Beispiel #1
        private void CreateBrush(Box bounds)
            var brush = GetBrush(bounds, Document.Map.IDGenerator);
            if (brush == null) return;

            brush.IsSelected = Select.SelectCreatedBrush;
            IAction action = new Create(Document.Map.WorldSpawn.ID, brush);
            if (Select.SelectCreatedBrush && Select.DeselectOthersWhenSelectingCreation)
                action = new ActionCollection(new ChangeSelection(new MapObject[0], Document.Selection.GetSelectedObjects()), action);

            Document.PerformAction("Create " + BrushManager.CurrentBrush.Name.ToLower(), action);
Beispiel #2
        private void CreateEntity(Coordinate origin)
            var gd = Editor.Instance.GetSelectedEntity();
            if (gd == null) return;

            var col = gd.Behaviours.Where(x => x.Name == "color").ToArray();
            var colour = col.Any() ? col[0].GetColour(0) : Colour.GetDefaultEntityColour();

            var entity = new Entity(Document.Map.IDGenerator.GetNextObjectID())
                EntityData = new EntityData(gd),
                ClassName = gd.Name,
                Colour = colour,
                Origin = origin

            IAction action = new Create(entity);
            if (Select.SelectCreatedEntity)
                entity.IsSelected = true;
                if (Select.DeselectOthersWhenSelectingCreation)
                    action = new ActionCollection(new ChangeSelection(new MapObject[0], Document.Selection.GetSelectedObjects()), action);

            Document.PerformAction("Create entity: " + gd.Name, action);
            if (Select.SwitchToSelectAfterEntity)
                Mediator.Publish(HotkeysMediator.SwitchTool, HotkeyTool.Selection);
Beispiel #3
 private void CreateBrush(Polygon poly, decimal depth)
     var brush = GetBrush(poly, depth, Document.Map.IDGenerator);
     if (brush == null) return;
     IAction action = new Create(Document.Map.WorldSpawn.ID, brush);
     if (Select.SelectCreatedBrush)
         brush.IsSelected = true;
         if (Select.DeselectOthersWhenSelectingCreation)
             action = new ActionCollection(new ChangeSelection(new MapObject[0], Document.Selection.GetSelectedObjects()), action);
     Document.PerformAction("Create " + BrushManager.CurrentBrush.Name.ToLower(), action);
        public void TieToEntity()
            if (_document.Selection.IsEmpty() || _document.Selection.InFaceSelection) return;

            var entities = _document.Selection.GetSelectedObjects().OfType<Entity>().ToList();

            Entity existing = null;

            if (entities.Count == 1)
                var result = new QuickForms.QuickForm("Existing Entity in Selection") { Width = 400 }
                    .Label(String.Format("You have selected an existing entity (a '{0}'), how would you like to proceed?", entities[0].ClassName))
                    .Label(" - Keep the existing entity and add the selected items to the entity")
                    .Label(" - Create a new entity and add the selected items to the new entity")
                    .Item(new QuickFormDialogButtons()
                              .Button("Keep Existing", DialogResult.Yes)
                              .Button("Create New", DialogResult.No)
                              .Button("Cancel", DialogResult.Cancel))
                if (result == DialogResult.Yes)
                    existing = entities[0];
            else if (entities.Count > 1)
                var qf = new QuickForms.QuickForm("Multiple Entities Selected") {Width = 400}
                    .Label("You have selected multiple entities, which one would you like to keep?")
                    .ComboBox("Entity", entities.Select(x => new EntityContainer {Entity = x}))
                var result = qf.ShowDialog();
                if (result == DialogResult.OK)
                    var cont = qf.Object("Entity") as EntityContainer;
                    if (cont != null) existing = cont.Entity;

            var ac = new ActionCollection();

            if (existing == null)
                var def = _document.Game.DefaultBrushEntity;
                var entity = _document.GameData.Classes.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name.ToLower() == def.ToLower())
                             ?? _document.GameData.Classes.Where(x => x.ClassType == ClassType.Solid).OrderBy(x => x.Name.StartsWith("trigger_once") ? 0 : 1).FirstOrDefault();
                if (entity == null)
                    MessageBox.Show("No solid entities found. Please make sure your FGDs are configured correctly.", "No entities found!");
                existing = new Entity(_document.Map.IDGenerator.GetNextObjectID())
                                   EntityData = new EntityData(entity),
                                   ClassName = entity.Name,
                                   Colour = Colour.GetDefaultEntityColour()
                ac.Add(new Create(_document.Map.WorldSpawn.ID, existing));

            var reparent = _document.Selection.GetSelectedParents().Where(x => x != existing).ToList();
            ac.Add(new Reparent(existing.ID, reparent));
            ac.Add(new Actions.MapObjects.Selection.Select(existing));

