public void should_return_expected_json_when_serialised()
            // given
            string expectedJson = Resources.ResourceManager.GetAttachmentsJson();
            expectedJson = RemoveLinesAndStuffFromJson(expectedJson);

            var attachment =
                new SlackAttachment
                    Fallback = "Required plain-text summary of the attachment.",
                    ColorHex = "#36a64f",
                    PreText = "Optional text that appears above the attachment block",
                    AuthorName = "Bobby Tables",
                    AuthorLink = "",
                    AuthorIcon = "",
                    Title = "Slack API Documentation",
                    TitleLink = "",
                    Text = "Optional text that appears within the attachment",
                    CallbackId = "mycallbackid",
                    MarkdownIn = SlackAttachment.GetAllMarkdownInTypes(),
                    Fields = new[]
                        new SlackAttachmentField
                            IsShort = true,
                            Title = "Priority",
                            Value = "High"
                    Actions = new[]
                        new SlackAttachmentAction
                            Name = "yes",
                            Value = "yep",
                            Text = "Yes",
                            Style = SlackAttachmentActionStyle.Primary
                        new SlackAttachmentAction
                            Name = "no",
                            Value = "nop",
                            Text = "No"
                    ImageUrl = "",
                    ThumbUrl = ""

            // when
            string resultJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(attachment);
            resultJson = RemoveLinesAndStuffFromJson(resultJson);

            // then
        public void should_return_expected_json_when_serialised()
            // given
            string expectedJson = Resources.ResourceManager.GetAttachmentsJson();
            expectedJson = Regex.Replace(expectedJson, "(\"(?:[^\"\\\\]|\\\\.)*\")|\\s+", "$1");

            var attachment =
                new SlackAttachment
                    Fallback = "Required plain-text summary of the attachment.",
                    ColorHex = "#36a64f",
                    PreText = "Optional text that appears above the attachment block",
                    AuthorName = "Bobby Tables",
                    AuthorLink = "",
                    AuthorIcon = "",
                    Title = "Slack API Documentation",
                    TitleLink = "",
                    Text = "Optional text that appears within the attachment",
                    Fields = new[]
                        new SlackAttachmentField
                            IsShort = true,
                            Title = "Priority",
                            Value = "High"
                    ImageUrl = "",
                    ThumbUrl = ""

            // when
            string resultJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(attachment);
            resultJson = Regex.Replace(resultJson, "(\"(?:[^\"\\\\]|\\\\.)*\")|\\s+", "$1");

            // then