Beispiel #1
        public override ImageSimilarityReport <TPixelA, TPixelB> CompareImagesOrFrames <TPixelA, TPixelB>(ImageFrame <TPixelA> expected, ImageFrame <TPixelB> actual)
            if (expected.Size() != actual.Size())
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Calling ImageComparer is invalid when dimensions mismatch!");

            int width = actual.Width;

            // TODO: Comparing through Rgba64 may not robust enough because of the existence of super high precision pixel types.
            var aBuffer = new Rgba64[width];
            var bBuffer = new Rgba64[width];

            float totalDifference = 0F;

            var                differences    = new List <PixelDifference>();
            Configuration      configuration  = expected.GetConfiguration();
            Buffer2D <TPixelA> expectedBuffer = expected.PixelBuffer;
            Buffer2D <TPixelB> actualBuffer   = actual.PixelBuffer;

            for (int y = 0; y < actual.Height; y++)
                Span <TPixelA> aSpan = expectedBuffer.DangerousGetRowSpan(y);
                Span <TPixelB> bSpan = actualBuffer.DangerousGetRowSpan(y);

                PixelOperations <TPixelA> .Instance.ToRgba64(configuration, aSpan, aBuffer);

                PixelOperations <TPixelB> .Instance.ToRgba64(configuration, bSpan, bBuffer);

                for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
                    int d = GetManhattanDistanceInRgbaSpace(ref aBuffer[x], ref bBuffer[x]);

                    if (d > this.PerPixelManhattanThreshold)
                        var diff = new PixelDifference(new Point(x, y), aBuffer[x], bBuffer[x]);

                        totalDifference += d;

            float normalizedDifference = totalDifference / (actual.Width * (float)actual.Height);

            normalizedDifference /= 4F * 65535F;

            if (normalizedDifference > this.ImageThreshold)
                return(new ImageSimilarityReport <TPixelA, TPixelB>(expected, actual, differences, normalizedDifference));
                return(ImageSimilarityReport <TPixelA, TPixelB> .Empty);
        public override ImageSimilarityReport <TPixelA, TPixelB> CompareImagesOrFrames <TPixelA, TPixelB>(
            ImageFrame <TPixelA> expected,
            ImageFrame <TPixelB> actual)
            if (expected.Size() != actual.Size())
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Calling ImageComparer is invalid when dimensions mismatch!");

            int width = actual.Width;

            // TODO: Comparing through Rgba64 may not be robust enough because of the existence of super high precision pixel types.
            var aBuffer = new Rgba64[width];
            var bBuffer = new Rgba64[width];

            var                differences    = new List <PixelDifference>();
            Configuration      configuration  = expected.GetConfiguration();
            Buffer2D <TPixelA> expectedBuffer = expected.PixelBuffer;
            Buffer2D <TPixelB> actualBuffer   = actual.PixelBuffer;

            for (int y = 0; y < actual.Height; y++)
                Span <TPixelA> aSpan = expectedBuffer.DangerousGetRowSpan(y);
                Span <TPixelB> bSpan = actualBuffer.DangerousGetRowSpan(y);

                PixelOperations <TPixelA> .Instance.ToRgba64(configuration, aSpan, aBuffer);

                PixelOperations <TPixelB> .Instance.ToRgba64(configuration, bSpan, bBuffer);

                for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
                    Rgba64 aPixel = aBuffer[x];
                    Rgba64 bPixel = bBuffer[x];

                    if (aPixel != bPixel)
                        var diff = new PixelDifference(new Point(x, y), aPixel, bPixel);

            return(new ImageSimilarityReport <TPixelA, TPixelB>(expected, actual, differences));