/// <summary>
        /// Try to connect to the provided server URL
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="newserv"></param>
        /// <returns>a structure to represent the results of this action</returns>
        public static AboutResultReport TryChangeServerURL(string newserv)
            string oldserv = BaseWS.Server;

            AboutResultReport res = new AboutResultReport();
            res.newServer = newserv;
            res.oldServer = oldserv;

            if (newserv != oldserv) // we have changed something
                // Ping the new server, if unreacheable display message
                if (WebConnector.Current.PingS2CServer(newserv + WebConnector.PING_URL))
                    // test the login: if not successful, logout the user and display the window
                    BaseWS.Server = newserv;
                    UserWS usRepo = new UserWS();
                    User currUser = usRepo.LoginUser(BaseWS.Username, BaseWS.Password);
                    res.currentUser = currUser;
                    // network down / invalid server
                    res.error = "The server inserted is unreacheable now!";

            return res;
        /// <summary>
        /// Try to login into the remote erver with the given credentials
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="user"></param>
        /// <param name="username"></param>
        /// <param name="password"></param>
        /// <returns>true if the login has been successful; false otherwise</returns>
        public static ErrorCodes TryLogin(UserClient user, string username, string password, IPluginManager pluginManager)
            // Test login
            UserWS repoUser = new UserWS();
            Snip2Code.Model.Entities.User loggedUser = repoUser.LoginUser(username, password);

            if ((loggedUser != null) && (loggedUser.ID > 0))
                // Save credentials
                BaseWS.Username = username;
                BaseWS.Password = password;
                BaseWS.IdentToken = string.Empty;

                // change the logged user on the package
                LoginPoller poller = new LoginPoller(username, password, string.Empty, false, pluginManager);
                if (ClientUtils.LoginTimer != null)
                ClientUtils.LoginTimer = new System.Threading.Timer(poller.RecallLogin, null, 0, AppConfig.Current.LoginRefreshTimeSec * 1000);
                return ErrorCodes.OK;

            if (repoUser.LastErrorCode == ErrorCodes.OK)
                return ErrorCodes.NOT_LOGGED_IN;
                return repoUser.LastErrorCode;
        public static ErrorCodes TryLoginOneAll(UserClient user, IPluginManager pluginManager)
            UserWS repoUser = new UserWS();
            string identToken = BaseWS.IdentToken;
            Snip2Code.Model.Entities.User loggedUser = repoUser.LoginUserOneAll(identToken);

            if ((loggedUser != null) && (loggedUser.ID > 0))
                // Save credentials
                BaseWS.Username = string.Empty;
                BaseWS.Password = string.Empty;

                // change the logged user on the package
                LoginPoller poller = new LoginPoller(string.Empty, string.Empty, identToken, true, pluginManager);
                if (ClientUtils.LoginTimer != null)
                ClientUtils.LoginTimer = new System.Threading.Timer(poller.RecallLogin, null, 0, AppConfig.Current.LoginRefreshTimeSec * 1000);

                return ErrorCodes.OK;
                // something went wrong on the login: reload the oneAllPage
                BaseWS.IdentToken = string.Empty;

                if (repoUser.LastErrorCode == ErrorCodes.OK)
                    return ErrorCodes.NOT_LOGGED_IN;
                    return repoUser.LastErrorCode;
Beispiel #4
        private void bgw_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
            e.Result = string.Empty;

            int? userId = e.Argument as int?;

            if (userId != null)
                // read channels
                UserWS userRepo = new UserWS();
                List<Group> chList = userRepo.GetChannelsOfUser((int)userId) as List<Group>;
                if (chList != null)

                SnippetsWS snipRepo = new SnippetsWS();
                lock (selectedChList)   // we don't want that someone is updating this while we read it and vice-versa
                    selectedChList = snipRepo.GetChannels(this.SnippetId);

                    if (chList != null)
                        // populate the control
                        foreach (Group c in chList)
                            // if the snippet is already published on the channel, mark it as selected
                            bool sel = false;
                            if (selectedChList != null)
                                foreach (int cs in selectedChList)
                                    if (c.ID == cs)
                                        sel = true;

                            // populate the control
                            listChannelWiew.Invoke(new Action(() => addItemToList(c.Name, c.ID, sel)));
                if ((chList == null) || (chList.Count == 0))
                    e.Result = Properties.Resources.PublishNoChannelFollowed;
                e.Result = Properties.Resources.ErrorCodes_UNKNOWN;