private void Process_Single_Incoming_Package(Incoming_Digital_Resource ResourcePackage)
            ResourcePackage.BuilderLogId = Add_NonError_To_Log("........Processing '" + ResourcePackage.Folder_Name + "'", "Standard", ResourcePackage.BibID + ":" + ResourcePackage.VID, ResourcePackage.METS_Type_String, -1);

            // Clear any existing error linked to this item
            Engine_Database.Builder_Clear_Item_Error_Log(ResourcePackage.BibID, ResourcePackage.VID, "SobekCM Builder");

            // Before we save this or anything, let's see if this is truly a new resource
            ResourcePackage.NewPackage   = (Engine_Database.Get_Item_Information(ResourcePackage.BibID, ResourcePackage.VID, null) == null);
            ResourcePackage.Package_Time = DateTime.Now;

                // Do all the item processing per instance config
                foreach (iSubmissionPackageModule thisModule in builderModules.ItemProcessModules)
                    //if ( superverbose)
                    //    Add_NonError_To_Log("Running module " + thisModule.GetType().ToString(), true, ResourcePackage.BibID + ":" + ResourcePackage.VID, String.Empty, ResourcePackage.BuilderLogId);
                    if (!thisModule.DoWork(ResourcePackage))
                        Add_Error_To_Log("Unable to complete new/replacement for " + ResourcePackage.BibID + ":" + ResourcePackage.VID, ResourcePackage.BibID + ":" + ResourcePackage.VID, String.Empty, ResourcePackage.BuilderLogId);

                        // Try to move the whole package to the failures folder
                        string final_failures_folder = Path.Combine(ResourcePackage.Source_Folder.Failures_Folder, ResourcePackage.BibID + "_" + ResourcePackage.VID);
                        if (Directory.Exists(final_failures_folder))
                            final_failures_folder = final_failures_folder + "_" + DateTime.Now.Year + "_" + DateTime.Now.Month.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0') + "_" + DateTime.Now.Day.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0') + "_" + DateTime.Now.Hour.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0') + "_" + DateTime.Now.Minute.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0') + "_" + DateTime.Now.Second.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0');

                            Directory.Move(ResourcePackage.Resource_Folder, final_failures_folder);

                // Save these collections to mark them for refreshing the RSS feeds, etc..
                Add_Process_Info_To_PostProcess_Lists(ResourcePackage.BibID, ResourcePackage.VID, ResourcePackage.Metadata.Behaviors.Aggregation_Code_List);

                // Finally, clear the memory a little bit
            catch (Exception ee)
                StreamWriter errorWriter = new StreamWriter(logFileDirectory + "\\error.log", true);
                errorWriter.WriteLine("Message: " + ee.Message);
                errorWriter.WriteLine("Stack Trace: " + ee.StackTrace);

                Add_Error_To_Log("Unable to complete new/replacement for " + ResourcePackage.BibID + ":" + ResourcePackage.VID, ResourcePackage.BibID + ":" + ResourcePackage.VID, String.Empty, ResourcePackage.BuilderLogId, ee);
        private void Complete_Any_Recent_Loads_Requiring_Additional_Work()
            // Get the list of recent loads requiring additional work
            DataTable additionalWorkRequired = Engine_Database.Items_Needing_Aditional_Work;

            if ((additionalWorkRequired != null) && (additionalWorkRequired.Rows.Count > 0))
                Add_NonError_To_Log("Processing recently loaded items needing additional work", "Standard", String.Empty, String.Empty, -1);

                // Create the incoming digital folder object which will be used for all these
                Actionable_Builder_Source_Folder sourceFolder = new Actionable_Builder_Source_Folder();

                // Step through each one
                foreach (DataRow thisRow in additionalWorkRequired.Rows)
                    // Get the information about this item
                    string bibID = thisRow["BibID"].ToString();
                    string vid   = thisRow["VID"].ToString();

