/// <summary>
        /// When the local peer list changes, we have to send updates to
        /// the other end of this connection.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="newPeerList"></param>
        /// <param name="oldPeerList"></param>
        private void LocalPeerListChangedCallback(NodePeerList newPeerList,
                                                  NodePeerList oldPeerList)
            string s = newPeerList.ToXml(oldPeerList);

        internal void ThreadStart(Object o)
            SslStream sslStream = o as SslStream;

            if (sslStream != null)
                //Have to send the local peer list to the other end of
                //the connection, and we also need to be notified of any
                //changes to the local peer list.  This has to be done
                //in one operation so a new node can't sneak in between
                //us reading the nodelist, and us registering the event.
                lock (m_OutgoingQueue_Lock) //don't let the callback enqueue a message first
                    NodePeerList localPeerList =
                            new CommunicationManager.LocalPeerListChangedHandler(

                //kick off a read callback chain of threads
                lock (m_ReadCallback_Lock)
                    sslStream.BeginRead(m_newData, 0, m_newData.Length,
                                        new AsyncCallback(ReadCallback), sslStream);

                bool stop = false;
                while (!stop)
                    //send any queued messages
                    int outgoingCount = 0;
                    lock (m_OutgoingQueue_Lock)
                        outgoingCount = m_OutgoingQueue.Count;
                    while (outgoingCount > 0)
                        string data = null;
                        lock (m_OutgoingQueue_Lock)
                            data = m_OutgoingQueue.Dequeue();

                        //encode it to base 64 so we don't have to worry about control codes
                        byte[] encbuf      = System.Text.Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(data);
                        string encodedData = Convert.ToBase64String(encbuf) + "\n"; //terminate in newline to denote the end of the message

                        //convert to a byte array
                        byte[] writebuf = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(encodedData);



                    //process any received messages
                    int incomingCount = 0;
                    lock (m_IncomingQueue_Lock)
                        incomingCount = m_IncomingQueue.Count;
                    while (incomingCount > 0)
                        string data = null;
                        lock (m_IncomingQueue_Lock)
                            data = m_IncomingQueue.Dequeue();

                        //message is in base 64, so convert back to a string
                        byte[] decbuff = Convert.FromBase64String(data);
                        string message = System.Text.Encoding.Unicode.GetString(decbuff);



                    lock (m_CloseRequest_Lock)
                        if (stop == false)
                            stop = m_CloseRequest;

                //See if we closed due to an exception in the reader thread
                Exception readException = null;
                lock (m_readException_Lock)
                    readException = m_readException;
                if (readException != null)
                    //TODO propagate this exception to higher code

                //clean up the stream