Beispiel #1
        public double FindVerticalRoutingSlotLeft(double right, double top, double bottom)
            Rect r = new Rect(new Point(right - 10, Math.Min(top, bottom)), new Size(10, Math.Abs(bottom - top)));
            var  p = _horizontallySortedBounds.UpperBound(r);

            while (p != null && p.Data.Right >= r.Left)
                if (p.Data.Item.Bounds.IntersectsWith(r))
                    r.X = p.Data.Left - 15;
                p = p.Previous;

Beispiel #2
        public double FindHorizontalRoutingSlotTop(double bottom, double left, double right)
            Rect r = new Rect(new Point(Math.Min(left, right), bottom - 10),
                              new Size(Math.Abs(right - left), 10));
            var lower = _verticallySortedBounds.UpperBound(r);

            var p = lower;

            while (p != null && p.Data.Bottom >= r.Top)
                if (p.Data.Item.Bounds.IntersectsWith(r))
                    r.Y = p.Data.Top - 30; // the height is 10 so we have to move up 15
                p = p.Previous;