            _document.PerformAction("Tie to Entity", ac);

        public void TieToWorld()
            if (_document.Selection.IsEmpty() || _document.Selection.InFaceSelection) return;

            var entities = _document.Selection.GetSelectedObjects().OfType<Entity>().ToList();
            var children = entities.SelectMany(x => x.GetChildren()).ToList();

            var ac = new ActionCollection();
            ac.Add(new Reparent(_document.Map.WorldSpawn.ID, children));
            ac.Add(new Delete(entities.Select(x => x.ID)));

            _document.PerformAction("Tie to World", ac);
Beispiel #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Runs the transform on all the currently selected objects
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="transformationName">The name of the transformation</param>
        /// <param name="transform">The transformation to apply</param>
        /// <param name="clone">True to create a clone before transforming the original.</param>
        private void ExecuteTransform(string transformationName, IUnitTransformation transform, bool clone)
            if (clone) transformationName += "-clone";
            var objects = Document.Selection.GetSelectedParents().ToList();
            var name = String.Format("{0} {1} object{2}", transformationName, objects.Count, (objects.Count == 1 ? "" : "s"));

            var cad = new CreateEditDelete();
            var action = new ActionCollection(cad);

            if (clone)
                // Copy the selection, transform it, and reselect
                var copies = ClipboardManager.CloneFlatHeirarchy(Document, Document.Selection.GetSelectedObjects()).ToList();
                foreach (var mo in copies)
                    mo.Transform(transform, Document.Map.GetTransformFlags());
                    if (Sledge.Settings.Select.KeepVisgroupsWhenCloning) continue;
                    foreach (var o in mo.FindAll()) o.Visgroups.Clear();
                cad.Create(Document.Map.WorldSpawn.ID, copies);
                var sel = new ChangeSelection(copies.SelectMany(x => x.FindAll()), Document.Selection.GetSelectedObjects());
                // Transform the selection
                cad.Edit(objects, new TransformEditOperation(transform, Document.Map.GetTransformFlags()));

            // Execute the action
            Document.PerformAction(name, action);
        private void Apply()
            string actionText = null;
            var ac = new ActionCollection();
            var editAction = GetEditEntityDataAction();
            var visgroupAction = GetUpdateVisgroupsAction();

            if (editAction != null)
                // The entity change is more important to show
                actionText = "Edit entity data";

            if (visgroupAction != null)
                // Visgroup change shows if entity data not changed
                if (actionText == null) actionText = "Edit object visgroups";

            if (!ac.IsEmpty())
                // Run if either action shows changes
                Document.PerformAction(actionText, ac);

            Class.BackColor = Color.White;
Beispiel #8
        public override void MouseDown(ViewportBase viewport, ViewportEvent e)
            var vp = viewport as Viewport3D;
            if (vp == null || (e.Button != MouseButtons.Left && e.Button != MouseButtons.Right)) return;

            var behaviour = e.Button == MouseButtons.Left
                                ? _form.GetLeftClickBehaviour(KeyboardState.Ctrl, KeyboardState.Shift, KeyboardState.Alt)
                                : _form.GetRightClickBehaviour(KeyboardState.Ctrl, KeyboardState.Shift, KeyboardState.Alt);

            var ray = vp.CastRayFromScreen(e.X, e.Y);
            var hits = Document.Map.WorldSpawn.GetAllNodesIntersectingWith(ray).OfType<Solid>();
            var clickedFace = hits.SelectMany(f => f.Faces)
                .Select(x => new {Item = x, Intersection = x.GetIntersectionPoint(ray)})
                .Where(x => x.Intersection != null)
                .OrderBy(x => (x.Intersection - ray.Start).VectorMagnitude())
                .Select(x => x.Item)

            if (clickedFace == null) return;

            var faces = new List<Face>();
            if (KeyboardState.Shift) faces.AddRange(clickedFace.Parent.Faces);
            else faces.Add(clickedFace);

            var firstSelected = Document.Selection.GetSelectedFaces().FirstOrDefault();
            var firstClicked = faces.FirstOrDefault(face => !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(face.Texture.Name));

            var ac = new ActionCollection();

            var select = new ChangeFaceSelection(
                KeyboardState.Ctrl ? faces.Where(x => !x.IsSelected) : faces,
                KeyboardState.Ctrl ? faces.Where(x => x.IsSelected) : Document.Selection.GetSelectedFaces().Where(x => !faces.Contains(x)));

