private static void BackwardReferencesHashChainFollowChosenPath(ReadOnlySpan <uint> bgra, int cacheBits, Span <ushort> chosenPath, int chosenPathSize, Vp8LHashChain hashChain, Vp8LBackwardRefs backwardRefs)
            bool useColorCache = cacheBits > 0;
            var  colorCache    = new ColorCache();
            int  i             = 0;

            if (useColorCache)

            for (int ix = 0; ix < chosenPathSize; ix++)
                int len = chosenPath[ix];
                if (len != 1)
                    int offset = hashChain.FindOffset(i);
                    backwardRefs.Add(PixOrCopy.CreateCopy((uint)offset, (ushort)len));

                    if (useColorCache)
                        for (int k = 0; k < len; k++)
                            colorCache.Insert(bgra[i + k]);

                    i += len;
                    PixOrCopy v;
                    int       idx = useColorCache ? colorCache.Contains(bgra[i]) : -1;
                    if (idx >= 0)
                        // useColorCache is true and color cache contains bgra[i]
                        // Push pixel as a color cache index.
                        v = PixOrCopy.CreateCacheIdx(idx);
                        if (useColorCache)

                        v = PixOrCopy.CreateLiteral(bgra[i]);

        private static void BackwardReferencesRle(int xSize, int ySize, ReadOnlySpan <uint> bgra, int cacheBits, Vp8LBackwardRefs refs)
            int  pixelCount    = xSize * ySize;
            bool useColorCache = cacheBits > 0;
            var  colorCache    = new ColorCache();

            if (useColorCache)


            // Add first pixel as literal.
            AddSingleLiteral(bgra[0], useColorCache, colorCache, refs);
            int i = 1;

            while (i < pixelCount)
                int maxLen     = LosslessUtils.MaxFindCopyLength(pixelCount - i);
                int rleLen     = LosslessUtils.FindMatchLength(bgra.Slice(i), bgra.Slice(i - 1), 0, maxLen);
                int prevRowLen = i < xSize ? 0 : LosslessUtils.FindMatchLength(bgra.Slice(i), bgra.Slice(i - xSize), 0, maxLen);
                if (rleLen >= prevRowLen && rleLen >= MinLength)
                    refs.Add(PixOrCopy.CreateCopy(1, (ushort)rleLen));

                    // We don't need to update the color cache here since it is always the
                    // same pixel being copied, and that does not change the color cache state.
                    i += rleLen;
                else if (prevRowLen >= MinLength)
                    refs.Add(PixOrCopy.CreateCopy((uint)xSize, (ushort)prevRowLen));
                    if (useColorCache)
                        for (int k = 0; k < prevRowLen; ++k)
                            colorCache.Insert(bgra[i + k]);

                    i += prevRowLen;
                    AddSingleLiteral(bgra[i], useColorCache, colorCache, refs);
        /// <summary>
        /// Update (in-place) backward references for the specified cacheBits.
        /// </summary>
        private static void BackwardRefsWithLocalCache(ReadOnlySpan <uint> bgra, int cacheBits, Vp8LBackwardRefs refs)
            int pixelIndex = 0;
            var colorCache = new ColorCache();

            for (int idx = 0; idx < refs.Refs.Count; idx++)
                PixOrCopy v = refs.Refs[idx];
                if (v.IsLiteral())
                    uint bgraLiteral = v.BgraOrDistance;
                    int  ix          = colorCache.Contains(bgraLiteral);
                    if (ix >= 0)
                        // Color cache contains bgraLiteral
                        v.Mode           = PixOrCopyMode.CacheIdx;
                        v.BgraOrDistance = (uint)ix;
                        v.Len            = 1;

                    // refs was created without local cache, so it can not have cache indexes.
                    for (int k = 0; k < v.Len; ++k)
        private static void BackwardReferencesLz77(int xSize, int ySize, ReadOnlySpan <uint> bgra, int cacheBits, Vp8LHashChain hashChain, Vp8LBackwardRefs refs)
            int  iLastCheck    = -1;
            bool useColorCache = cacheBits > 0;
            int  pixCount      = xSize * ySize;
            var  colorCache    = new ColorCache();

            if (useColorCache)

            for (int i = 0; i < pixCount;)
                // Alternative #1: Code the pixels starting at 'i' using backward reference.
                int j;
                int offset = hashChain.FindOffset(i);
                int len    = hashChain.FindLength(i);
                if (len >= MinLength)
                    int lenIni   = len;
                    int maxReach = 0;
                    int jMax     = i + lenIni >= pixCount ? pixCount - 1 : i + lenIni;

