/// <summary>Changes a solution based on the users selection.</summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The ComboBox containing the selection.</param>
        public void ChangeSolution(ComboBox sender)
            if (sender.SelectedItem == null)

            string solutionName = ((Solution)sender.SelectedItem).Name;

            if (solutionName == Constants.EditSolution.Name)
                // Create a copy of the solution list excluding the edit item.
                IEnumerable <Solution> solutions = this.Solutions.Where(s => s != Constants.EditSolution);

                SolutionManagerViewModel viewModel = new SolutionManagerViewModel(this.windowManager, solutions);

                Dictionary <string, object> settingsDictionary = new Dictionary <string, object>
                    { "ResizeMode", ResizeMode.NoResize }

                bool?answer = this.windowManager.ShowDialog(viewModel, null, settingsDictionary);

                if (answer.HasValue && answer.Value)
                    // Get the solutions from the view model
                    this.Solutions = viewModel.GetSolutions();

                    // Write to the log, that we are updating the solutions
                    LogEntry updatingSolutionsEntry = new LogEntry
                        EventId    = 00207,
                        Title      = "Updating Repository",
                        Message    = "Updating solutions in the repository with changed information.",
                        Categories = { LoggingConstants.CategoryGeneralConst },
                        Severity   = TraceEventType.Information

                    // Actually update the solutions
                    this.solutionRepository.Update(new DictionaryRange <string, Solution>(this.Solutions.ToDictionary(s => s.Name, s => s)));

                    // Get the names of the solutions we want to delete
                    IList <string> deletedSolutions = viewModel.DeletedSolutions;

                    // Write to the log, that we are deleting solutions
                    LogEntry deletingSolutionsEntry = new LogEntry
                        EventId    = 00207,
                        Title      = "Deleting Solutions",
                        Message    = string.Format("Deleting {0} solutions from the file system. Additional information below.", deletedSolutions.Count),
                        Categories = { LoggingConstants.CategoryGeneralConst },
                        Severity   = TraceEventType.Information

                    foreach (string deletedSolution in deletedSolutions)
                        LogEntry deletingSolutionEntry = new LogEntry
                            EventId    = 00207,
                            Title      = "Deleting Solution",
                            Message    = string.Format("Deleting solution \"{0}\" from the file system", deletedSolution),
                            Categories = { LoggingConstants.CategoryGeneralConst },
                            Severity   = TraceEventType.Information




            LogEntry changedSolutionEntry = new LogEntry
                EventId    = 00201,
                Title      = "Changed Solution",
                Message    = string.Format("The solution was changed to \"{0}\"", solutionName),
                Categories = { LoggingConstants.CategoryGeneralConst },
                Severity   = TraceEventType.Information


            Solution selectedSolution = this.Solutions.Single(s => s.Name == solutionName);

            this.SelectedSolution = new SolutionViewModel(this.windowManager, this.settingsRepository, this.solutionRepository, selectedSolution, this.logWriter, this.eventAggregator);
        /// <summary>Changes a solution based on the users selection.</summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The ComboBox containing the selection.</param>
        public void ChangeSolution(ComboBox sender)
            if (sender.SelectedItem == null)

            string solutionName = ((Solution)sender.SelectedItem).Name;

            if (solutionName == Constants.EditSolution.Name)
                // Create a copy of the solution list excluding the edit item.
                IEnumerable<Solution> solutions = this.Solutions.Where(s => s != Constants.EditSolution);

                SolutionManagerViewModel viewModel = new SolutionManagerViewModel(this.windowManager, solutions);

                Dictionary<string, object> settingsDictionary = new Dictionary<string, object>
                    { "ResizeMode", ResizeMode.NoResize }

                bool? answer = this.windowManager.ShowDialog(viewModel, null, settingsDictionary);

                if (answer.HasValue && answer.Value)
                    // Get the solutions from the view model
                    this.Solutions = viewModel.GetSolutions();

                    // Write to the log, that we are updating the solutions
                    LogEntry updatingSolutionsEntry = new LogEntry
                        EventId = 00207,
                        Title = "Updating Repository",
                        Message = "Updating solutions in the repository with changed information.",
                        Categories = { LoggingConstants.CategoryGeneralConst },
                        Severity = TraceEventType.Information

                    // Actually update the solutions
                    this.solutionRepository.Update(new DictionaryRange<string, Solution>(this.Solutions.ToDictionary(s => s.Name, s => s)));

                    // Get the names of the solutions we want to delete
                    IList<string> deletedSolutions = viewModel.DeletedSolutions;

                    // Write to the log, that we are deleting solutions
                    LogEntry deletingSolutionsEntry = new LogEntry
                        EventId = 00207,
                        Title = "Deleting Solutions",
                        Message = string.Format("Deleting {0} solutions from the file system. Additional information below.", deletedSolutions.Count),
                        Categories = { LoggingConstants.CategoryGeneralConst },
                        Severity = TraceEventType.Information

                    foreach (string deletedSolution in deletedSolutions)
                        LogEntry deletingSolutionEntry = new LogEntry
                            EventId = 00207,
                            Title = "Deleting Solution",
                            Message = string.Format("Deleting solution \"{0}\" from the file system", deletedSolution),
                            Categories = { LoggingConstants.CategoryGeneralConst },
                            Severity = TraceEventType.Information




            LogEntry changedSolutionEntry = new LogEntry
                EventId = 00201,
                Title = "Changed Solution",
                Message = string.Format("The solution was changed to \"{0}\"", solutionName),
                Categories = { LoggingConstants.CategoryGeneralConst },
                Severity = TraceEventType.Information

            Solution selectedSolution = this.Solutions.Single(s => s.Name == solutionName);
            this.SelectedSolution = new SolutionViewModel(this.windowManager, this.settingsRepository, this.solutionRepository, selectedSolution, this.logWriter, this.eventAggregator);