private bool IsForContextSite(Asset asset)
      if (asset.Site == null)
        return true;

      foreach (var part in asset.Site.Split(new[] {'|'}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries))
        var siteWildcard = part.Trim().ToLowerInvariant();
        if (siteWildcard == "*" || Context.Site.Name.Equals(siteWildcard, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
          return true;
      return false;
Beispiel #2
    internal void Add(Asset requirement, bool preventAddToCache = false)
      lock (_items)
        if (requirement.AddOnceToken != null)
          if (this._items.Any(x => x.AddOnceToken != null && x.AddOnceToken == requirement.AddOnceToken))

        if (requirement.File != null)
          if (this._items.Any(x => x.File != null && x.File == requirement.File))

        if (!preventAddToCache)
          if (RenderingContext.Current != null)
            var rendering = RenderingContext.Current.Rendering;
            if (rendering != null && rendering.Caching.Cacheable)
              AssetRequirementList cachedRequirements;

              var renderingId = rendering.RenderingItem.ID;

              if (!this._seenRenderings.Contains(renderingId))
                cachedRequirements = new AssetRequirementList();
                cachedRequirements = _cache.Get(renderingId) ?? new AssetRequirementList();

              _cache.Set(renderingId, cachedRequirements);

        // Passed the checks, add the requirement.
Beispiel #3
    internal Asset CreateFromConfiguration(XmlNode node)
      var assetTypeString = XmlUtil.GetAttribute("type", node, null);
      var assetFile = XmlUtil.GetAttribute("file", node, null);
      var scriptLocationString = XmlUtil.GetAttribute("location", node, null);
      var innerValue = node.InnerXml;

      if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(assetTypeString))
        Log.Warn($"Invalid asset in GetPageRendering.AddAssets pipeline: {node.OuterXml}", this);
        return null;
      AssetType assetType;
      if (!Enum.TryParse(assetTypeString, true, out assetType))
        Log.Warn($"Invalid asset type in GetPageRendering.AddAssets pipeline: {node.OuterXml}", this);
        return null;

      ScriptLocation? scriptLocation = null;
      if (scriptLocationString != null)
        ScriptLocation location;
        if (!Enum.TryParse(scriptLocationString, true, out location))
          Log.Warn($"Invalid script location in GetPageRendering.AddAssets pipeline: {node.OuterXml}", this);
          return null;
        scriptLocation = location;

      Asset asset = null;
      if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(assetFile))
        if (scriptLocation.HasValue)
          asset = new Asset(assetType, assetFile, scriptLocation.Value);
          asset = new Asset(assetType, assetFile);
      else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(innerValue))
        if (scriptLocation.HasValue)
          asset = new Asset(assetType, null, inline: innerValue, addOnceToken: innerValue.GetHashCode().ToString(), location: scriptLocation.Value);
          asset = new Asset(assetType, null, inline: innerValue, addOnceToken: innerValue.GetHashCode().ToString());

      return asset;
Beispiel #4
    internal Asset CreateFromConfiguration(XmlNode node)
      var assetTypeString = XmlUtil.GetAttribute("type", node, null);
      var assetFile = XmlUtil.GetAttribute("file", node, null);
      var scriptLocationString = XmlUtil.GetAttribute("location", node, null);
      var site = XmlUtil.GetAttribute("site", node, null);
      var inlineValue = node.InnerXml;

      if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(assetTypeString))
        Log.Warn($"Invalid asset in GetPageRendering.AddAssets pipeline: {node.OuterXml}", this);
        return null;
      AssetType assetType;
      if (!Enum.TryParse(assetTypeString, true, out assetType))
        Log.Warn($"Invalid asset type in GetPageRendering.AddAssets pipeline: {node.OuterXml}", this);
        return null;

      var scriptLocation = ScriptLocation.Body;
      if (scriptLocationString != null)
        ScriptLocation location;
        if (!Enum.TryParse(scriptLocationString, true, out location))
          Log.Warn($"Invalid script location in GetPageRendering.AddAssets pipeline: {node.OuterXml}", this);
          return null;
        scriptLocation = location;

      Asset asset = null;
      if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(assetFile))
          asset = new Asset(assetType, scriptLocation, assetFile, site:site);
      else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(inlineValue))
          asset = new Asset(assetType, scriptLocation, inline:inlineValue, site:site);

      return asset;