                    // Determine the file root for this
                    string file_root = bibID.Substring(0, 2) + "\\" + bibID.Substring(2, 2) + "\\" + bibID.Substring(4, 2) + "\\" + bibID.Substring(6, 2) + "\\" + bibID.Substring(8, 2);

                    // Determine the source folder for this resource
                    string resource_folder = settings.Servers.Image_Server_Network + file_root + "\\" + vid;

                    // Determine the METS file name
                    string mets_file = resource_folder + "\\" + bibID + "_" + vid + ".mets.xml";

                    // Ensure these both exist
                    if ((Directory.Exists(resource_folder)) && (File.Exists(mets_file)))
                        // Create the incoming digital resource object
                        Incoming_Digital_Resource additionalWorkResource = new Incoming_Digital_Resource(resource_folder, sourceFolder)
                            BibID = bibID, VID = vid, File_Root = bibID.Substring(0, 2) + "\\" + bibID.Substring(2, 2) + "\\" + bibID.Substring(4, 2) + "\\" + bibID.Substring(6, 2) + "\\" + bibID.Substring(8, 2)

                        Add_Error_To_Log("Unable to find valid resource files for reprocessing " + bibID + ":" + vid, bibID + ":" + vid, "Reprocess", -1);

                        int itemID = Engine_Database.Get_ItemID_From_Bib_VID(bibID, vid);

                        SobekCM_Item_Database.Update_Additional_Work_Needed_Flag(itemID, false);
        private void Complete_Single_Recent_Load_Requiring_Additional_Work(Incoming_Digital_Resource AdditionalWorkResource)
            AdditionalWorkResource.METS_Type_String = "Reprocess";
            AdditionalWorkResource.BuilderLogId     = Add_NonError_To_Log("Reprocessing '" + AdditionalWorkResource.BibID + ":" + AdditionalWorkResource.VID + "'", "Standard", AdditionalWorkResource.BibID + ":" + AdditionalWorkResource.VID, AdditionalWorkResource.METS_Type_String, -1);

                // Load the METS file
                if ((!AdditionalWorkResource.Load_METS()) || (AdditionalWorkResource.BibID.Length == 0))
                    Add_Error_To_Log("Error reading METS file from " + AdditionalWorkResource.Folder_Name.Replace("_", ":"), AdditionalWorkResource.Folder_Name.Replace("_", ":"), "Reprocess", AdditionalWorkResource.BuilderLogId);

                AdditionalWorkResource.METS_Type_String = "Reprocess";

                // Add thumbnail and aggregation informaiton from the database

                // Do all the item processing per instance config
                foreach (iSubmissionPackageModule thisModule in builderModules.ItemProcessModules)
                    if (verbose)
                        Add_NonError_To_Log("Running module " + thisModule.GetType(), true, AdditionalWorkResource.BibID + ":" + AdditionalWorkResource.VID, String.Empty, AdditionalWorkResource.BuilderLogId);
                    if (!thisModule.DoWork(AdditionalWorkResource))
                        Add_Error_To_Log("Unable to complete additional work for " + AdditionalWorkResource.BibID + ":" + AdditionalWorkResource.VID, AdditionalWorkResource.BibID + ":" + AdditionalWorkResource.VID, String.Empty, AdditionalWorkResource.BuilderLogId);


                // Save these collections to mark them for refreshing the RSS feeds, etc..
                Add_Process_Info_To_PostProcess_Lists(AdditionalWorkResource.BibID, AdditionalWorkResource.VID, AdditionalWorkResource.Metadata.Behaviors.Aggregation_Code_List);

                // Finally, clear the memory a little bit
            catch (Exception ee)
                Add_Error_To_Log("Unable to complete additional work for " + AdditionalWorkResource.BibID + ":" + AdditionalWorkResource.VID, AdditionalWorkResource.BibID + ":" + AdditionalWorkResource.VID, AdditionalWorkResource.METS_Type_String, AdditionalWorkResource.BuilderLogId, ee);