public async Task ReceiveAsync(MediaMoverContext context, MediaFile mediaFile, Stream stream)
            Guard.NotNull(context, nameof(context));
            Guard.NotNull(mediaFile, nameof(mediaFile));

            // store data into file
            if (stream != null && stream.Length > 0)
                var filePath = GetPath(mediaFile);

                if (!_fileSystem.FileExists(filePath))
                    // TBD: (mc) We only save the file if it doesn't exist yet.
                    // This should save time and bandwidth in the case where the target
                    // is a cloud based file system (like Azure BLOB).
                    // In such a scenario it'd be advisable to copy the files manually
                    // with other - maybe more performant - tools before performing the provider switch.

                    // Create folder if it does not exist yet
                    var dir = Path.GetDirectoryName(filePath);
                    if (!_fileSystem.FolderExists(dir))

                    using (stream)
                        await _fileSystem.SaveStreamAsync(filePath, stream);

Beispiel #2
        public void MoveTo(ISupportsMediaMoving target, MediaMoverContext context, MediaFile mediaFile)
            Guard.NotNull(target, nameof(target));
            Guard.NotNull(context, nameof(context));
            Guard.NotNull(mediaFile, nameof(mediaFile));

            if (mediaFile.MediaStorageId != null)
                // Let target store data (into a file for example)
                target.Receive(context, mediaFile, OpenRead(mediaFile));

                // Remove picture binary from DB
                    //mediaFile.MediaStorageId = null;
                    //mediaFile.MediaStorage = null;

                catch { }

                context.ShrinkDatabase = true;
Beispiel #3
        public async Task ReceiveAsync(MediaMoverContext context, MediaFile mediaFile, Stream stream)
            Guard.NotNull(context, nameof(context));
            Guard.NotNull(mediaFile, nameof(mediaFile));

            // Store data for later bulk commit
            if (stream != null && stream.Length > 0)
                // Requires AutoDetectChanges set to true or remove explicit entity detaching
                await SaveAsync(mediaFile, stream);
Beispiel #4
        public void Receive(MediaMoverContext context, MediaFile mediaFile, Stream stream)
            Guard.NotNull(context, nameof(context));
            Guard.NotNull(mediaFile, nameof(mediaFile));

            // Store data for later bulk commit
            if (stream != null && stream.Length > 0)
                // Requires AutoDetectChanges set to true or remove explicit entity detaching
                Save(mediaFile, MediaStorageItem.FromStream(stream));
        public void Receive(MediaMoverContext context, MediaItem media, byte[] data)
            Guard.NotNull(context, nameof(context));
            Guard.NotNull(media, nameof(media));

            // store data for later bulk commit
            if (data != null && data.LongLength > 0)
                // requires autoDetectChanges set to true or remove explicit entity detaching
                media.Entity.MediaStorage = new MediaStorage {
                    Data = data
Beispiel #6
        public async Task ReceiveAsync(MediaMoverContext context, MediaItem media, byte[] data)
            Guard.NotNull(context, nameof(context));
            Guard.NotNull(media, nameof(media));

            // store data into file
            if (data != null && data.LongLength != 0)
                var filePath = GetPicturePath(media);

                await _fileSystem.WriteAllBytesAsync(filePath, data);

        public void MoveTo(ISupportsMediaMoving target, MediaMoverContext context, MediaFile mediaFile)
            Guard.NotNull(target, nameof(target));
            Guard.NotNull(context, nameof(context));
            Guard.NotNull(mediaFile, nameof(mediaFile));

            var filePath = GetPath(mediaFile);

                // Let target store data (into database for example)
                target.Receive(context, mediaFile, OpenRead(mediaFile));

                // Remember file path: we must be able to rollback IO operations on transaction failure
            catch (Exception exception)
        public void OnCompleted(MediaMoverContext context, bool succeeded)
            if (context.AffectedFiles.Any())
                var toFileSystem = context.TargetSystemName.IsCaseInsensitiveEqual(SystemName);

                if ((!toFileSystem && succeeded) || (toFileSystem && !succeeded))
                    // FS > DB sucessful OR DB > FS failed: delete all physical files
                    // run a background task for the deletion of files (fire & forget)

                    Task.Factory.StartNew(state =>
                        var files = state as string[];
                        foreach (var file in files)
                    }, context.AffectedFiles.ToArray()).ConfigureAwait(false);
Beispiel #9
        public void Receive(MediaMoverContext context, MediaItem media, byte[] data)
            Guard.NotNull(context, nameof(context));
            Guard.NotNull(media, nameof(media));

            // store data into file
            if (data != null && data.LongLength != 0)
                var filePath = GetPicturePath(media);

                if (!_fileSystem.FileExists(filePath))
                    // TBD: (mc) We only save the file if it doesn't exist yet.
                    // This should save time and bandwidth in the case where the target
                    // is a cloud based file system (like Azure BLOB).
                    // In such a scenario it'd be advisable to copy the files manually
                    // with other - maybe more performant - tools before performing the provider switch.
                    _fileSystem.WriteAllBytes(filePath, data);
        public void MoveTo(ISupportsMediaMoving target, MediaMoverContext context, MediaItem media)
            Guard.NotNull(target, nameof(target));
            Guard.NotNull(context, nameof(context));
            Guard.NotNull(media, nameof(media));

            if (media.Entity.MediaStorage != null)
                // let target store data (into a file for example)
                target.Receive(context, media, media.Entity.MediaStorage.Data);

