Beispiel #1
        protected override Point SelectDestination(Unit unit, Point origin, List<Point> destinations)
            // Recovers the Roadmap (graph of links between tiles) for the selected Unit
            var unitType = unit.GetType();
            if (!roadmaps.ContainsKey(unitType))
                roadmaps.Add(unitType, Game.Map.GetRoadmap(unit));
            var roadmap = roadmaps[unitType];

            // Find best path
            Tuple<double, List<Point>> bestPath = null;
            var targets = GetTargets();
            foreach (var target in targets)
                var path = Dijkstra(roadmap, origin, target);
                if ((path.Item1 != Infinity) && (bestPath == null || path.Item1 < bestPath.Item1))
                    bestPath = path;

            // If no path to any targets
            if (bestPath == null)
                // Returns one possible destination
                return destinations.First();

            // Else, returns the first step of the path
            return bestPath.Item2.First();
Beispiel #2
 public void AddUnit(Unit unit, Point tile)
     if (!Units.ContainsKey(tile))
         Units[tile] = new List<Unit>();
 public static FactionType GetType(Unit unit)
     var type = unit.GetType().Name;
     switch (type)
         case "DwarfUnit":
             return FactionType.Dwarf;
         case "ElfUnit":
             return FactionType.Elf;
         case "KnightUnit":
             return FactionType.Knight;
         case "OrcUnit":
             return FactionType.Orc;
         case "SlimeUnit":
             return FactionType.Slime;
             throw new ArgumentException("Impossible to retrieve type of Unit \"" + type + "\"", "unit");
Beispiel #4
        public FightIssue Fight(Unit defender)
            Unit attacker = this;

            int currentRound = 1;
            int minRound = 3;
            int maxRound = minRound + Math.Max(attacker.HealthPoints, defender.HealthPoints);
            int totalRound = randomizer.Next(minRound, maxRound);

            double baseChanceToLose = 0.5;

            while (currentRound <= totalRound && attacker.IsAlive() && defender.IsAlive())
                double realAttackAttacker = attacker.GetRealAttack();
                double realDefenseDefender = defender.GetRealDefense();
                double balanceOfPower;
                double chanceToLose;

                // Fighting random chance
                if (realAttackAttacker < realDefenseDefender)
                    balanceOfPower = 1 - (realAttackAttacker / realDefenseDefender);
                    chanceToLose = baseChanceToLose * (1 + balanceOfPower);
                    balanceOfPower = 1 - (realDefenseDefender / realAttackAttacker);
                    chanceToLose = baseChanceToLose * (1 - balanceOfPower);

                double random = randomizer.NextDouble();

                // Attacker lose one health point
                if (random < chanceToLose)
                // Defender lose one health point

                // Next round

            // Before attacker died
            if (attacker.IsDead())
            // Before defender died
            else if (defender.IsDead())

            // Check again, because, before dying, some unit may resurrected (e.g: the elf unit)

            // Attacker died => Lose
            if (attacker.IsDead())
                // After defender kills
                return FightIssue.Lose;
            // Defender died => Win
            else if (defender.IsDead())
                // After attacker kills
                return FightIssue.Win;
            // No unit died => Draw
                return FightIssue.Draw;
Beispiel #5
        public bool MoveUnit(Unit unit, Point origin, Point destination)
            if (!IsFinished && CurrentPlayer == Map.GetTileController(origin) && origin != destination && Map.IsReachableTile(unit, origin, destination))
                bool executeMovement = false;

                // If the destination tile is not controlled, or controlled by the same CurrentPlayer
                if (!Map.TileIsControlled(destination) || Map.TileIsControlledBy(destination, CurrentPlayer))
                    // The Player can move to the destination tile
                    executeMovement = true;
                // Else, the unit need to fight before move
                    // Get fighting Players
                    Player attackerPlayer = CurrentPlayer;
                    Player defenderPlayer = Map.GetTileController(destination);

                    // Get fighting Units
                    Unit attacker = unit;
                    Unit defender = defenderPlayer.GetBestUnitOn(destination);

                    // Fight
                    var fightIssue = attacker.Fight(defender);

                    // Attacker died
                    if (fightIssue == FightIssue.Lose)
                        attackerPlayer.RemoveUnit(attacker, origin);

                        // If there is no more unit on the star tile
                        if (!attackerPlayer.HasUnitsOn(origin))
                            // Releases the tile
                            Map.PlayerReleasesTile(attackerPlayer, origin);
                    // Defender died
                    else if (fightIssue == FightIssue.Win)
                        defenderPlayer.RemoveUnit(defender, destination);

                        // If there is no more unit on the star tile
                        if (!defenderPlayer.HasUnitsOn(destination))
                            // Releases the tile
                            Map.PlayerReleasesTile(defenderPlayer, destination);

                            // The attacker can finaly move to the destination tile
                            executeMovement = true;

                    // If there is a winner to the fight, check if there is a winner for the game
                    if (fightIssue != FightIssue.Draw && CheckForAWinner())

                // Move the unit (decrease its movement points but does not move it on the map)
                unit.Move(Map.Tiles[origin], Map.Tiles[destination], Map.AreAdjacent(origin, destination));

                // Move the unit (physically on the map)
                if (executeMovement)
                    CurrentPlayer.MoveUnit(unit, origin, destination);
                    if (!CurrentPlayer.HasUnitsOn(origin))
                        Map.PlayerReleasesTile(CurrentPlayer, origin);
                    Map.PlayerControlsTile(CurrentPlayer, destination);

                return true;

            return false;
Beispiel #6
 public bool RemoveUnit(Unit unit, Point tile)
     if (Units.ContainsKey(tile) && Units[tile].Contains(unit))
         if (Units[tile].Count == 0)
         return true;
     return false;
Beispiel #7
 public void MoveUnit(Unit unit, Point origin, Point destination)
     if (RemoveUnit(unit, origin))
         AddUnit(unit, destination);
Beispiel #8
 public bool IsReachableTile(Unit unit, Point origin, Point destination)
     return unit.CanMove(Tiles[origin], Tiles[destination], AreAdjacent(origin, destination));
Beispiel #9
        public Dictionary<Point, Dictionary<Point, double>> GetRoadmap(Unit unit)
            var roadmap = new Dictionary<Point, Dictionary<Point, double>>();
            foreach (var tile in Tiles)
                var origin = tile.Key;
                var reachableTiles = GetReachableTiles(unit, origin);
                roadmap.Add(origin, new Dictionary<Point, double>());

                foreach(var destination in reachableTiles)
                    var cost = unit.GetMovementCost(Tiles[origin], Tiles[destination]);
                    roadmap[origin].Add(destination, cost);
            return roadmap;
Beispiel #10
 public List<Point> GetReachableTiles(Unit unit, Point origin)
     var reachableTiles = new List<Point>();
     foreach (var tile in Tiles)
         var destination = tile.Key;
         if (IsReachableTile(unit, origin, destination))
     return reachableTiles;
Beispiel #11
 protected override Point SelectDestination(Unit unit, Point origin, List<Point> destinations)
     return destinations[randomizer.Next(destinations.Count())];
 protected abstract Point SelectDestination(Unit unit, Point origin, List<Point> destinations);
Beispiel #13
 private void SelectUnit(Unit unit)
     if (!Game.CurrentPlayer.IsAI() && SelectedTile != null)
         var unitsOnSelectedTile = Game.CurrentPlayer.GetUnits()[SelectedTile];
         if (unitsOnSelectedTile.Contains(unit))
             SelectedUnit = unit;