod.Post, "/data/music", localTrackInfo.GetAsJson());

                    CurrentTrackInfo = localTrackInfo.Clone();
                else if (hasCurrentTrackData && !hasLocalTrackData)
                    // send this to close it
                    CurrentTrackInfo.end = SoftwareCoUtil.getNowInSeconds();
                    // send it to the app server
                    response = await SoftwareHttpManager.SendRequestAsync(
                        HttpMethod.Post, "/data/music", CurrentTrackInfo.GetAsJson());

                    CurrentTrackInfo = null;
            } catch (Exception e) {
                Logger.Error("Code Time: Unable to process track information, error: " + e.Message);

            if (response != null && !SoftwareHttpManager.IsOk(response))
Beispiel #9
        public static async Task GetSpotifyTrackInfoAsync(LocalSpotifyTrackInfo trackInfo)
            string webResponse = string.Empty;

                HttpClient client = new HttpClient();

                string searchQuery = string.Format("artist:{0} track:{1}", trackInfo.artist,;
                searchQuery = WebUtility.UrlEncode(searchQuery);

                string         spotifyUrl = string.Format("{0}&type=track&limit=2&offset=0", searchQuery);
                HttpWebRequest webRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(spotifyUrl);
                webRequest.Method      = "GET";
                webRequest.ContentType = "application/json";
                webRequest.Accept      = "application/json";
                webRequest.Headers.Add("Authorization: Bearer " + token.Access_token);

                HttpWebResponse resp = (HttpWebResponse)await webRequest.GetResponseAsync();

                string json = "";

                using (Stream respStr = resp.GetResponseStream())
                    using (StreamReader rdr = new StreamReader(respStr, Encoding.UTF8))
                        // should get back a string we can turn into a json
                        json = await rdr.ReadToEndAsync();


                IDictionary <string, object> jsonObj = (IDictionary <string, object>)SimpleJson.DeserializeObject(json);
                jsonObj.TryGetValue("tracks", out object trackObj);
                IDictionary <string, object> trackDict = (trackObj == null) ? null : (IDictionary <string, object>)trackObj;
                JsonArray items = null;
                if (trackDict != null)
                    trackDict.TryGetValue("items", out object itemsObj);
                    items = (itemsObj == null) ? null : (JsonArray)itemsObj;

                // need: id, name (already have it), artist (already have it), state, duration
                // type = "spotify"
                // other attributes to send: genre, start, end
                if (items != null && items.Count > 0)
                    IDictionary <string, object> trackData = (IDictionary <string, object>)items[0];
                    trackData.TryGetValue("uri", out object spotifyIdObj);
                    string spotifyId = (spotifyIdObj == null) ? null : Convert.ToString(spotifyIdObj);
                    trackData.TryGetValue("duration_ms", out object durationMsObj);
                    long durationSec = (durationMsObj == null) ? 0L : Convert.ToInt64(durationMsObj);

                    trackInfo.duration = durationSec;
                    trackInfo.type     = "spotify";
                    trackInfo.state    = "playing";
                    trackInfo.genre    = "";
                 = spotifyId;
                    trackInfo.start    = SoftwareCoUtil.getNowInSeconds();
                    double offset = TimeZone.CurrentTimeZone.GetUtcOffset(DateTime.Now).TotalMinutes;
                    trackInfo.local_start = trackInfo.start + ((int)offset * 60);
            catch (Exception tex)
                Logger.Error("error: " + tex.Message);
        private static async Task FetchCodeTimeDashboardAsync(SessionSummary _sessionSummary)
            string summaryContent  = "";
            string summaryInfoFile = SoftwareCoUtil.getSessionSummaryInfoFile();

            bool online = await SoftwareUserSession.IsOnlineAsync();

            long diff = SoftwareCoUtil.getNowInSeconds() - lastDashboardFetchTime;

            if (lastDashboardFetchTime == 0 || diff >= day_in_sec || !online)
                if (!online)
                    lastDashboardFetchTime = 0;
                    lastDashboardFetchTime = SoftwareCoUtil.getNowInSeconds();

                HttpResponseMessage resp =
                    await SoftwareHttpManager.SendDashboardRequestAsync(HttpMethod.Get, "/dashboard?showMusic=false&showGit=false&showRank=false&showToday=false");

                if (SoftwareHttpManager.IsOk(resp))
                    summaryContent += await resp.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
                    summaryContent = NO_DATA;

                if (File.Exists(summaryInfoFile))
                    File.SetAttributes(summaryInfoFile, FileAttributes.Normal);