                // remove picture binary from DB
                catch { }

                media.Entity.MediaStorageId = null;

                context.ShrinkDatabase = true;
Beispiel #11
        public void MoveTo(ISupportsMediaMoving target, MediaMoverContext context, MediaItem media)
            Guard.NotNull(target, nameof(target));
            Guard.NotNull(context, nameof(context));
            Guard.NotNull(media, nameof(media));

            var filePath = GetPicturePath(media);

                // read data from file
                var data = _fileSystem.ReadAllBytes(filePath);

                // let target store data (into database for example)
                target.Receive(context, media, data);

                // remember file path: we must be able to rollback IO operations on transaction failure
            catch (Exception exception)
Beispiel #12
        public virtual bool Move(Provider <IMediaStorageProvider> sourceProvider, Provider <IMediaStorageProvider> targetProvider)
            Guard.NotNull(sourceProvider, nameof(sourceProvider));
            Guard.NotNull(targetProvider, nameof(targetProvider));

            var success = false;
            var utcNow  = DateTime.UtcNow;
            var context = new MediaMoverContext(sourceProvider.Metadata.SystemName, targetProvider.Metadata.SystemName);

            var source = sourceProvider.Value as ISupportsMediaMoving;
            var target = targetProvider.Value as ISupportsMediaMoving;

            // Source and target must support media storage moving
            if (source == null)
                throw new ArgumentException(T("Admin.Media.StorageMovingNotSupported", sourceProvider.Metadata.SystemName));

            if (target == null)
                throw new ArgumentException(T("Admin.Media.StorageMovingNotSupported", targetProvider.Metadata.SystemName));

            // Source and target provider must not be equal
            if (sourceProvider.Metadata.SystemName.IsCaseInsensitiveEqual(targetProvider.Metadata.SystemName))
                throw new ArgumentException(T("Admin.Media.CannotMoveToSameProvider"));

            // We are about to process data in chunks but want to commit ALL at once after ALL chunks have been processed successfully.
            // AutoDetectChanges true required for newly inserted binary data.
            using (var scope = new DbContextScope(ctx: _services.DbContext,
                                                  autoDetectChanges: true,
                                                  proxyCreation: false,
                                                  validateOnSave: false,
                                                  autoCommit: false))
                using (var transaction = scope.DbContext.BeginTransaction())
                        var pager = new FastPager <MediaFile>(_mediaFileRepo.Table, PAGE_SIZE);
                        while (pager.ReadNextPage(out var files))
                            foreach (var file in files)
                                // Move item from source to target
                                source.MoveTo(target, context, file);

                                file.UpdatedOnUtc = utcNow;


                            // Detach all entities from previous page to save memory
                            scope.DbContext.DetachEntities(files, deep: true);

                        success = true;
                    catch (Exception exception)
                        success = false;


            if (success)
                _services.Settings.SetSetting("Media.Storage.Provider", targetProvider.Metadata.SystemName);

            // inform both provider about ending
            source.OnCompleted(context, success);
            target.OnCompleted(context, success);

            if (success && context.ShrinkDatabase)

Beispiel #13
        public virtual bool Move(Provider <IMediaStorageProvider> sourceProvider, Provider <IMediaStorageProvider> targetProvider)
            Guard.NotNull(sourceProvider, nameof(sourceProvider));
            Guard.NotNull(targetProvider, nameof(targetProvider));

            var success = false;
            var utcNow  = DateTime.UtcNow;
            var context = new MediaMoverContext(sourceProvider.Metadata.SystemName, targetProvider.Metadata.SystemName);

            var source = sourceProvider.Value as ISupportsMediaMoving;
            var target = targetProvider.Value as ISupportsMediaMoving;

            // source and target must support media storage moving
            if (source == null)
                throw new ArgumentException(T("Admin.Media.StorageMovingNotSupported", sourceProvider.Metadata.SystemName));

            if (target == null)
                throw new ArgumentException(T("Admin.Media.StorageMovingNotSupported", targetProvider.Metadata.SystemName));

            // source and target provider must not be equal
            if (sourceProvider.Metadata.SystemName.IsCaseInsensitiveEqual(targetProvider.Metadata.SystemName))
                throw new ArgumentException(T("Admin.Media.CannotMoveToSameProvider"));

            // we are about to process data in chunks but want to commit ALL at once when ALL chunks have been processed successfully.
            // autoDetectChanges true required for newly inserted binary data.
            using (var scope = new DbContextScope(ctx: _services.DbContext,
                                                  autoDetectChanges: true,
                                                  proxyCreation: false,
                                                  validateOnSave: false,
                                                  autoCommit: false))
                using (var transaction = _services.DbContext.BeginTransaction())
                        // Files
                        var queryFiles = _pictureRepository.Table
                                         .Expand(x => x.MediaStorage)
                                         .OrderBy(x => x.Id);

                        PageEntities(queryFiles, picture =>
                            // move item from source to target
                            source.MoveTo(target, context, picture);

                            picture.UpdatedOnUtc = utcNow;

                        success = true;
                    catch (Exception exception)
                        success = false;


            if (success)
                _services.Settings.SetSetting("Media.Storage.Provider", targetProvider.Metadata.SystemName);

            // inform both provider about ending
            source.OnCompleted(context, success);
            target.OnCompleted(context, success);

            if (success && context.ShrinkDatabase)

Beispiel #14
 public void OnCompleted(MediaMoverContext context, bool succeeded)
     // nothing to do
 public Task ReceiveAsync(MediaMoverContext context, MediaItem media, byte[] data)
     Receive(context, media, data);