/// <summary>
        /// Provides access to configuration sections and gets the section name and
        /// type information.
        /// Reads the name (which is the name of the element that contains the information the section handler reads)
        /// and type (which is the name of the type that reads the information) attributes of each configuration section.
        /// Activates the types specified in the type attribute (said as congiguration object)
        /// and stores the configuration object in a Hashtable with the
        /// value in the name attribute as the key.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// All the exception messages are being hard-coded in the method body itself to keep the
        /// code simple.
        /// Probably you could write your own message management utility and re-write the
        /// method, so that the messages are getting picked up from the resource file.
        /// </remarks>
        public static void ReadConfigurationSettings()
            String sectionName = null;
            String typeName    = null;

            String[] typeNames     = null;
            Char     typeSeparator = Convert.ToChar(",");

            XmlDocument configDocument = null;
            XmlNodeList configNodes    = null;
            XmlNodeList sectionNodes   = null;

            Assembly sectionHandlerAssembly = null;
            Type     sectionHandlerType     = null;

            ReadOnlyNameValueCollection appSettingsCollection = new ReadOnlyNameValueCollection();
            XmlNodeList appSettingsNodes = null;

            if (isActivated)

                isActivated = true;

                //Get the physical path of the executing assembly (excluding the assembly name)
                Char directorySeparator    = Convert.ToChar("/");
                Char altDirectorySeparator = Convert.ToChar(@"\");

                String configFileName = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().CodeBase;

                if (configFileName.IndexOf(directorySeparator) > -1)
                    configFileName = configFileName.Substring(0,
                                     + directorySeparator.ToString() + "SmartConfig.xml";;
                else if (configFileName.IndexOf(altDirectorySeparator) > -1)
                    configFileName = configFileName.Substring(0,
                                     + altDirectorySeparator.ToString() + "SmartConfig.xml";;
                    throw new System.IO.FileNotFoundException();

                //Declare a XML document object and Load the xml file
                configDocument = new XmlDocument();
                configNodes = configDocument.GetElementsByTagName("configSections");

                //return if no <configSections> are declared
                if (configNodes.Count == 0)

                //Oops!! more than one <configSections> defined
                if (configNodes.Count > 1)
                    throw (new Exception("Configuration file cannot contain more than one configSections element"));

                //Get all the section elements
                sectionNodes = configNodes.Item(0).ChildNodes;

                //return if the <configSections> is an empty element
                if (sectionNodes.Count == 0)

                //iterate through the Nodelist for each section node
                foreach (XmlElement sectionNode in sectionNodes)
                    //get the section name
                    sectionName = sectionNode.GetAttribute("name");

                    //get the type name
                    typeName = sectionNode.GetAttribute("type");

                    if (sectionName == null)
                        throw (new Exception("Invalid configuration section declaration. Section name cannot be null."));

                    if (typeName == null)
                        throw (new Exception("Invalid configuration section declaration. Type name cannot be null."));

                    //get the type name and its encompassing aseembly name
                    typeNames = sectionNode.GetAttribute("type").Split(typeSeparator);

                    if (typeNames.Length < 2)
                        throw (new Exception("Invalid type attribute."));

                    //Load the configuration types' encompassing assembly
                    sectionHandlerAssembly = Assembly.Load(typeNames[1]);

                    //get the System.Type with the specified name
                    sectionHandlerType = sectionHandlerAssembly.GetType(typeNames[0], true);

                    //iteterate through the System.Type[] array which
                    //stores all the implemented interfaces to check whether
                    //the type implements IConfigSectionHandler interface
                    foreach (Type interfaceType in sectionHandlerType.GetInterfaces())
                        if (interfaceType.Name == "IConfigSectionHandler")
                            //instantiate the type to create the configuration object
                            Object handlerInstance = Activator.CreateInstance(sectionHandlerType);

                            //get the "Create" method attributes
                            MethodInfo methodInfo = sectionHandlerType.GetMethod("Create");

                            //define the method parameters
                            Object[] methodParams = new Object[1];
                            methodParams[0] = configDocument.GetElementsByTagName(sectionName).Item(0);

                            //add the configuration object to the hashtable
                                                                           methodInfo.Invoke(handlerInstance, methodParams));

                    //Get the "appSettings"
                    appSettingsNodes = configDocument.GetElementsByTagName("appSettings");

                    if (appSettingsNodes != null)
                        if (appSettingsNodes.Count > 1)
                            //Oops!! More than one "<appSettings>" section
                            throw new Exception("Configuration file cannot contain more than one appSettings section.");

                        //Get the children - (all the <add> nodes)
                        XmlNodeList appSettingsChildNodes = appSettingsNodes[0].ChildNodes;

                            if (appSettingsChildNodes.Count > 0)
                                foreach (XmlNode node in appSettingsChildNodes)
                                    //Add the key-value pairs to the collection
                                    appSettingsCollection.Add(node.Attributes["key"].Value, node.Attributes["value"].Value);

                            //Put the collection in the ConfigurationSettings class

                        catch (Exception ex)
                            throw new Exception("Error occured while accessing the application settings", ex);

                //Probably you could write your own custom application exception class deriving from
                //System.ApplicationException and wrap the exception before being rethrown.
 /// <summary>
 /// Adds the application settings and marks the collection as read only
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="collection"></param>
 internal static void AddAppSettings(ReadOnlyNameValueCollection collection)
     appSettingsStore = collection;