                    File.WriteAllText(summaryInfoFile, summaryContent);
                    File.SetAttributes(summaryInfoFile, FileAttributes.ReadOnly);
                catch (Exception e)
            string dashboardFile    = SoftwareCoUtil.getDashboardFile();
            string dashboardContent = "";
            string suffix           = SoftwareCoUtil.CreateDateSuffix(DateTime.Now);
            string formattedDate    = DateTime.Now.ToString("ddd, MMM ") + suffix + DateTime.Now.ToString(" h:mm tt");

            dashboardContent  = "CODE TIME          " + "(Last updated on " + formattedDate + " )";
            dashboardContent += "\n\n";

            string todayDate  = DateTime.Now.ToString("ddd, MMM ") + suffix;
            string today_date = "Today " + "(" + todayDate + ")";

            dashboardContent += SoftwareCoUtil.getSectionHeader(today_date);

            if (_sessionSummary != null)
                string averageTime     = SoftwareCoUtil.HumanizeMinutes(_sessionSummary.averageDailyMinutes);
                string hoursCodedToday = SoftwareCoUtil.HumanizeMinutes(_sessionSummary.currentDayMinutes);
                String liveshareTime   = "";
                //if (_sessionSummary.liveshareMinutes != 0)
                //    liveshareTime = SoftwareCoUtil.HumanizeMinutes(_sessionSummary.liveshareMinutes);
                dashboardContent += SoftwareCoUtil.getDashboardRow("Hours Coded", hoursCodedToday);
                dashboardContent += SoftwareCoUtil.getDashboardRow("90-day avg", averageTime);
                //if (liveshareTime != "0")
                //    dashboardContent += SoftwareCoUtil.getDashboardRow("Live Share", liveshareTime);
                dashboardContent += "\n";

            if (SoftwareCoUtil.SessionSummaryInfoFileExists())
                string SummaryData = SoftwareCoUtil.getSessionSummaryInfoFileData();
                dashboardContent += SummaryData;

            if (File.Exists(dashboardFile))
                File.SetAttributes(dashboardFile, FileAttributes.Normal);
                //SoftwareCoUtil.WriteToFileThreadSafe(dashboardContent, dashboardFile);
                File.WriteAllText(dashboardFile, dashboardContent);
                File.SetAttributes(dashboardFile, FileAttributes.ReadOnly);
            catch (Exception e)
        // This method is called by the timer delegate.
        private async void ProcessSoftwareDataTimerCallbackAsync(Object stateInfo)
            AutoResetEvent autoEvent = (AutoResetEvent)stateInfo;
            double         offset    = 0;
            long           end       = 0;
            long           local_end = 0;

            DateTime now = DateTime.UtcNow;

            if (_softwareData != null && _softwareData.HasData() && (EnoughTimePassed(now) || timer == null))
                offset = TimeZone.CurrentTimeZone.GetUtcOffset(DateTime.Now).TotalMinutes;
                _softwareData.local_start = _softwareData.start + ((int)offset * 60);
                _softwareData.offset      = Math.Abs((int)offset);
                if (TimeZone.CurrentTimeZone.DaylightName != null &&
                    TimeZone.CurrentTimeZone.DaylightName != TimeZone.CurrentTimeZone.StandardName)
                    _softwareData.timezone = TimeZone.CurrentTimeZone.DaylightName;
                    _softwareData.timezone = TimeZone.CurrentTimeZone.StandardName;

                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, object> sourceFiles in _softwareData.source)
                    JsonObject fileInfoData = null;
                    fileInfoData = (JsonObject)sourceFiles.Value;
                    object outend;
                    fileInfoData.TryGetValue("end", out outend);

                    if (long.Parse(outend.ToString()) == 0)
                        end       = SoftwareCoUtil.getNowInSeconds();
                        offset    = TimeZone.CurrentTimeZone.GetUtcOffset(DateTime.Now).TotalMinutes;
                        local_end = end + ((int)offset * 60);
                        _softwareData.addOrUpdateFileInfo(sourceFiles.Key, "end", end);
                        _softwareData.addOrUpdateFileInfo(sourceFiles.Key, "local_end", local_end);

                    end       = SoftwareCoUtil.getNowInSeconds();
                    offset    = TimeZone.CurrentTimeZone.GetUtcOffset(DateTime.Now).TotalMinutes;
                    local_end = end + ((int)offset * 60);

                    _softwareData.end       = end;
                    _softwareData.local_end = local_end;
                catch (Exception)

                string softwareDataContent = _softwareData.GetAsJson();
                Logger.Info("Code Time: sending: " + softwareDataContent);

                if (SoftwareCoUtil.isTelemetryOn())

                    // call the kpm summary

                    /* try
                     * {
                     *   Thread.Sleep(1000 * 5);
                     *   ProcessFetchDailyKpmTimerCallbackAsync(null);
                     * }
                     * catch (ThreadInterruptedException e)
                     * {
                     *   //
                     * }*/
                    Logger.Info("Code Time metrics are currently paused.");
                    // this.StorePayload(softwareDataContent);

                _lastPostTime = now;