            Action lift = () =>
                if (firstClicked == null) return;
                var itemToSelect = Document.TextureCollection.GetItem(firstClicked.Texture.Name)
                                   ?? new TextureItem(null, firstClicked.Texture.Name, TextureFlags.Missing, 64, 64);
                Mediator.Publish(EditorMediator.TextureSelected, itemToSelect);

            switch (behaviour)
                case SelectBehaviour.Select:
                case SelectBehaviour.LiftSelect:
                case SelectBehaviour.Lift:
                case SelectBehaviour.Apply:
                case SelectBehaviour.ApplyWithValues:
                    var item = _form.GetFirstSelectedTexture();
                    if (item != null)
                        var texture = item.GetTexture();
                        ac.Add(new EditFace(faces, (document, face) =>
                                                            face.Texture.Name = item.Name;
                                                            face.Texture.Texture = texture;
                                                            if (behaviour == SelectBehaviour.ApplyWithValues && firstSelected != null)
                                                                // Calculates the texture coordinates
                                                            else if (behaviour == SelectBehaviour.ApplyWithValues)
                                                                face.Texture.XScale = _form.CurrentProperties.XScale;
                                                                face.Texture.YScale = _form.CurrentProperties.YScale;
                                                                face.Texture.XShift = _form.CurrentProperties.XShift;
                                                                face.Texture.YShift = _form.CurrentProperties.YShift;
                                                        }, true));
                case SelectBehaviour.AlignToView:
                    var right = vp.Camera.GetRight();
                    var up = vp.Camera.GetUp();
                    var loc = vp.Camera.Location;
                    var point = new Coordinate((decimal)loc.X, (decimal)loc.Y, (decimal)loc.Z);
                    var uaxis = new Coordinate((decimal) right.X, (decimal) right.Y, (decimal) right.Z);
                    var vaxis = new Coordinate((decimal) up.X, (decimal) up.Y, (decimal) up.Z);
                    ac.Add(new EditFace(faces, (document, face) =>
                                                        face.Texture.XScale = 1;
                                                        face.Texture.YScale = 1;
                                                        face.Texture.UAxis = uaxis;
                                                        face.Texture.VAxis = vaxis;
                                                        face.Texture.XShift = face.Texture.UAxis.Dot(point);
                                                        face.Texture.YShift = face.Texture.VAxis.Dot(point);
                                                        face.Texture.Rotation = 0;
                                                    }, false));
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
            if (!ac.IsEmpty())
                Document.PerformAction("Texture selection", ac);
Beispiel #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Runs the transform on all the currently selected objects
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="transformationName">The name of the transformation</param>
        /// <param name="transform">The transformation to apply</param>
        /// <param name="clone">True to create a clone before transforming the original.</param>
        private void ExecuteTransform(string transformationName, IUnitTransformation transform, bool clone)
            var action = new ActionCollection();

            if (clone) transformationName += "-clone";
            var objects = Document.Selection.GetSelectedParents().ToList();
            var name = String.Format("{0} {1} object{2}", transformationName, objects.Count, (objects.Count == 1 ? "" : "s"));

            if (clone)
                // Copy the selection before transforming
                var copies = ClipboardManager.CloneFlatHeirarchy(Document, Document.Selection.GetSelectedObjects()).ToList();
                action.Add(new Create(copies));

            // Transform the selection
            var keepVisgroups = Sledge.Settings.Select.KeepVisgroupsWhenCloning;
            action.Add(new Edit(objects, (d, x) =>
                                                 x.Transform(transform, d.Map.GetTransformFlags());
                                                 if (!keepVisgroups)
                                                     foreach (var o in x.FindAll())

            // Execute the action
            Document.PerformAction(name, action);
Beispiel #10
        public void VisgroupCreateNew()
            using (var qf = new QuickForm("Create New Visgroup") {UseShortcutKeys = true}.TextBox("Name").CheckBox("Add selection to visgroup", true).OkCancel())
                if (qf.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) return;

                var ids = _document.Map.Visgroups.Where(x => !x.IsAutomatic).Select(x => x.ID).ToList();
                var id = Math.Max(1, ids.Any() ? ids.Max() + 1 : 1);

                var name = qf.String("Name");
                if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(name)) name = "Visgroup " + id.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                var vg = new Visgroup
                    ID = id,
                    Colour = Colour.GetRandomLightColour(),
                    Name = name,
                    Visible = true
                IAction action = new CreateEditDeleteVisgroups(new[] {vg}, new Visgroup[0], new Visgroup[0]);
                if (qf.Bool("Add selection to visgroup") && !_document.Selection.IsEmpty())
                    action = new ActionCollection(action, new EditObjectVisgroups(_document.Selection.GetSelectedObjects(), new[] {id}, new int[0]));
                _document.PerformAction("Create visgroup", action);