                    // Only start from what we have not checked already.
                    iLastCheck = i > iLastCheck ? i : iLastCheck;

                    // We know the best match for the current pixel but we try to find the
                    // best matches for the current pixel AND the next one combined.
                    // The naive method would use the intervals:
                    // [i,i+len) + [i+len, length of best match at i+len)
                    // while we check if we can use:
                    // [i,j) (where j<=i+len) + [j, length of best match at j)
                    for (j = iLastCheck + 1; j <= jMax; j++)
                        int lenJ  = hashChain.FindLength(j);
                        int reach = j + (lenJ >= MinLength ? lenJ : 1); // 1 for single literal.
                        if (reach > maxReach)
                            len      = j - i;
                            maxReach = reach;
                            if (maxReach >= pixCount)
                    len = 1;

                // Go with literal or backward reference.
                if (len == 1)
                    AddSingleLiteral(bgra[i], useColorCache, colorCache, refs);
                    refs.Add(PixOrCopy.CreateCopy((uint)offset, (ushort)len));
                    if (useColorCache)
                        for (j = i; j < i + len; j++)

                i += len;
        private static void BackwardReferencesHashChainDistanceOnly(
            int xSize,
            int ySize,
            MemoryAllocator memoryAllocator,
            ReadOnlySpan <uint> bgra,
            int cacheBits,
            Vp8LHashChain hashChain,
            Vp8LBackwardRefs refs,
            IMemoryOwner <ushort> distArrayBuffer)
            int    pixCount              = xSize * ySize;
            bool   useColorCache         = cacheBits > 0;
            int    literalArraySize      = WebpConstants.NumLiteralCodes + WebpConstants.NumLengthCodes + (cacheBits > 0 ? 1 << cacheBits : 0);
            var    costModel             = new CostModel(literalArraySize);
            int    offsetPrev            = -1;
            int    lenPrev               = -1;
            double offsetCost            = -1;
            int    firstOffsetIsConstant = -1; // initialized with 'impossible' value.
            int    reach      = 0;
            var    colorCache = new ColorCache();

            if (useColorCache)

            costModel.Build(xSize, cacheBits, refs);
            using var costManager = new CostManager(memoryAllocator, distArrayBuffer, pixCount, costModel);
            Span <float>  costManagerCosts = costManager.Costs.GetSpan();
            Span <ushort> distArray        = distArrayBuffer.GetSpan();

            // We loop one pixel at a time, but store all currently best points to non-processed locations from this point.
            distArray[0] = 0;

            // Add first pixel as literal.
            AddSingleLiteralWithCostModel(bgra, colorCache, costModel, 0, useColorCache, 0.0f, costManagerCosts, distArray);

            for (int i = 1; i < pixCount; i++)
                float prevCost = costManagerCosts[i - 1];
                int   offset   = hashChain.FindOffset(i);
                int   len      = hashChain.FindLength(i);

                // Try adding the pixel as a literal.
                AddSingleLiteralWithCostModel(bgra, colorCache, costModel, i, useColorCache, prevCost, costManagerCosts, distArray);

                // If we are dealing with a non-literal.
                if (len >= 2)
                    if (offset != offsetPrev)
                        int code = DistanceToPlaneCode(xSize, offset);
                        offsetCost            = costModel.GetDistanceCost(code);
                        firstOffsetIsConstant = 1;
                        costManager.PushInterval(prevCost + offsetCost, i, len);
                        // Instead of considering all contributions from a pixel i by calling:
                        // costManager.PushInterval(prevCost + offsetCost, i, len);
                        // we optimize these contributions in case offsetCost stays the same
                        // for consecutive pixels. This describes a set of pixels similar to a
                        // previous set (e.g. constant color regions).
                        if (firstOffsetIsConstant != 0)
                            reach = i - 1 + lenPrev - 1;
                            firstOffsetIsConstant = 0;

                        if (i + len - 1 > reach)
                            int lenJ = 0;
                            int j;
                            for (j = i; j <= reach; j++)
                                int offsetJ = hashChain.FindOffset(j + 1);
                                lenJ = hashChain.FindLength(j + 1);
                                if (offsetJ != offset)
                                    lenJ = hashChain.FindLength(j);

                            // Update the cost at j - 1 and j.
                            costManager.UpdateCostAtIndex(j - 1, false);
                            costManager.UpdateCostAtIndex(j, false);

                            costManager.PushInterval(costManagerCosts[j - 1] + offsetCost, j, lenJ);
                            reach = j + lenJ - 1;

                costManager.UpdateCostAtIndex(i, true);
                offsetPrev = offset;
                lenPrev    = len;